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PA Players Ideas

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Well-known member
Mar 16, 2014
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Sting deletion.

As an retired player, I've felt like there was no like progression more than level for killing more mons in another spawn for what, praying to catch or loot something good in hours running in a spawn.
For me leveling should award atleast better dailies or better rewards from them.

A daily more than a simple log / boring task like kill x qty of Pokemons.
I feel like having a "chore" that's not needed 1-2hs to complete, and not a super pain to do atleast will keep more casuals, logging and playing daily.
Maybe a solo dungeon or pokemon horde waves arena with prob a mini boss at ends that rewards idk tokens for balls (not shitty ones) or coins.
A world boss or rotating boss in each region with fixated spawn each 2hs that rolls individually (so there is no raid complaints) a list of rewards or have a daily associated. Here we can have better bosses in areas for more player lvl.
Party content so there is more player interaction like master rod quest or the old meowth robot made players make parties to complete.
World missions that requires players to coop for idk buffs? little extra rates. Just a random idea 1 week to complete a wolrd task so next week we have a buff (faster spawns on x type, more exp x type, more catch x type?). Monthly could be a idea too, each month there is a world event that needs server effort to complete.
Idk if this could be implemented but we can have an ingame window that shows incoming events like these.

I know we have daily task and bosses arena but for the rewards and time that need to complete for me there was never a motivation to do and felt boring and super repetitive.
The only issue with these its that there are lots of "smurf accounts" that made all of this exploteable and i cant think how to regulate more than the typical 2 chars restriction or even ip restriction.
Pvp wise I've felt interested but the thing that we cant get nothing from it more than tourneys and money involvement to be competitive turns away people. Rankeds seems nice but team differences in players makes it kinda hard. An arena that gives you a random selection of pokes to build your team (random selection for each slot) then freely tm it to use in that arena or more win streak=possibility to tm your poke from a list. Idk how it now since I dont play so its just a brainfart idea.

So that all besos en la cola los tkm y estranio bai.
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Dec 5, 2012
Reaction score
Hey some ideas I had from the top of my head:

1) Embrace more duo / co-op game play. Extra exp/Catching bonus(party bonus) when you are hunting with a friend(s) might it a friendlier environment on PA.

2) Enhance daily quests to reflect the effort put in. Also Update quest rewards so players can have a sense of achievement.

3) Rework the Gym Leaders / E4 to add more of a story/difficulty to it. (like gameboy games) Of course rewards should be good too. Add 7-14 day cool down on rematch so that players can farm for cash.

4) Just make it easier to catch pokemon / get Tms. IMO just takes to long. I personally know friends that have stopped playing because the grind is to much and just rather do something with the limited time the have to play. The systems can use an overhaul.

5) Add more clear endgame goals. Either quest, major rewards for completing pokedex or maybe legendary trainer battles that are really hard like (Ash, Gary, Cynthia etc) are just some ideas.

Thank you for listening to us :)


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2017
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1.- Make legendary pokemons catchable/usable for a limited time.

My idea is that during the legendary raids a random player between the top 3 - 5 damagers receives a "Boss ball" that person will be able to throw the pokeball to the defeated boss with the possibility of catching it (Maybe 50/50% bc it will be time limited anyways).

- The ball goes directly to your backpack and can't be traded/ thrown to the floor.
Also a message appears on player's screen so he can know that he got the ball.

- In order to receive the ball the player must be at least lvl 120, if he's not, the ball will be given
to a random player between the other 2 - 4 top damagers and the next one on the top.
- The player who receives the ball cannot receive another from any boss for a certain amount of time. (Maybe a few days/ 1 - 3 weeks).
- If the player don't throw the ball before the defeated boss corpse dissapear, the ball will automatically break/throw.
+ Or: the player will have X amount of time to throw the ball, if he don't throw it, the ball will be given to another player.
(Of course excluding those who already got a boss ball recently)

If the ball fails:
- The next time that the player try to catch the same legendary he will have more possibilities of success.
(If the base rate it's 50/50% it becomes 65/35% ,75/25%, 85/15%, 100% or something else idk xd)

If the catch is successful:
- The legendary in question can be used for a limited time (1 day/week/month or until another raid of that legendary occurs).
- The legendary can't be traded/thrown.
- After the time limit, the legendary will escape and the ball will break.
- Legendaries will always be lvl 130 or 120 to at least enjoy leveling their last levels.

2.- Legendaries via memory cards held for ditto/shiny ditto.

I know that shiny ditto it's coming and maybe a remake of the system, but as the "Boss ball" idea mentioned above
are just ways that i tought to be able to use legendaries.
This one is simpler (or not).
- Memory card can be obtained via contests, events, raids or event some sort of voucher from one quest.
- The bosses will drop 1 memory card of theirselves (Not every time).
- The memory card will be considered loot of group A. (If they are reward from boss)
- Those memory card work as the mega stones like helds but only ditto/shiny ditto will be able to use them for example:
You see a Memory card: Celebi (Held item) It must be used on Ditto. You will have to equip the card like a held and activate it and ditto will transform.

- The player must finish all the ditto memory slot quest to be able to transform ditto.
+ Maybe another quest should be performed to let ditto transform into legendaries, one that involves something like killing X amount of pokes of every elemental types, delivering items such as seeds, plates, essences, etc to give them another use than just selling them.
And why not, looking for the legendaries at X zones in the map and beat them in a battle like duel in order to get more detailed info of the legendaries.

