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What is missing on the high level experience? [SUGGESTIONS THREAD]

Tuca Strike

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Jan 12, 2011
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I see... I would like to get anything when lvling up pokes to 130... because once we reached that, the poke will be in depot forever (instead used for duels, but I don't do duels). I think something similar to Hala quest asking you to exp the starter alolan poke to 130 to get at least revives, hyper potions, ultra balls... something to keep trying to exp those pokes.

Also, give us some tasks that require to use certain pokemon, eg. Kill 200 sudowoodo's with Primarina.


currently I'm motivated to get many pokemons as possible at lvl 130, so once I finish this goal, I won't have anything to do :(

I agree, but we already have killing tasks, why not some dueling tasks? Win duels against players and/or NPCs. If you use some randomly selected pokemon you will win 5x more rewards, but include a cooldoown of months so players just dont simply share pokemon in this system.

I am a player who avoids to use level 130 pokemons for hunting because I prefer to level up another different poke. There is a huge amount of pokes in game, so another idea, in Ragnarok when you reach max level you can reborn once, so you start over on the minimum level but with something that makes you stronger. Maybe we could reborn a few number of our favorite pokemon, give then an aura haha.


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May 30, 2017
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Even though I have Exams in rl and wanted to wait until next week to post my opinion, I cannot concentrate myself because I have the urge to express myself in this matter.

Karl already suggested one of the ideas I had, I would still like to make the suggestion the way I thought it.


First suggestion:

First of all, I am glad to read that Raissa already has in plans daily reward.
3. Fishing system change is scheduled for this month along with daily login rewards and finishing quests of 3rd alolan island

Although I am not so sure how you are planning this “system”, I will give a suggestion on how it could work (based on Tibia ofc).
In Tibia there are 7 different rewards, one per day of the week. All rewards that are considered as supplies do not disappear. All other rewards disappear after 7 days.
Furthermore, rewards are also influenced by the level.
My suggestions for rewards and bonus are the following:
This could work in a way, that you “unlock” new rewards the more level you are.

Day 1.
Rewards for level 1-50: Choosing between 10 great balls, 10 great potions, or 10 Revives
Rewards for level 51-100: same rewards for 1 – 50; PLUS: 10 super balls , 10 super potions
Rewards for level 100-150: same rewards for 51-100; PLUS: 10 ultra balls, 10 ultra potions
Rewards for level 150-200: same rewards for 100- 150; PLUS: 10 Hyper potions
Rewards for level 200-300: same rewards for 150- 200; PLUS: 10 rocket balls
Rewards for level 300+: same rewards for 200-300; PLUS: 5 sports balls.

Day 2. (same)
Rewards for level 1-50: Choosing between 10 great balls, 10 great potions, or 10 Revives
Rewards for level 51-100: same rewards for 1 – 50; PLUS: 10 super balls , 10 super potions
Rewards for level 100-150: same rewards for 51-100; PLUS: 10 ultra balls, 10 ultra potions
Rewards for level 150-200: same rewards for 100- 150; PLUS: 10 Hyper potions
Rewards for level 200-300: same rewards for 150- 200; PLUS: 10 rocket balls
Rewards for level 300+: same rewards for 200-300; PLUS: 5 sports balls.

Day 3.
Rewards for level 1-50: Choosing between 25 great balls, 25 great potions, or 15 Revives
Rewards for level 51-100: same rewards for 1 – 50; PLUS: 25 super balls , 25 super potions
Rewards for level 100-150: same rewards for 51-100; PLUS: 25 ultra balls, 25 ultra potions
Rewards for level 150-200: same rewards for 100- 150; PLUS: 25 Hyper potions
Rewards for level 200-300: same rewards for 150- 200; PLUS: 20 rocket balls
Rewards for level 300+: same rewards for 200-300; PLUS: 10 sports balls.

Day 4.
For premium accounts: 1-hour 50% loot boost ticket.
For free accounts: 30 minutes 50% loot boost ticket.
*For players level 200+ double of time on tickets
Tickets would disappear after 7 days.

Day 5.
For premium accounts: 1-hour 50% pokemon experience ticket.
For free accounts: 30 minutes 50% pokemon experience ticket.
*For players level 200+ double of time on tickets
Tickets would disappear after 7 days.

Day 6.
For premium accounts: 1-hour 50% experience ticket.
For free accounts: 30 minutes 50% experience ticket.
*For players level 200+ double of time on tickets
Tickets would disappear after 7 days.

