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Terms and rules

1. It’s forbidden to disrespect towards any staff member and other forum users.

2. It’s forbidden to spread Racist/Drugs Related/Sexually Related Contents. Also relates to pictures, avatars, signatures .

3. Before creating new thread/report, check if it isn’t already available. (use ‘search’ option).

4. It’s forbidden to advertise other Games/Servers.

5. It’s forbidden to bump very old threads.

6. You are allowed to bump your thread Once a day.

7. You are allowed to use ONLY English language. The only exceptions are Native Chatboards and Support threads.

8. It’s forbidden to impersonate any staff member.

9. It’s forbidden to make spam. (there’s spam thread if you need to increase number of your posts.) [Needed to send PM to any Admin].

10. It’s forbidden to make Offtopic Statement.

11. It’s forbidden to use signatures bigger than 800x400 pixels. You are not allowed to use signatures which are unsuitable. (Racist/Drugs/Sexually Related) [Each Moderator has rights to Edit or Delete your signture, putting the same sign = Banishment].

12. Any kind of Abusive Offensive Statement can be made into a Banishment in the Game.

13. Only the thread owner can ask for change the thread name.

14. It’s forbidden to use more than ONE forum account.

15. You should not use big letters if it is no needed. Forum users are not blind for sure and if they are we believe they wear glasses. You won't attend yourself this way

16. It’s forbidden to post download links. (does not include GM+)