- The player can only have one ditto transformed into legendary at a time, just like megas.
- Ditto must be level 110 - 120 in order to transform.
- The transformation will last 3 hours and have a 6 hours cooldown as mega transformation. (Cooldown time could be higher and use lower since they are legendaries and a simple ditto shouldn't be able to copy them for a long time).

If anyone thinks of any other way to be able to use legendaries ingame I would appreciate if you write your idea.
The answer will always be no if we don't try to get a yes.


Feel free to give any reaction to this, i wont feel sad if u put a "haha".
These are just crazy ideas of a wild bulbasaur, greetings.

I've got another idea xd so ill write on this same post instead of making another reply.

3.- Post raid buffs.
I have noticed that a lot of players including me, after going to a raid just go to pvp or their houses and stay on there afk for a long time.
So I tought it would be nice to get buffs from bosses after defeating them for all the players who participated on the raid.
2 - 3 random buffs for everyone but the amount of buff would be different for each group of top damage dealers (A, B and C).
The buffs could be:
- Extra experience for player. (A= 20%, B= 15% and C=10%)
- Extra experience for pokemon. (A= 18%, B= 16% and C=14%)
- Extra loot rate. (A= 12%, B= 10% and C=8%)
- Extra catch rate. (A= 3%, B= 2% and C=1%)
- Extra resistances for pokemons. (A= 10%, B= 7% and C=5%)
- Extra damage for pokemons. (A= 8%, B= 6% and C=4%)
- Decreased Fishing cooldown. (A= 9%, B= 7% and C=5%)

These buffs can be stacked with extra rates from tickets.
These buffs would last 1 - 3 hours, % and type of buffs could be different.
These buffs will make the players want to play after raids and at the same time, make them participate at least only to get a buff.

If you don't want some people to make 0.1% damage and get the buffs you can put only buffs for people who deals at least 2 - 5% of damage or something like that.

4.- Npc for buffs.
It's something like the idea above, an npc which give you a specific or random buff.
You would need to complete a task and deliver items ot something else like daily tasks to unlock the buff.
Buffs would have different level of difficulty and you should complete 1 level to unlock the next one, for example:
- Experience [1] (5%) - Level up 5 times. Kill 1000 pokemons.
- Experience [2] (10%) - Level up 10 times. Kill 3,000 pokemons. You must unlock Experience [1] first.
- Experience [3] (15%) - Level up 15 times. Kill 5,000 pokemons. You must unlock Experience [2] and Loot [2] first.
- Loot [x](x%) - Give X item amount, Give X evolution stones and Give X TMs.
- Experience Poke [x](x%) - Level up a Rattata(or any other pokexD) lvl10 given by the npc to level 80, same but to 100 and same but to 130.
- Damage [x](x%) - Deal 10 millions of damage, 50 millions of damage and 100 millions.
- Resistance [x](x%) - Kill 1,000 pokemons of from an element that deals x2 damage to yours (example: 1,000 fire with a grass.), Kill 5,000 pkmn and 10,000.

Once you unlock them you can activate them for 10/25ttd and it have a duration of 2 hours, after the buff expire you should wait 12/14/16 (depends on the level) hours to activate it again.

NOTE: I've just noticed that you said ideas related to raid system aren't allowed and im sorry.
NOTE 2: Im sleepy and tired of editing this, but please don't delete it haha, maybe someone get a different idea from my ideas.
Instead, you can edit it and erase the parts related to raid system if you dont like them.
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Aug 31, 2011
Reaction score
For now I'll answer chosen posts, but firstly I wanna thank you everyone, who contributes!
Idea #1 Search Bar for in ur locker for pokemons o items
idea #2 Delete more Exhaust when u change pokemon from u team
idea #3 Use Potion to the pokemon of your team that are in the pokeball
idea #4 Throw pokeball faster for Big Respawn of pokemons
Thx u !
#1 Cannot manage function be used to look for pokemon?
#2 I think exhaust is good and shouldn't be changed
#3 Nope bro
#4 I could agree, but up to Jano

Padventures Factions

Level: 250 or 300+

When you reach level 250 you can join to one of the following teams:
  • Team Magma (Hoenn)
  • Team Aqua (Hoenn)
  • Team Plasma (Kanto)
  • Team Galactic (Johto)
In order to join a Team you Will need to complete a training quest (hard quest).

When you choose a team you must choose an alias to hide your identity. You can change the alias again every day.

Each team has a base (secret hideout) where you can perform various activities such as exclusive shops, private pokemon center, new missions and cloths.

To enter Factions Mode (PvP) you must equip your Team clothing. Once in this mode you Will not be able to get out til next 15 minutes, and you mustn’t be in combat to get out.

While you are in factions mode you get some bonuses (like extra speed, experience, loot, catch +1% and can be increased doing quests or leveling up your faction level) and the possibility of obtaining experience and faction points.

Your faction level Will determinate your influence in the team and you Will be able to unlock new missions as well as new outfits and rewards/bonus (Your faction level has nothing to do with your player’s level) You Will be able to get faction experience by completing faction quests and defeating wild pokemon in faction mode (PvP).

Faction Points are the reward you get for completing missions and raising your faction level. You can exchange them for items and more rewards as well as unlock new features (extra loot/exp/catch etc for faction mode).

When you are in faction mode you also enter PvP mode and you can be attacked by any other player who is also in faction mode and does not belong to your team. If you are defeated by another player you will lose experience and faction points (depends on the level difference and the players participating in the kill). The killer will steal your experience and faction points (for example steals 20-40% of your points). Also when you die you get an extra penalty like a fine etc (to avoid trade points).