Day 7.
For premium accounts: 1-hour 50% catch boost ticket.
For free accounts: 30 minutes 50% catch boost.
*For players level 200+ double of time on tickets
Tickets would disappear after 7 days.


In Tibia, there is also a daily bonus. The trick is, that for you to keep that bonus you should log in everyday and take your daily reward. I am having a hard time thinking what those bonuses per day (or per week) could be, so I’ll just leave that to Staffs imagination.

Second suggestion:

I think TM Daily Tasks are way too boring, tedious, and also frustrating. Why frustrating? Because after 35 days (that is if you don’t forget to go there every day or you didn’t die) you could get a TM splash. Please DO NOT GET ME WRONG! I am not saying we should always get Rain Dance formula TMs… but at least for me (and I am sure more players think in this way) it’s just not worth doing it. It gets even more frustrating when you have been waiting for 3 minutes and suddenly this 2 guys come and steal your turn and you need to wait for 3 or 6 more minutes… for 35 days… no thank you.

So here it comes: For players level 250+ would be nice to go to a different daily where you get 20 points in total, meaning that you get to exchange points for TMs every 14 days (2 weeks).
I honestly would be more motivated to go do a daily quest to be able to get a TM every 2 weeks rather than every 35 days.
AND BEFORE SOMEONE STARTS SAYING THAT THE SERVER WILL BE FLOODED WITH TMS. As I said, this would be only for players 250+; furthermore, there are over 100 different daily-task-obtainable TMs, I don’t see how the server would be flooded with a specific TM.
Moreover, this will NOT be “farmable” because not everyone has 3+ 250 characters.

THIS WOULD NOT BE A NEW SYSTEM. I guess it would be possible to add a different “entrance” to the 250 Daily, you could make 2 (or maybe 3 like the normal one) with 3 pokemon in one and 2 pokemon in the other one and each pokemon would give you 4 points, being able to get 20 points in total per day. The NPC would be the same Merchant Psy.

Third suggestion:

Party Hunts.
In Tibia when you are in a party and you activate share experience, you get a bonus for every different vocation. I know we don’t have vocations nor professions, but it would be nice to go to a POI/INQUI-like spawn and hunt with 1 maybe 2 other players and get a bonus; it would be a win-win. I have ALWAYS hunt alone and after a while it gets SUPER boring.
This is the way it works in Tibia:

I feel like people would mostly hunt in pairs or probably in trios, so I would suggest the following boosting percentages:
2 players in a party: 60%
3 players in a party: 100%

This would obviously require good, crowded, well-design respawns, which is why I want to take the opportunity to bring my POI/INQUI full-experience suggestion from oblivion, even though it was closed.

Again, no one go solo-hunting there because it is not worthy, however, those respawns are really really really designed for party hunts.
Or you could add more new respawns for party hunting… but that takes time, lots of it.

Fourth suggestion:

WARZONE! Like Karl already suggested.
For players level 250+

This part is also related to doing things in team, rather than doing them alone. Karl mentioned Aga’s Hell quest. That’s a good comparison, but the problem I see with Aga’s hell is this:
The only reason why you need a team is because someone else has to use the items somewhere else and pull ladders, otherwise if you are a very good, skilled player you could solo it, like Venoshock quest, for instance. (I know 1, maybe 2 players who solo-ed Venoshock).
Additionally, Warzones in Tibia are really difficult, but the more people go, the easier it gets. Aga’s hell doesn’t follow that “logic” or “pattern”; even though a big group of players does help a little with killing the pokemon, usually only a couple make it to the end because they all die in the poison/fire traps. It also takes a lot of time going through all the traps in Aga’s Hell, Venoshock and Hau’oli’s Rock 170 spawn (don’t know the name of that quest).
Which is why I was thinking something like quest 200 (Brick Break/Feint). NOT THE PART WITH THE WATER!!!!! The “wild” area with pokemon. I noticed, similar to Aga’s hell, that those pokemon are different, they are stronger and have more HP. That’s what I mean by: The more players the easier the Warzone… because we would kill those pokemon faster. That does follow the logic of the warzones in Tibia. Maybe a couple of fire traps, but please DO NOT MAKE IT ALL FULL WITH TRAPS because most Latino players are always lagged and they would die in these traps… causing them to feel frustrated and then no one would want to go to warzone and BUM! Death system already.
So yes, I am indeed saying that those traps would be a problem in Warzone.
Warzone shouldn’t be like a normal quest; Warzone should be a Daily Quest. I remember when I used to go to warzone with my guild, we would do the first 3 (out of 6) in 30 minutes, like literally going all the way through the paths and killing the bosses. But we were a LARGE number of players. By doing those 3 Warzones I would make 150k cash EVERYDAY. Maybe 150k is nowadays not that much cash in Tibia but after a month that’s 4.5kk cash as reward for teamwork.

