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I don't know where to report helds bug but here we go.
Black Sludge (held) doesnt work in Shiny Drapion, but it works in normal version.
it should after restart
I don't know where to report helds bug but here we go.
Black Sludge (held) doesnt work in Shiny Drapion, but it works in normal version.
Hi, how are you? I would like to make a suggestion about the amulet coin. A system could be implemented, in which, for example, if we join 100 lucky medallions, go to an NPC and brew an amulet coin.
yes and if we catch 100 charmanders we get cloned charizard
Same as many other pokemon with poison point as ability (Nidoqueen - King)
Aconitum Held: there is a problem with this held, when using it in Breelom with ability (Poison Heal) the poison keeps causing damage, instead of healing the damage, it should work and synergize between held and ability
Hello PAd Community!
This post is regarding the held item: Choice Scarf
I would like to report the following:
I believe the formula when activating this item only consider the one type when the pokemon is of dual-type. I've been using this Held a lot and sometimes it helps ME but other times it helps MY OPPONENT.
For instance:
once I got Steelix (mine) vs Primeape (opponent); or
I got Golurk and my opponent got Gardevoir.
I would like to know if this held item does consider both types when pokemon has dual-type. If not, please fix it to consider both type
I would like to suggest increasing cd of the held destiny knot to 1min like soda pop cuz now I think is too strong because the user of this held wont receive dmg from a move every 20 segs.
Talk about: Weakness Policy.
18:01 You see a Weakness Policy.
Pokemon held item.
Actually Ability:
Increases damage by 10% during 10 seconds if hit by rain category moves.
How should it work:
Weakness Policy should activate, once the item's carrier is hit by a super effective attack, after this happens, its ability will activate:
Weakness Policy: give 10% boost damage and 10% boost damage reduction.
Cooldown: 5 minutes
Max Carry: 1 (like life orb)
Item urge Cancel this held.
how will change the meta game of duels?
Pokemons that have a lot of weakness like (abomasnow/tyranitar) can use this held how a offensive/defensive boost.
I realized that ability capsule is considered as support item, so I think it shouldnt be considered as support item because easily a poke can use smart candy or other + ability capsule in pvp.
Aconitum Held: there is a problem with this held, when using it in Breelom with ability (Poison Heal) the poison keeps causing damage, instead of healing the damage, it should work and synergize between held and ability
Bump, this way people wouldnt complain about why a Mega evoultion has more abilities.
Bump this too.
Maybe this can sound a little crazy but Also I would like to suggest that the held "Black Sludge" can be equipable in Gliscor and Breloom because its ability that is poison heal. Maybe in this way people will use more it in pvp?
Good day, i would like to reconsider the shiny charm (held item) effect, today i spend a little more of 4 hours and it only took effect once, considering it is a very rare item, personally, i think its effect should be enhanced. Please take into account meowth bait not only fishes shiny pokemon (even two at the same time) in less than 3 minutes, but also fishes rare pokemon and mega evolutions. This is an item a lot of people got via bait box, shiny charm on the other hand is a very rare item not a lot of players have, dropped only by shinny celebi, and its effect makes its effect very rarely. In this last event (shiny appearance x2) the shiny amulet worked a little better, i would like you to consider making shiny charm have the same rate as the event. Thank you for your time