There is a chance to leave from your team if the leader (NPC) is bribed with X diamonds (like 30-50). You will not be able to rejoin the same team for a minimum of 10 days.

From time to time private and global faction events will be triggered. Private events consist of raids inside the faction's headquarters (only members of the faction can join). Global events consist of bringing all 4 factions together to perform a competitive task and activate a faction reward upon completion (ie only 1 of them gets it). Among these events are for example stealing a valuable item that has been seen in a location (the location is broadcasted at the same time with a global message to members of all factions. You must be in faction mode in order to participate).

(EXTRA) Once a month there will be "The Fortress War". For 1 hour the barracks will be vulnerable and can be attacked and invaded by other factions. The objective is to defeat the head guards of the enemy fortress and place the guild flag on the top of the barracks. Faction members can choose to defend the faction or attack another faction. So, a faction can conquer up to a maximum of 3 fortresses in 1 hour. The rewards will be dropped by the final bosses (like legendary pokemon boss) as well as some points and experience among the participants and a global bonus if you conquer a fortress or if you defend yours successfully.

(EXTRA 2) Faction Quests. The player will be able to choose 1 of 3 available missions every 6 hours. The mission types are: capture X pokemon and deliver it, deliver X items, defeat X pokemon, defeat X players, ... These missions will have a random difficulty level and appropriate rewards.
I loved the idea! grookeyrich
I'll add it to our plans for 2022, hope we will manage to add it, of course with little re-work. Thanks!

I thought of ranks, but kind of different from yours, yet I find other things more important than that. It needs to have good plans and good limits to avoid abuses, maybe we'll be able to add it someday, we don't say no, because we ranks would be cool, someday when we'll be ready, we'll explain how rank system could be working here

add an npc to sell held items and more spawn chillumbreon
That was planned to be added along with guild system. We'll see how far we are from it after adding professions then we'll decide whether it needs to wait for guild system or we should add it earlier.

Alolan Box Quests
Similar to LoL Borders (everytime you level up your account, the color of the border changes) would be nice to have auras unlocked after reach lvl 130 for pokemons to keep using them a little bit further more
It was already rejected and I'll keep with this decision. Though, we'll add sinnoh box obtainable from golden tower.

Oh my god, they asked for my opinion! It's my turn to shine!

Okay, let's start with the brainstorm!


First, please use A LOT of common items, Seeds, Bones, Bug antenna, Stone Orbs. These are cool game-themed items, and they need to be more useful than just "Oh, I'm just going to sell some loot"
And when I say a lot it's something like "5~7k seeds" (Which I calculate to be not too low a value for older players, as well as not too high for new players.)

It would be interesting to create some craft for the forgotten "Bottle with a Message" (I just never found any use for it, and I imagine there is not
Every profession has crafting workshop, so obviously it will be necessary to "pay" with items.
Bottle with a message was supposed to be used for quest, that had to be created by Hohenheim, but since he left, it was suspended. We'll give it some use in future, don't worry

- Possibility to create an item that allows fishing in places without water, like a bucket (it would be fun to fish a Wailord from a bucket xD) {but it could be more realistic like creating a "crack" in rocks, or a "pit" in earth. where the water comes from.}
The item would last for a short time, and would disappear/need to be recharged.
I have to reject that

- Possibility of creating a "Fertilizer"(or flower perfume) that would make the respawn of grass (or bug) type pokes shorter, single use, medium duration.
- Possibility of create an item with the Sh Charm mechanic, for an Elder Venussaur (lvl 90~130) to appear for each dead Venu.
Which would introduce Elder Venu as a playable poke with a stupidly low chance, which is great for keeping the mechanic alive for a long time. (same for hidrologist with elder blas?)
Elder Venusaur, as well as Elder Blastoise were created for quest purposes and I don't think we are ever going to make them catchable. I don't see much sense in it, but who knows, if players want it and Jano agrees...

- Meh, boring profession. xD
- But it could create an item that would give a "type" on ball. A utility I always think of is something like "Cracked Ultra Ball", which would make the pokemon leave the ball with 30% health, allowing skills like "Torrent" and "Blaze" to work more efficiently.
Not that boring if it comes to benefits. I guess it's easier and better to create mini revives for ability purposes

- A "quest delivery" system, something like a map to be found or an X amount of pokemon to be defeated, which would give a random key (green, red or purple) making it possible to open those boxes that no one opens xD
(I don't know the game's numbers, but I imagine it's something that people don't buy from the diamond market)
It could be something cheap to build, just to create demand for the boxes
something similar exists in archeologist, daily chest to be digged out with reward detector. Keys are necessary to open such box, they can be crafted by archeologist ofc. (anyone can dig chest, regardless of profession)

- Possibility to give a boost (temporary or not) on the held "Comet Shard" or creation of a new held, which allows a chance to spawn a fossil pokemon from a mining.
This would give more dynamics to some older respawns. In addition to a way (rare and that wouldn't affect the game) to capture some of the fossil pokemon currently uncatchable (Rampardos, Tyrantrum, Carracosta....)
Sorry, but I have to reject also. Quests are the unique way to obtain those pokemons and It should stay that way. It will be possible to obtain part of fossil stones from daily chests (something i mentioned above)

- As some spoilers have been given that fighters will use lava surfing, one way to not add Sh Torkoal to the game at fixed respawn and add a sh to Magcargo and create a mechanic around them (perhaps other "lava/volcano" themed pokemons) is to craft a temporary fishing bait, that works only on lava.
Creating a demand for an item that is difficult to create and yet in good demand.
I like the idea of bait and I'll add it (unless Eudinho did earlier, as he's the one who created this profession)

Golden Tower

I want the Golden Tower to be a success, an absolute success, I loved the concept and especially the prizes, but we haven't had much information about it yet, so it's hard to create theories about it that don't go out of the way.
Make it hard, make it hard like leveling a low level poke in malie's grass respawn (with constant damage, but viable), but not unfair like Fly's respawn in Vermilion (where you take a 10k hit out of nowhere)
I don't find malie respawn being hard nor for low level pokemon. Golden Tower will probably be difficult in the beginning, but once you get used to it, later it won't be that challenging. The higher floor, the better rewards, the harder it becomes.

