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[CURRENT] Held Items - Disccussion/Suggestions

in my opinion there are some items on hold that should be of support for example:
Big root(held), my argument is based on the fact that heal type pokemon we normally use them to get ready only not to level them up so we use them only as support, therefore if there is a held that serves as a percentage of cure it should be support.

and that would provide the full complement to the hold of a poke cure example:

22:20 You see a discharged pink pokeball.
Blissey [130] [F] [+ 5 addons]
Ability: Natural Cure
Items: Lucky Punch, (Big root)
TM: Reflect
TM: Rain Dance

it would be perfect
On the other hand it would be good as well as it would be good that the Life orb (held), you can use at least 2 per player given that it is one of the most used.

It is the ideal complement for weak pokes, that's why my suggestion
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Exp share held is completely useless as it is right now. Maybe doing something more similar to the original games (previous generations) would work better.. could be 20% of xp going to the holder so its not abusable
I would like to suggest increasing cd of the held destiny knot to 1min like soda pop cuz now I think is too strong because the user of this held wont receive dmg from a move every 20 segs.

Also, I would like to talk about ring target, now this held steals any held from the enemy poke in less than 3 segs when the user uses target, so my suggestion is that this held only should have the opportunity to steal at the moment that the user joins to the battle with the same % that now it has.
Well, is just a suggestion but anyway now the function of this held isnt normal and needs a rework because this held steals another held rly fast.
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i think destiny knot 35 SEG ITS OKAY...

there exist other held is HEART SCALE that do the but coldown is so high for that held i think 1 min its okay cause it have 100% CHANCE to ATTRACT

I think that it is not healthy as a player to post objects that he does not use and that play against him in duels

but what he uses and is unbalanced (as it were) does not post it

i think destiny knot 35 SEG ITS OKAY...

there exist other held is HEART SCALE that do the but coldown is so high for that held i think 1 min its okay cause it have 100% CHANCE to ATTRACT

I think that it is not healthy as a player to post objects that he does not use and that play against him in duels

but what he uses and is unbalanced (as it were) does not post it


I've tested destiny knot and it works like it has 100% chance and not like 30% (yeah works in every move, never fails), for this reason it seems reasonable 1 min, if someone thinks that im liying, just can test that held.
And Idk what you are refering, I use ring target and I know it needs a rework.

Regards :)
For me "destiny knot" should have the CD of the movement with the longest duration in this case it is 50 seconds is the most fair thing in my opinion, they should also fix the problem with attacks by stacks like "shadow sneak" that none of the attacks does damage
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I've tested destiny knot and it works like it has 100% chance and not like 30% (yeah works in every move, never fails), for this reason it seems reasonable 1 min, if someone thinks that im liying, just can test that held.
And Idk what you are refering, I use ring target and I know it needs a rework.

Regards :)

It doesn't work 100% as Caxo wrote, sometimes take several moves for the trigger, if you don't believe me I can record and show you, but meanwhile that we are talking about helds, why you don't write anything about wise glasses that's always work, it can't be disabled with item urge as every held, and the only counter is thief, that is OP, not wool ball
It doesn't work 100% as Caxo wrote, sometimes take several moves for the trigger, if you don't believe me I can record and show you, but meanwhile that we are talking about helds, why you don't write anything about wise glasses that's always work, it can't be disabled with item urge as every held, and the only counter is thief, that is OP, not wool ball

We would like to watch that record,anyway if you're right that "sometimes" this held doesnt work, come on, it will happen 1/100, I Invite players to test it.
About Wise glasses, I told that this held keep balance in pvp against item because if wise glasses is canceled by item urge, many people would have 6 item urge on team and we know that item urge is easy to get,also I can assure that nobody use more than 2 in pvp,something that doesnt happen with destiny knot(the most bought right now).

Ps:And what Aenir said is true, destiny knot cancels the entire dmg from a move, for example can cancel every hit from rain dance/terrain moves, but with increasing its cd would be ok.
It doesn't work 100% as Caxo wrote, sometimes take several moves for the trigger, if you don't believe me I can record and show you, but meanwhile that we are talking about helds, why you don't write anything about wise glasses that's always work, it can't be disabled with item urge as every held, and the only counter is thief, that is OP, not wool ball

You have 12 chances to use the "held item", 10 of the movements and two of the "TM"
Imagine the following, I use rain dance with a 50 second CD, but the destiny knot will be ready before my attack has the CDs again. you are removing damage, DPS, and unintentionally getting more HP

@wise glases
Regarding the "wise glasses" there is a mechanism, but no one has suggested a buff to the held (Shoad Shell), perhaps specifically with the skill swap, and wish, because false swipe is very random, instead with "wish and skill swap "you know what movements you will have.
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I would like to suggest increasing cd of the held destiny knot to 1min like soda pop cuz now I think is too strong because the user of this held wont receive dmg from a move every 20 segs.