Now here comes the tricky part, how would rewards actually work?
There should be 2 rewards:
1) Reward Chest: after going through whatever amount of pokemon and killing the boss, just by hitting 1 time, you will be able to open the reward chest of the warzone.

2) Boss reward: This should work like normal raids and bosses. Since this quests would be to players 250+, let’s assume they know how to get Most Damage and Last hit. However, I’d like to suggest that also a random third player should get a nice reward too.

Now then… What do we get from Warzone?
Well, I assume implementing 3 Warzones at the same time would be nearly impossible, so with just 1 Warzone to kinda test the system, I recommend we get:
Rewards from participating
10k in cash
25 Revives (to recover at least a couple of all the revives we would use)
100 Rocket Balls
1 Rare Candy

Rewards from Boss:
This is a bit complex, hopefully I can explain myself:
Well, I am of the idea that the boss should be a Mega Pokemon (duh! Obviously). But like the ones in INQUISITION, meaning: No chance to drop mega stone, but a chance to drop TMs, TM Case, Evo Items, Toys, etc. Also, I feel like it would be more interesting getting a random Mega Pokemon instead of setting one “per season” or “every XX days/weeks/months.

NOW THEN! Like I previously said: Warzone should not be like a normal quest but like a Daily, meaning to say that we get points from it. Every time we kill the boss, we get 1 point. In Tibia, there is a quest called Ferumbras' Ascension, which allows you to kill a weaker version of Ferumbras every 14 days, with a very rare chance of getting Ferumbras Hat THE MOST VALUABLE ITEM IN TIBIA. I know people who have paid like USD1.5k for it (YES, REAL MONEY)

With this in mind, I would like to suggest this Aga’s Warzone Task system, where you could kill 1 random mega pokemon every 14 days with the possibility of looting mega stone.
There are players who don’t have the time to camp/check Megas spawns. This way you get at least 1 chance every 2 weeks to get a stone.

If you ask me what would make a player 200+/250+ to keep playing? Motivation to get a Mega Stone. And in this case, it would not be a matter of “luck” but hard work. Hard work to reach lvl 250, hard work to do Aga’s Warzone every 14 days to be able to defeat a Mega.
Again, in my humble opinion, we need something that rewards our effort and hard work… something that has NOTHING to do with the so-called luck factor.

Final Suggestion:

We already have the following achievements:
Pro trainer: Reaching lvl 100
Master Trainer: Reaching lvl 200
Elite Trainer: Reaching lvl 300

Last year I was talking to Huberto about this suggestion, so I guess I will take this opportunity to express it:

New Achievement:
Pokemon Master (Name based on Ash’s dream):
Reaching lvl 400: Reward: Master Ball.

Yes people, I think there is no better way to motivate someone than the chance to get a Master Ball. As I was saying, players need motivation, players need to see that hard work is rewarded.

I believe it is MORE THAN FAIR that you get the chance to capture WHATEVER POKEMON you want when you reach level 400.
Today, after more than 9 years of PAd, there are only 2 players 400+. So I don’t see servers being flooded with Master Balls. AND BEFORE YOU SAY THAT THE SERVER WOULD BE FLOODED WITH CRYSTAL/ELDERS/REDS… there are TONS of Shinys, we have the Island Guardians of Alola, Aerodactyl, Crystal Onix, Red Gyarados, Elder Zard, Mega Beasts… There are so many different amazing pokemon we could catch with a master ball.

Well, I see this thread more as a brainstorm, but I really wish most of it would eventually come true.

Thanks for reading!
Nando Zoul

I support Khormes! PLEASE DO SOMETHING ABOUT Catch System.
It's just so infuriating spending a lot of money in balls to reach a minuscule 0.5% extra chance to catch a pokemon. Like, that guy throwing over 8k+ UB on Venusaur or in my case:
23:05 Used 1 great ball, 533 super balls, 4235 ultra balls, 2 rocket balls on Dragonite.
23:05 Extra chance: 0.5%.