You will have to face stronger pokemon, pass through traps, and face boss in the end (golden rayquaza)

Golden Tower
Makes you have to manage resources more than hard, this is more complicated, but keeping a poke alive is more difficult. (maybe an idea is to enter with less pokemon? 3 would be more than enough for a 2 player team to have a good variety, maybe even 2)
Oh! And do not add more options to the Mega Voucher. PLEASE.
Give us more information about the Golden Tower! People demand! xD

PS.: I know it's not the purpose of the post, but adding Sh to the Ultra Wormhole can be a way to keep respawn alive for much longer. (as well as Frond Island)
There's a limit of pokemons to be used such as heals, limit of potions and revives and of course shedinja is forbidden.

I don't know what kind of information you expect bro. It's simple

on Golden Tower every player has 3 attempts daily, kind of stamina. 2 of them can be succesful. Each successful attempt gives 10 points. In case if 1 party member dies, but 2nd one is alive and manages to finish it - player who died receives 5 points. As long, as it is running, dead player isn't teleported to pokemon center, but follows party member as a ghost who cannot use pokemons and is immune to everything (can only watch)

Golden Tower has 4 floors. During the tests it was taking approx 15-20 minutes to finish, but it was without working traps so I suppose final timing might be 20-25 min max, for experienced players even less.

1st floor - It requires level 150 and is the easiest. It has small amount of rewards (14 + advancement to higher floor) and unique outfits - Luxray cosplay outfit for male, Ninetales cosplay outfit for female.

2nd floor - It requires level 185. It's not easy, but not very hard. It has 20 rewards + advancement to higher floor and unique outfits. Here wild pokemons are stronger than below and some traps might be more challenging.

3rd floor - It requires level 220. It's a bit hard. It has 29 rewards + advancement to final floor as well as unique outfits. Also here wild pokemons are stronger and traps are different.

4th floor - It requires level 260. It has 42 rewards. It is the hardest and most challenging one, it also has the best rewards, but it won't be easy to obtain them. It's for sure time consuming. Don't expect to get mega pokemon within 1-2 weeks. To reach this floor you need to advance from all 1st/2nd and 3rd floor, which will take a bit of time too.

In addition, there will be possibility to get Cherrubi Cake that gives +50% points on tower (2 attempts) as well as additional Victini's spawn. I forgot to mention that, right? So once you defeat final boss - golden rayquaza, you will be teleported to room with Victini(s), which you can kill and simply throw a ball on it. Special Ball. Obtainable only from golden tower.

If you have any questions related, feel free to ask.

Ah I forgot to mention. Along with golden tower there will be Ditto system change as well as Castform - which will receive new balance.

4th Charm Slot
An permanent charm slot could be added to the premium shop for x amount of points.
Any player who purchases can have a maximum of 4 active charms instead of 3.
I think this would be useful to improve the benefits when we go to hunting areas.
3 sloots are enough bro


Aug 31, 2011
Reaction score
1- Indirect Trade System: (different from the current one by Poke/Item market), for example: nowadays we have many problems with frustrated negotiations, since a good part of the players can not receive a "no" or an offer that does not satisfy them, then I remembered a trade system in a game I played and it worked as follows: I am selling an elder charizard, someone anonymously gave me an offer that would pay 1kk in cash + X item (any item to complete the value), another player offered me 1.5kk in pure cash + X item (any other item). I would accept the offer that satisfied me the most, without having to negotiate directly with the player in question.
Well, it's up to Jano, but that's not much related to game content. I know what you are talking about and I like the idea.

2- Boss rotation: In Tibia (I know the systems are different), we players have an extra motivation to stay online daily, which is exactly because we have a daily boss rotation with a cd of 18h between bosses. I think it would be interesting to have a system like this in PAdventures, where we could rotate bosses per day, with chances to drop some items, TM's or other stuffs.
I have quitted Tibia yet before they added preys (?) So I don't really know what you are talking about. Aren't raids enough?

3- Party Hunt System: I believe it could be an additional interaction between players and the need to hunt together with others, I do not know how this could be fitted into the game, but I believe the first step is to have the idea in mind.
Yes, we have it in mind, yet not in our priority list. We'll probably do such thing somewhere in between of other stuff

5- More random PVP tournaments: when there is a PvP tournament with random Pokemon, it is more exciting and fair than a tournament where people can use their Pokemon they already own, with their expensive and powerful Held they already own. Random PvP is more challenging and actually rewards the good player and not just a specific niche of players.
Yes, we will do it, but normal tournaments must happen too. Duelers spend lots of money (or time & effort) to obtain what they have, disallowing them to use their stuff isn't fair.