Also, I would like to talk about ring target, now this held steals any held from the enemy poke in less than 3 segs when the user uses target, so my suggestion is that this held only should have the opportunity to steal at the moment that the user joins to the battle with the same % that now it has.
Well, is just a suggestion but anyway now the function of this held isnt normal and needs a rework because this held steals another held rly fast.

About the ring target, I think the best option would be for it to have a 35s cd with the same probability of the "thief" movement if it does not manage to steal the opponent held item, it will be restarted, and may have another chanse to do so.
its all thanks and regards.

PS: please, agree some notification when it fail/success
You have 12 chances to use the "held item", 10 of the movements and two of the "TM"
Imagine the following, I use rain dance with a 50 second CD, but the destiny knot will be ready before my attack has the CDs again. you are removing damage, DPS, and unintentionally getting more HP

@wise glases
Regarding the "wise glasses" there is a mechanism, but no one has suggested a buff to the held (Shoad Shell), perhaps specifically with the skill swap, and wish, because false swipe is very random, instead with "wish and skill swap "you know what movements you will have.

Movement will automatically fail against the Pokémon that is how works attract
It is logical how you are going to hurt someone who attracts you, this is how it works you can search it
ALSO you can use the TM ATTRACT and it works like destiny knot if u use it in the perfect moment. one example is when the enemy use rain dance .... come on guysssss
Movement will automatically fail against the Pokémon that is how works attract
It is logical how you are going to hurt someone who attracts you, this is how it works you can search it
ALSO you can use the TM ATTRACT and it works like destiny knot if u use it in the perfect moment. one example is when the enemy use rain dance .... come on guysssss

Lol, Not even We are 100% sure if it should work as now because the word "attract" doesnt mean to cancel dmg from the entire move XD.
Anyway Im not suggesting to change how it works because would be too much, I just suggest to increase cd of this held.
Bah, this is my last comment, I wont say anymore about it.

Ps: I will be eating pop corn when completely all the players starts to use it.:)

Edited: IMO , shoad shell with 20% of chance would be fine. If it has 30%, it wont never fails.
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I do agree with Caxoxd.

even though Destiny Knot has 30% chance, effect triggers MOST of the time. And because of the low cooldown, sometimes you don't hit with 2 different moves, which is too much in my opinion.

cd should definitely be increased.
Hi :) ...

Wise glases its ok. Is hard item to get and isn't op that just increase duration of a move who is random.

Agree with Zecao, maybe need buff the held who cancel moves like false swipe, wish , etc... Instead 10% to "30%" like destiny knot.

About Destiny knot... Yes is op and the main problem isnt block a entire move, for me thats ok, the main problem is the cd, is like curse body every 20-25s in case of the 30% fail to trigger.

So my suggest is increase the cd to 45-50s.

And lets avoid turn this in a fight and lets wait for a reply.

And please be objective in the comments.

Its all for me. Thanks :*
Hi :) ...

Wise glases its ok. Is hard item to get and isn't op that just increase duration of a move who is random.

Agree with Zecao, maybe need buff the held who cancel moves like false swipe, wish , etc... Instead 10% to "30%" like destiny knot.

About Destiny knot... Yes is op and the main problem isnt block a entire move, for me thats ok, the main problem is the cd, is like curse body every 20-25s in case of the 30% fail to trigger.

So my suggest is increase the cd to 45-50s.

And lets avoid turn this in a fight and lets wait for a reply.

And please be objective in the comments.

Its all for me. Thanks :*

or it would also be great if your cd is depending on the movement you block

but for me 35 SEG CD its okay
Shoad Shell - Has 10% chance to block moves: Skill Swap, After You, Me First and Mind Reader.

Its possible to add Wish?
I realized that ability capsule is considered as support item, so I think it shouldnt be considered as support item because easily a poke can use smart candy or other + ability capsule in pvp.

Bump this, would be possible to change this before tournament?. I think now that pokes have better abilities and this held would make op some pokes.
Also, would be a good change for pve cuz you can use it + roto exp or another that is really a support held.
I don't know where to report helds bug but here we go.
Black Sludge (held) doesnt work in Shiny Drapion, but it works in normal version.