Dragonite costs 3k in NPC and almost NOONE buys a normal dragonite no tms.
Only those 4.2k UB are 5k+ and God know how many more balls I would eventually need to finally catch it.

It's shitty spending lots of money and time in such pokemon.

Improving catch system would definitely attract new players and motivate old ones to stay (including lvls 200+). This must be done in a short-term.
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Fallen Angel

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May 31, 2012
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City of Troy(for real) - Turkey
I couldn't read the whole thread but I'll just point out the ones that would really motivate me;

More catch achievements(since I play to catch)
A Quest to Shinify a Pokémon(for lvl 350)
1 Masterball for lvl 400+ players
New Daily with more points for 250+

And my crazy suggesion;

Achievement: Pokégod
Requirement: Reach lvl 500
Reward: Wish Upon a Star
Wish Upon a Star: Gives a SELECTED Legendary Pokémon from the avaible ones(the ones which staff rebalance for this purpose) to the player. The Legendary Pokémon only recognizes the strength of it's trainer so IT IS NOT TRADEABLE
There is only 1 lvl 500 player so far, and locking the Pokémon to the owner will not let lazy rich people to get their hands on a Legend.
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Well-known member
Oct 29, 2015
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Rio de Janeiro
I couldn't read the whole thread but I'll just point out the ones that would really motivate me;

More catch achievements(since I play to catch)
A Quest to Shinify a Pokémon(for lvl 350)
1 Masterball for lvl 400+ players
New Daily with more points for 250+

And my crazy suggesion;

Achievement: Pokégod
Requirement: Reach lvl 500
Reward: Wish Upon a Star
Wish Upon a Star: Gives a SELECTED Legendary Pokémon from the avaible ones(the ones which staff rebalance for this purpose) to the player. The Legendary Pokémon only recognizes the strength of it's trainer so IT IS NOT TRADEABLE
There is only 1 lvl 500 player so far, and locking the Pokémon to the owner will not let lazy rich people to get their hands on a Legend.

these sugestions are indeed crazy but I agree on that daily one and also that shinify thing called my attention, it would really motivate me to lvl up to 350 since I currently have no goals in game and am kinda bored at lvl 316, only doing daily, chatting with friends and trying shinies once in a while, BUT, I doubt it will be accepted since ''some pokes should stay rare'' as it is the case of shinies, ik there are not many people around lvl 350 but still its not that hard to get 300+ in these days

Arcanist Karl

Well-known member
Dec 29, 2012
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Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil
I couldn't read the whole thread but I'll just point out the ones that would really motivate me;

More catch achievements(since I play to catch)
A Quest to Shinify a Pokémon(for lvl 350)
1 Masterball for lvl 400+ players
New Daily with more points for 250+

And my crazy suggesion;

Achievement: Pokégod
Requirement: Reach lvl 500
Reward: Wish Upon a Star
Wish Upon a Star: Gives a SELECTED Legendary Pokémon from the avaible ones(the ones which staff rebalance for this purpose) to the player. The Legendary Pokémon only recognizes the strength of it's trainer so IT IS NOT TRADEABLE
There is only 1 lvl 500 player so far, and locking the Pokémon to the owner will not let lazy rich people to get their hands on a Legend.

@Achievements: checking the new achievements for cards, there's a lot envolved, so it's kinda being dealt with, for example, making us breed, evolve, etc. Some specific and hard catches could be here.
@Shinify: we have to decide if either we want PAd closer to the actual pokemon world or not. The only case of changing a pokemon to a shiny as far as I remember is the Red Gyarados, which evolved to Red reacting to a forced evolution. In my sole point of view, I don't see it as an interesting thing.
@Masterball: ofc, with some limitations, it could work, and would not destroy the game. Not like people would farm tons of lvl 400s to get as many MB as possible. This could help people who really wants a specific pokemon from dreams. A shiny, an elder, w/e.
@Daily: good, even tho I am lazy enough to do it.
@Pokegod Achievement: another suggestion could be a mythical poke, since we have already some in game (Phione, Melmetal, Zeraora, Diancie -this with a mega-, Magearna, Marshadow to come), so why not allow people to get 500 and get one from 3~4 options (like Pannihilator). Suggestions: Meloetta, Keldeo, Victini, Shaymin (they are not bosses yet).

but I honestly think that we need a little more stuff foccusing on the community more than personal achievements.