6- Changes in the PvP system: currently we don't see many duelists in the game, when you stop for a turn in PvP, what you see are always the same faces, which is discouraging. There could be significant changes in the game mechanics regarding Player vs Player.
I don't see a reason to change anything in Pvp system. You see the same faces, because they do what they like. Some people prefer exp, other catch.

12- More frequent (or permanent) Rate Increases: We hardly see players looking for captures and more levels these days. People tend to spend more time chatting in PvP or just logging into double rate events. I believe that having a permanent rate increase, especially in Player XP/Catches, would be another attraction. As well as calling more players back into the game in double-fare events. To get an idea, just look at the number of players in normal times (between 80~130 on the main server) and in double rate periods (200+ on the main server and 80+ on Platinum). If increasing player level rate, encouraging such players to pursue more achievements/players. Some may not like it, find it "too easy", however, for those who don't have much time to play or who are coming, higher XP/Catch rates are a big incentive.
Once per 1-2 months is enough. If you want higher rates then play on Platinum :)

7- Diversity in Events: I believe many players have been frustrated with the Christmas and Valentine's Day events. Both with the prizes and the mechanics. On Christmas we had an event that was given the spoiler with a few hours of release, and on Valentine's the same boring and tiresome mechanics of Halloween, which is to kill Unowns to get average prizes. Besides the event boxes containing bad and meaningless prizes, like TM Cases of all kinds (which could have been solved if they decreased it to, for example, TM Case 19-21, instead of 1-21).
What's wrong with spoiler few hours after event release? Too long waiting? you could have tried to solve it yourself just like other people did.

Unown event is the most liked event, this is why we repeat it. On this certain one you get a lot of rewards and yet you are complaining. Ridiculous.

Sting deletion.
Agreed 100%. Thanks for this brilliant suggestion

1.- Make legendary pokemons catchable/usable for a limited time.

My idea is that during the legendary raids a random player between the top 3 - 5 damagers receives a "Boss ball" that person will be able to throw the pokeball to the defeated boss with the possibility of catching it (Maybe 50/50% bc it will be time limited anyways).

- The ball goes directly to your backpack and can't be traded/ thrown to the floor.
Also a message appears on player's screen so he can know that he got the ball.

- In order to receive the ball the player must be at least lvl 120, if he's not, the ball will be given
to a random player between the other 2 - 4 top damagers and the next one on the top.
- The player who receives the ball cannot receive another from any boss for a certain amount of time. (Maybe a few days/ 1 - 3 weeks).
- If the player don't throw the ball before the defeated boss corpse dissapear, the ball will automatically break/throw.
+ Or: the player will have X amount of time to throw the ball, if he don't throw it, the ball will be given to another player.
(Of course excluding those who already got a boss ball recently)

If the ball fails:
- The next time that the player try to catch the same legendary he will have more possibilities of success.
(If the base rate it's 50/50% it becomes 65/35% ,75/25%, 85/15%, 100% or something else idk xd)

If the catch is successful:
- The legendary in question can be used for a limited time (1 day/week/month or until another raid of that legendary occurs).
- The legendary can't be traded/thrown.
- After the time limit, the legendary will escape and the ball will break.
- Legendaries will always be lvl 130 or 120 to at least enjoy leveling their last levels.
Such thing not gonna happen, but I can spoil that there will be diggable chests, as I mentioned in another post, from which you will be able to get part of djin's lamp. Once you colelct all parts you will be able to ask for a wish and thundurus will make it come true. One of the options will be to obtain (normally balanced, not absurdly strong as on raids) legendary pokemon for 24-48h - with high delay to use next to avoid rich people having it all the time
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New member
Sep 24, 2015
Reaction score
I have quitted Tibia yet before they added preys (?) So I don't really know what you are talking about. Aren't raids enough?
Well, no. They are different things. For the sake of comparison, since you have played Tibia, it works as follows: Raids in PAD are like Ferumbras or Morgaroth/Gaz'Haragoth/Ghazbaran/Orshabaal in Tibia. The bosses always or almost always drop something very rare of absurd value (for example, a Ferumbras Hat can be worth around 1kkk in Tibia) and their mechanics is simple, just kill them. The daily boss rotations, however, are not. There are bosses like Oberon, Scarlet and Drume, which require different mechanics to kill them, not just "attack and kill" and can drop items of great value, but not so absurd. Oberon for example, the most valuable of the "daily bosses" has its biggest drop estimated at 120kk in Tibia. And his drops are not certain or almost always certain, there are people who spend years and never drop the best things from him, but the fun is there, the chance of always being able to happen one day, in your daily rotation, to happen to you.

What's wrong with spoiler few hours after event release? Too long waiting? you could have tried to solve it yourself just like other people did.

Unown event is the most liked event, this is why we repeat it. On this certain one you get a lot of rewards and yet you are complaining. Ridiculous.
Well, the Unown event really is something I enjoy, but I believe it becomes tiresome with repetition. We don't even have six months since the Halloween event that took place in the same way and another one with the same theme has already been held. That is the point, not the event itself. For example, at Christmas we had a different dynamic and this was nice (what I mentioned about the spoiler being given with little time does not exclude the positive point of having your own identity for your event). About the issue of receiving rewards, I don't understand your point. If I receive rewards for my efforts, can I still complain about the way the event was run or even the awards? I believe that, as I said, many things could be solved with small changes, I even cited one of them in the Valentine Box case, where they could have changed the amount of TM's Case from 1-21 to 19-21, something simple that could have been a great point of change for many players. I, for example, did the event only once and was satisfied with a Kanto Box 4, but I know players who did it more than 5 times and only got TM Cases, and the worst possible ones.
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New member
Sep 24, 2015
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Some other ideas

Battle Pass: I believe that if it is not something to be done in "events" like easter, valentine's day, christmas or something like that, it could become something monthly, like in most games. It's a fun mechanic that brings a benefit to the game and to the players. Since it stimulates us to hunt or capture certain types of Pokemon, perform certain mechanics in the game...

PvP Season Random x Normal: I think that if they find a way to put in the game a mechanic similar to the games, where you enter a tower and get a random team to face random duelists in order to get prizes, it would be great to have a PvP Season Random, with global and server ranking where at the end of each period (some games do it per month, others every 3 months) the players would be rewarded according to their efforts spent to get those scores. I believe this would make players look for more dueling. When I say Random x Normal, it would be a way to have a ranking per season in dueling with Random Pokemon and a ranking per season with their own Pokemon, obtained with their efforts in game. Both with the same reward, of course, and can be obtained by the same player if a double win happens

Safari/National Park changes: it's been a while since I've seen any movement to and from these areas of the game, I think they are "forgotten" by players, maybe because of their current uselessness (?), so I believe a different mechanic implemented in these areas would bring something positive and more visits to them. An example related to the games: certain types of Pokemon that only appear in rainy days, snow, things like that. Exclusive Pokemon from Safari/National zones and maybe catches that don't involve fighting (?). I don't know how this would be applied to the game, but here are some suggestions.

Mega Evo: new Mega Evo in the game, for example Charizard Y, Mega Manectric, Mega Salamence, etc. I don't know if it is in your plans to implement these megas or more megas, but here's a reminder

Skills: EV's, IV's, Nature: I remember that in the games is focused on showing us that each Pokemon is unique, so each one has a different Effort Value, a different Individual Value, a different Nature, and this is very cool and interesting, it would be even more if it was applied in PAD. This would bring an extra motivation for players to try to capture more and more Pokemon, and of course move the market of buying and selling.

Contests: just like we talked about PvP, here we can't forget the Contests that used to take place in-game. I think it would be interesting if they could apply this directly to the game, I can't imagine how, but I believe that in this aspect the staff members are very creative and it would be an interesting idea to see in the game

Billy hatake

Well-known member
Oct 16, 2011
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I have a suggestion for new players.

There are currently 2 factors that make new players look for another game...
The factors are the price of diamonds and the speed of the character.

What do you think about the speed of the char lvl 10, having the same speed as a lvl 100 char? After this level I think it should be as it is now.

Another idea for new players to continue playing would be a reduction of diamonds for premium accont to first mounth, for example:

The staff must have a tool to know if x player is really new or not.
If the player is new to the game, the amount needed for premy accont would be 5 diamonds instead of 10 diamonds.
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Well-known member
Feb 5, 2012
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I have a suggestion for new players.

There are currently 2 factors that make new players look for another game...
The factors are the price of diamonds and the speed of the character.

What do you think about the speed of the char lvl 10, having the same speed as a lvl 100 char? After this level I think it should be as it is now.

Another idea for new players to continue playing would be a reduction of diamonds for premium accont to first mounth, for example:

The staff must have a tool to know if x player is really new or not.
If the player is new to the game, the amount needed for premy accont would be 5 diamonds instead of 10 diamonds.

These ideas are not going to benefit me in any way, I'm just thinking about growing the community.
Speed of low level characters should definitely be increased. It is such a huge turn-off for new players, every low level person i know complained of it.


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2012
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-Cloned Island Quest
-Npc to sell helds
-Improve autoloot loading when having a lot of items
-Held for skill cooldown reduction
-Add exclusive outfits in pass
-Item to change the pokémon's gender (except those with fixed genders)
-The healing pokemon, when used the heal move it heals the floor itself too (thus being able to heal the character in case of block)
-Daily events with limited exp/catch/loot time on pokemons of a certain element type, example: day 26 from 03pm to 06pm dark pokemons give more exp
-Item stack over 100+
-Make one "case" just to put baits, this would help a lot in the organization and make it a lot easier now that many people are fishing


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2014
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So as you have in mind adding a party hunt system, I asked some people and we thought this:

When you're in party mode with someone killing any respawn, stronger pokemon will occasionally appear in that respawn and will grant more exp (could be 40-70%+ splited according to dmg), extra loot % (like +25% and all members participating get loot) and extra catch for those pokemon (+15-30%). Maybe 5-20% spawn chance.
You don't need to use new sprites to distinguish these pokes, as we have aura system you can use them with stronger pokemon and say something like "Strong Sunflora" in the wild name.
If you catch this poke it won't be stronger, it will be normal.

Also add another type that is for example "Elite Sunflora" or "Alpha Sunflora" with a very low probability, could be a mini boss (stronger) that gives a lot of exp, loot... (the equivalent of killing the poke 20 or 40 times perhaps) and extra catch something like x2/x3 on rate.

The system can also work with cloned and shiny pokemon.

The way they appear could be like shiny pokes do or even the shiny charm, right after any poke died.

Depending on how many people are in the party and how many are in the respawn, the pokes can be even stronger and give more exp, loot etc. Or increase spawn chance of stronger pokes. Adding a maximum of 6-8 people ofc
So for example there are 5 people in party but 3 of them killed 1 espeon, there will be a chance to spawn strong/alpha espeon for 3 players.
Of course, if you are in party but killing solo, strong pokemon won't appear.