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May 30, 2015
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1. when there was island 100+ I was suprised reaching this lvl, then you introduced 150+, and I was 100% sure there will be island for lvl 200, Imo we need some kind of island like this (i know we have many good spawns already)
2. 150 lvl for pokes or something, also with some kind of quest to unlock this (similar but a bit different to elemental)
3. more shiny pokes (nowadays we have a lot of them) but still it would be f*** nice if we have others also
4. definitely some long term quest for access to any bonus spawn maybe, maybe some kind of spawn with teleport like daily/test room, where player can stay max 15min per day and there will be some better loot rate/catch rate (just thinking)
5. some daily random boost in example 1h better exp, 1h higher dmg etc.. only for pvm not pvp,
6. i know we have random pokemon boost for whole world, but would be much more nice to do this for each player with posibility to reroll it for money/diamonds and some variants more atk/def/catch/loot and with stages for example in range of 5 or 10, and you could roll for example 5% more dmg for Dragonite or 3% more loot from Blastoise etc...
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Well-known member
Jun 24, 2018
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these sugestions are indeed crazy but I agree on that daily one and also that shinify thing called my attention, it would really motivate me to lvl up to 350 since I currently have no goals in game and am kinda bored at lvl 316, only doing daily, chatting with friends and trying shinies once in a while, BUT, I doubt it will be accepted since ''some pokes should stay rare'' as it is the case of shinies, ik there are not many people around lvl 350 but still its not that hard to get 300+ in these days

I actually suggested quest for shinifying a poke a couple of pages ago and aga's answer was "quests are not a reason to keep ppl lvling up"


Well-known member
Jun 24, 2018
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I support Khormes! PLEASE DO SOMETHING ABOUT Catch System.
It's just so infuriating spending a lot of money in balls to reach a minuscule 0.5% extra chance to catch a pokemon. Like, that guy throwing over 8k+ UB on Venusaur

That happened cause Extra chance was broken during increased catch rate event. When its not broken, you dont need not even a close amount of balls. These are the chances of catching after using x balls on extra (actually I have to ignore organic chance for catching and only consider extra chance to make this calculation, so chances are a bit higher):





That means, for example, that ON AVERAGE each 4 times you reach extra chance on a poke, in 3 you will catch it with 300 balls max

And just to be clear, im not stating whether catch system should be improved or not, Im just bringing some light into the discussion

Edit: and please, PLEASE stop using ultra balls after reaching extra, you will catch it regadless of ball you use so use a cheaper one. it just makes you dumb to complain about waste

and speaking of that, extra chance is MEANT TO NOT BEING FARMABLE, thats why number of balls required to achieve extra is based on pokemon prices on npc
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Well-known member
Jun 12, 2018
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Bosnia and Herzegovina
That happened cause Extra chance was broken during increased catch rate event. When its not broken, you dont need not even a close amount of balls. These are the chances of catching after using x balls on extra (actually I have to ignore organic chance for catching and only consider extra chance to make this calculation, so chances are a bit higher):





That means, for example, that ON AVERAGE each 4 times you reach extra chance on a poke, in 3 you will catch it with 300 balls max

And just to be clear, im not stating whether catch system should be improved or not, Im just bringing some light into the discussion

Edit: and please, PLEASE stop using ultra balls after reaching extra, you will catch it regadless of ball you use so use a cheaper one. it just makes you dumb to complain about waste

and speaking of that, extra chance is MEANT TO NOT BEING FARMABLE, thats why number of balls required to achieve extra is based on pokemon prices on npc

Well this is what I am trying to explain the whole time about the extra chance, but some people can't seem to understand it. Current system is fine as it is, nothing is wrong with it, people are just lazy af and want to find an excuse for being lazy. They make it sound like it's easy to change the whole system over night and change other things including with it....


Well-known member
Oct 3, 2018
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Well this is what I am trying to explain the whole time about the extra chance, but some people can't seem to understand it. Current system is fine as it is, nothing is wrong with it, people are just lazy af and want to find an excuse for being lazy. They make it sound like it's easy to change the whole system over night and change other things including with it....

Lazy kekw tell it to players who has 15-20k gb's on pokemons like venusaur or meganium. They're just lazy, of course catch system is Perfect.