(EXTRA) The party can be leveled up (when you create a party it has level 1) and every X levels all members unlock bonuses such as catch + 1% at lvl 10, loot + 3% at lvl 20, etc. Party experience is obtained killing any pokemon.

(EXTRA 2) After professions, people with diferent professions can grant extra bonus for party. (X profession + Y profession)
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Active member
Sep 1, 2020
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add that in the master rod you can use 3 baits this would help a lot those who spend all day fishing or add another rod with the aforementioned function that can be achieved through the level of fishing you have or by achievement, I also suggest that 3 helds can be used in the pokemons or only in a pokemon, 2 held item of support and one of attack / defense maybe I don't know xd


Community Managers
Staff member
Apr 17, 2014
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Gliwice, Poland
I would just suggest to rework those "events" in PvP for example PokeHunt or PvP Tournament. They are always canceled because nobody wants to participate in it due to lack of benefits (no rewards etc.) Maybe it would be a good idea and during the day players would have some fun. I am just not sure how it could work - maybe some new kind of tokens with the possibility of rewards exchange?

Zombi TR

Active member
May 10, 2014
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1 - ) Event Pokémon Scooby Doo will be have a Original Portrait.





2 - ) NPC Santiago for can be add some new Pokémons. (Buneary, Bunnelby, Lotad, Budew, Petilil, Cottonee, Purrloin, Yungoos, Pawniard etc.)

3 - ) Active Charm's is not enough. Will be 5 or 4.

4 - ) Exp Share (Held) - Will be like Nintendo. Holding the items Pokémon gained half of experience in pokéball. (Will be 20+- Limited Level)

5 - ) More Free Lottery. (Little gifts.)

6 - ) Online Rewards. Everyday online time for rewards.

Example :

15 Minutes : 10x Empty Random Pokéball (Poké, Great, Super, Ultra)
30 Minutes : 100x Random Potions (Small, Great, Ultra, Hyper)
1 Hours : 100x Empty Ultra Ball
2 Hours : Random Evolution Stone
3 Hours : 1x Daily Reward Token

New NPC for change Daily Reward Token. Great Prizes, Can be improvent. (Daily Reward Token cannot be sell or trade or drop.)

7 -
Pokémon Caught Animations Should be extented.

Every Balls will be like
PokéBall. Long and Sweet. :D Seen on Automatic Screenshots too.

Example Video.

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Active member
Oct 28, 2011
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1- Indirect Trade System: (different from the current one by Poke/Item market), for example: nowadays we have many problems with frustrated negotiations, since a good part of the players can not receive a "no" or an offer that does not satisfy them, then I remembered a trade system in a game I played and it worked as follows: I am selling an elder charizard, someone anonymously gave me an offer that would pay 1kk in cash + X item (any item to complete the value), another player offered me 1.5kk in pure cash + X item (any other item). I would accept the offer that satisfied me the most, without having to negotiate directly with the player in question.

2- Boss rotation: In Tibia (I know the systems are different), we players have an extra motivation to stay online daily, which is exactly because we have a daily boss rotation with a cd of 18h between bosses. I think it would be interesting to have a system like this in PAdventures, where we could rotate bosses per day, with chances to drop some items, TM's or other stuffs.

3- Party Hunt System: I believe it could be an additional interaction between players and the need to hunt together with others, I do not know how this could be fitted into the game, but I believe the first step is to have the idea in mind.

4- Staff Expansion: I see that many times some plans are frustrated, delayed or canceled because the staff does not keep the game as an obligation (which are right) and in my view, have a reduced number of people in the contingent. My suggestion for this would be to look for new members, or people who can do a rewarded "freelance". I am sure that among the PAD players, certainly some or several know how to make maps, edit, among other things. And I believe that if the Staff would ask and reward such players for some achievements, the community would not be angry. Example: a player that made the Sinnoh, Unova and Kalos maps, be rewarded with a Shiny of his choice, or a player that reworked an X amount of Pokemon also be rewarded, another player that worked on 20 different quests and so on.

5- More random PVP tournaments: when there is a PvP tournament with random Pokemon, it is more exciting and fair than a tournament where people can use their Pokemon they already own, with their expensive and powerful Held they already own. Random PvP is more challenging and actually rewards the good player and not just a specific niche of players.

6- Changes in the PvP system: currently we don't see many duelists in the game, when you stop for a turn in PvP, what you see are always the same faces, which is discouraging. There could be significant changes in the game mechanics regarding Player vs Player.

7- Diversity in Events: I believe many players have been frustrated with the Christmas and Valentine's Day events. Both with the prizes and the mechanics. On Christmas we had an event that was given the spoiler with a few hours of release, and on Valentine's the same boring and tiresome mechanics of Halloween, which is to kill Unowns to get average prizes. Besides the event boxes containing bad and meaningless prizes, like TM Cases of all kinds (which could have been solved if they decreased it to, for example, TM Case 19-21, instead of 1-21).

8- New Quests and Rework on Old Quests: I believe that there is no player who is satisfied with the quests in the game and the awards we get in such places. What player in his or her right mind will spend hours and lose patience to receive a TM Case 12 in an absurdly difficult quest? Or will do all the mechanics in a quest like Aga's Hell? I believe that both could have new quests with rewards consistent with their difficulty and also new rewards for the old ones, where the players who have already completed them, could do them again. Another example is the Master Rod Quest, which requires patience and an absurd amount of time for a reward that changes nothing if you do not have a Meowth Bait, since the difference between Ultra and Master Rod basically changes if you have a bait, otherwise, there is no difference. Speaking of which, why can't we have the chance to drop a Meowth Bait from a boss that, oddly enough, is Meowth, in Master Rod? I believe it would be an incentive for players to do the quest, even if the percentage of drop is lower.

9- New (and fair) awards for Catch, Level and Account Time: I believe that this is also another unanimity in relation to players, since what motivation does a player have to reach level 300, for example, and win a Johto 4 box? Or an old player, with his 10 year old account, receiving a Mega Voucher (that if used, becomes non-transferable, besides only being able to use one per account) at level 250? Or the motivation of a player to have more than 600 Catch and receive average prizes, in the face of such difficulty? I believe that some adjustments in these issues would be an excellent way to reward good players, who dedicate themselves in game, either to get good levels or many catches. Or even those who have been dedicated to the game for a long time, with accounts since the beginning.

10- Card System: New Pokémon drops and achievements: We could have new Pokemon dropping cards of several levels, mainly Very Rare Card. And, who knows, the introduction of new Tier Cards, like Legendary Cards, Mythic Cards, Pseudo-Lendary Cards, among others. Accompanied by better and more instigating rewards so that we can run after these awards.

11- Incentive Systems for New Players: Nowadays there is not much attraction for those who start the game. If there is a simple research, without being based on opinion, but with old players and known faces in the game, we can see that little is seen new faces in the game. When we do, it is someone who comes, asks a question and never logs back. Or someone who spends one or two weeks playing and loses total interest. I believe a greater focus on who is arriving, with good rewards and incentives, would bring a good amount of new players to the server, either with possibilities of catches increased to a certain level, lower prices for buying and higher for selling, a lower difficulty to get certain things (since the game is nothing more than a hobby for all of us, not a focus on making money and spending anger)

12- More frequent (or permanent) Rate Increases: We hardly see players looking for captures and more levels these days. People tend to spend more time chatting in PvP or just logging into double rate events. I believe that having a permanent rate increase, especially in Player XP/Catches, would be another attraction. As well as calling more players back into the game in double-fare events. To get an idea, just look at the number of players in normal times (between 80~130 on the main server) and in double rate periods (200+ on the main server and 80+ on Platinum). If increasing player level rate, encouraging such players to pursue more achievements/players. Some may not like it, find it "too easy", however, for those who don't have much time to play or who are coming, higher XP/Catch rates are a big incentive.

Well, these are some ideas that I can propose at the moment. I have a few others and, if they are well-received, I can present them at another time. I believe that we can increase the Lore of the game and bring new and more players to it, that it is possible that the game will have a large number of players attending, both the old ones returning and the new ones. In addition to, of course, with all this, the game's internal market is rotating (since the market is very still even on a server like Diamond, among other benefits.
I totally agree on the points.
- 1. Indirect Trade System: I see it as very necessary, today there are many "high" price offers and someone may be interested for less, to this I would add an item or pokemon auction system.

- 4. Staff Expansion: Have you seen the implementation of new addons but have you tried to make a call for someone to make maps or quests? It would be a very good idea.

- 7. Diversity in Events: I think that is also very necessary, remember the events of Jynx in rock, paper or scissors from years ago? It is necessary that the events are perhaps a little more difficult and the rewards (in case of new pokes) are difficult to get out because the events are very easy and, like obtaining the event pokes, their price is little, the The player must feel that he got something that the others do not have, but that after two months there will NOT be a respawn of that pokemon, they should stay at that, "Event Pokemon".
I would also add a PvP event by score that is once a month or maybe two, where it is by rounds and poke lvl, not by direct elimination.
Maybe some event in CASINO, like when they put the jackpot, the event can consist of jackpot x5 (example) or something similar.

-8. New Quests and Rework on Old Quests: I would add some quests to do in large groups where you have to communicate so that everything goes well or with some mechanics, quests that are a little more difficult.

Note: They should update the Quest section on the page and put the name of the EXISTING and COMPLETE quests.

- 11. Incentive Systems for New Players. To a certain extent I agree with this, new players need a little more help, they could add some quest like before, where he captured his initials (so he would feel the game a little more).
I also think that it should follow the FB referral system (which I don't know if it still exists) or the normal referral system with other types of rewards and that when the new player reaches "X" lvl, the player who referred them is rewarded.

- I'd add one more. The CASINO should also be given a rework, perhaps adding more rewards like in gameboy games, some TM Case, Balls, Tickets, blackjack or roulette could return.

- It is also necessary to finish Alola and some missions, add rewards for doing the other gyms that are not kanto or johto, maybe some specific card market, add "strong a" in pokemon description
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Dec 5, 2012
Reaction score
Once per 1-2 months is enough. If you want higher rates then play on Platinum :)
This is the mind set that will keep this game without new players / returning players. No offense to you but it takes to long to catch and no ones trying to sit around for months trying for one poke. Players will just move on to something else like league or w.e is new.

Such thing not gonna happen, but I can spoil that there will be diggable chests, as I mentioned in another post, from which you will be able to get part of djin's lamp. Once you colelct all parts you will be able to ask for a wish and thundurus will make it come true. One of the options will be to obtain (normally balanced, not absurdly strong as on raids) legendary pokemon for 24-48h - with high delay to use next to avoid rich people having it all the time
Why would have have some legends / mythical but not all? Already have the tapus, shaymin and others but not mew, and legendary birds. Its a bit odd. The original legendary pokes are what ppl remember the most. :unsure:
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