Active member
Jul 20, 2014
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Testium doesnt count... Anyway you need improve the catch system because is boring to throw months on a pokemon and dont even get the catch even if are x2 rate...



New member
Jun 30, 2019
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1- In my opinion there is a weekly event missing that would need a team with some good rewards, I find the daily quest overly monotonous and tiring.

2- Maybe return blackjack to the casino '' good to pass the time without having to click on a lever ''.

3- Create a berry planting system why not? "reason to make the use of the berry system more active".

4- Legendary respawn with time, well that could have its good and bad side, some people would enter to just kill the boss, and others after doing so would see the market / talk etc.


Well-known member
Apr 11, 2019
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1- In my opinion there is a weekly event missing that would need a team with some good rewards, I find the daily quest overly monotonous and tiring.

2- Maybe return blackjack to the casino '' good to pass the time without having to click on a lever ''.

3- Create a berry planting system why not? "reason to make the use of the berry system more active".

4- Legendary respawn with time, well that could have its good and bad side, some people would enter to just kill the boss, and others after doing so would see the market / talk etc.

About casino, yeah it would be nice to bring back some old games. We had poker which was removed because people trade tokens between each other. We had roulette and dice too and it was removed maybe due to bugs or something. Even if only small amount of people play in casino it would be nice to have some other activities there to earn chips and spend them on pokemons. And that's a place for new achievements too.
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I'm a Community Manager. Animes sux. They are just
Feb 9, 2011
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seeking peace
Thank you guys, ive been looking this thread since we created it and there is, in my opinion, great suggestions.
Loved the ideas to play as a team and some individual suggestions were great also(the berry garden i loved so much my heart jumped XDDDDDDDDDD)
So i did an index of most asked/suggested things, and here they are:

1) Quests: hard/complex quests, high level quests, shinify(which i admit it's complicated), and the interesting idea of mythical pokemon quest for a really high level.
2) Group exp: Some initiative to incentivate party exps on super hard BUT rewarding(exp/loot chances) spawns(that could only be accessable in group)
3) Daily dungeons/challenges: This one is also interesting, something like choosen bosses or some group raid to choose from a list.(but we have something like this in the making)
4) High level power: Giving high levels some advantage by exping to the top levels. be either by strenght/bonuses on somethings(being worked on) or with some weekly/montly things for top levels.
5) Bug fixes: portraits/small bugs/some older systems that might need a overhaul(hi there castform!) and stuff like that.
6) Making good use of older map: Using existing map areas to create/improve spawns, reducing mapping time. But ive always seen they reworking some parts of the map or making the spawn better, but our map is really big, so this is one of those things that really takes time to do by complete, because even if you rework 100 places, there will be +300 to rework.

If i forgot something, please let me know! And i'd love to hear some specific suggestions on the matters i listed above, or new ones to be "added" to the index.

Keep in mind that the above list is not a "we will do this right away", cause the to-do list have some interesting things coming in our way, and im glad to share them with you all:

1. A brand new fishing system is coming to us in the VERY near future.
2. Daily login rewards to show your friends how more addicted you are than them.
3. 3rd alola island quests being finished, mistery is near.
4. Adding Embedded Tower Dungeon(daily challenges yay) with rewards depending at which level you currently are. Which i dont want to spoil but you can count on mega stones, and shiny ditto is on his way to PAD =D
5. Ditto system remake(#MakeDittoGreatAgain), the addition of shiny ditto in the game.
6. Professions (ya'all one-type loves knows the drill)
7. Guild system improvement with guild challenges
8. Improvement for Pokemons(being stats base and/or tm's/helds) based on your level, no more having the same strenght as a 120!
9. Weekly tournaments, for your nasty duelers out there!

(keep in mind that, this is NOT a specific order, its just the list.)

Brainstorming as a community is great, im pretty sure we can figure out together how to make the game more enjoyable to us, players!

Thanks for participating on this thread, every opinion matters. Keep dem suggestions comming!
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Tuca Strike

Active member
Jan 12, 2011
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Thanks and gz for the work!

8. Improvement for Pokemons(being stats base and/or tm's/helds) based on your level, no more having the same strenght as a 120!

Could we have more info about this? Also, is there anything being considered based on number of catches? Because a character who caught hundreds of pokemon has not a single/minor advantage compared to a character who never caught anything...