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Fighting For Pride – The Quest

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Dec 21, 2010
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Fighting For Pride – The Quest [EN] [PT]

[/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/COLOR]Inside the PA online, we have several Pokemon, Pokemon have 98% of these as they are taken by simple means, difficult or expensive. Even though many rely heavily on your luck as Scyther, Electabuzz, Magmar, Snorlax and Etc.
Are still accessible because you can try several times take it. But there is a small parcel on which you can only get one time in his whole life in PA, you still have to be lucky, in this installment are the Pokemon Hitmonlee / Hitmonchan. But soon you will question me, but you can buy Chan / Lee other players who got in box3, rather obvious but is very rare and usually takes whoever gets the Pokemon. The fact that we have 10 of these pokes server PEARL and 15 in ther server DIAMOND is simply because of the Christmas event, in which many players took box3.
Extinguished by natural or selfishness, some people who already have these two Pokemon, will not agree with me, but I can not please everyone.

Technical Requirements

* Quest Level: Only players level 90 + can complete the quest.
*Resolution: The quest will be a mix of dueling with NPCs and gathering items.
* NPCs: All NPC will have pokemon Fighters and Stone as a base for your team
* Restricted: Pokemon Ghost and Psychic-type, may not participate in the quest.
* Awards: Well the quest has many awards, but the main and most coveted is the FIGHTING BOX. Opening the Fighting Box, you will reward Hitmonlee / Hitmonchan / Machamp. Only one of these, randomly.
* To reach the NPC final, you first have to pass before the NPC.
* If you lose to some of the NPCs will have to wait 2hrs, in order to fight again.
* To be eligible, you must have completed BOX3 and BOX 2.

The Quest


Long ago there was a very large clan that surrounded the four corners of the globe,members of this clan were well known for his skill with great fighters Pokemon and stone,were nomads went from town to town challenging other trainers acquiring knowledge and experience, all they asked in return was a meal and a bed to sleep.
The clan took the surname of her elder. A subject very mysterious little was known of him, only that he had won more than a thousand battles without losing much they talked about what secrets a man so old carried with him, a very serene. Of all the secrets he carried, were his most intriguing pokemons. That's right, he carries only 3 pokemon, butyou must be wondering, as someone who had already won over a thousand battles couldkeep a secret Pokémon. For amazingly, no one ever went from his first Pokémom,Machamp a very well trained.
Only his apprentices and those who welcomed the peaceful man, knew his name but his surname was very famous, because his disciples carried. Few had the pride of carrying the last name of GRACIE.
But dark times were to come, an evil guy known as Giovanni, ordered members of his team, to go after all the disciples GRACIE clan, and eliminate. Only the four most powerful members of the clan and his elder survived Giovanne retaliation. Fearing for his life and his past four disciples, the old elder Gracie made a deal with Giovanne in exchange for their lives the old man agreed to no longer train no disciple. Not content Giovanne also ordered that the Clan was exiled to a tower in the confines of the planet.

The Quest Place
As seen by the small story that I created, that the quest takes place in a tower. This tower will have 6floors. The ground floor will function as a lobby with a few trophies of the clan, tables and sofas.Subsequent floors will be occupied by members of the clan, in order of increasing strength. As the old manon the roof.



Renzo is less skillful clan, during the persecution of Giovanne he was nearly killed, but survived thanks to a girl and her Clefable, who tended to his wounds. After recovering from Renzo back to his master, he now resides and cares for the 1st floor of the tower.

But do not underestimate him, after all he is a member of the GRACIE clan, and not let you easily follow to the next floor.

To meet Renzo, he had asked him first if you are level 60 +. Not only that Renzo fought with you only if you win more than 60 and 60 pvp scores.

Renzo is very dedicated to training but is very greedy and vain. So he asked her for: [FONT=&quot]1 Hamburguer 10 Pizzas 20 Churros 25 Rubys e 100 Water Pendant.[/FONT]

Pokemon are: Machop, Geodude and Mankey (All high level)


Kyra is the only woman in the clan, of incomparable beauty, she is a hard race, many have lost her only because they can not concentrate on his battle. Only in the beauty of kyra. She is the guardian of the second floor.

To Coping Kyra, she will first ask you to be level 70 + have 70 wins and 70 pvp score in order to face them.

Kyra addition to every woman as vain, has a refined taste. And also loves money, so she'll tell you for: [FONT=&quot]20 Combs, 25 Ice Bra, 50 Locksmith Shell, 50 Rubys e 50HD[/FONT]

TheirPokemon are: [FONT=&quot]Machop, Machoke, Graveler[/FONT]


Royle is much admired and feared, has a dark instinct. And a kind of admiration for Pokemon insect and plant, this admiration that he acquired while training for a time with Erika in fuchsia. Erika arrived presented him with a Scyther. Today Royle is the guardian of the 3 floor.

To meet Royle, he first will ask you to be level 80 + have 80 wins and 80 pvp score.

Royle is very strong, and will ask some of the items rare and somewhat exotic. How:[FONT=&quot]25 Scythe, 30 Horn, 300 Leaves, 100 bulb 100 Bag of Polem.[/FONT]

TheirPokemon are: Machoke, Golem e Scyther


Rickson is stronger than the disciple Gracie clan, he has always been stronger and stood out among the others. Many say he was the son of the elder himself, explaining the source of his strength and skill. Rickson takes care of the 4th and penultimate floor of the tower.

To meet Rickson, he first will ask you to be level 85 + have 90 wins and 90 pvp score.

Rickson was one of the least explored planet, your dream is to have a Machamp equal to that of his father. So he'll ask you to bring: [FONT=&quot]1 Machoke, 250 Stone Orb, 1 Rock Plate, 20 Mimic Glooves[/FONT]

TheirPokemon are: [FONT=&quot]Primeape, Golem e Kabutops[/FONT]


After an arduous battle, you finally got the last member of the clan, it's time for you to meet CarlosGracie strongest member of the clan and the founder of it.

To meet Carlos, he first will ask you to be level 90 + have 100 wins and 100 pvp score.

Carlos is a very humble but tough, rigid with their rules. He'll ask for some items such as:
[FONT=&quot]50 Belt Of Champion, 50 Charizard Nail, 25 Onyx Tail[/FONT]

TheirPokemon are: [FONT=&quot]Machamp, Hitmonlee e Hitmonchan[/FONT]

Okay, you beat Carlos now receives its Fighting Box, and also 100hd and a trophy with her name engraved

Ty ROTH for the box pic.

If you were to copy it, and elsewhere. Please put my credits. It took me time to create it. Got some ideas GBA

If you liked leave a thank you and a signed


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Dec 21, 2010
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Dentro do PA online, temos vários pokemons, 98% destes pokemons têm como serem tidos por meios simples, difíceis ou caros. Mesmo que muitos dependam muito da sua sorte como: Scyther, Electabuzz, Magmar, Snorlax e Etc.
Ainda assim estão acessíveis, pois você pode tentar varias vezes capturalos. Porem existe uma pequena parcela em que você só pode conseguir 1 vez dentro de toda sua vida no PA, ainda assim você teria que ter muita sorte, dentro desta parcela estão os pokemons Hitmonlee/Hitmonchan. Mas vocês logo irão me questionar, mas você pode comprar Chan/Lee de outros players que pegaram na BOX3, sim obvio porem é muito raro e geralmente quem tira fica com o Pokémon. O fato de termos 10 desses pokes no servidor PEARL e 15 no servidor DIAMOND é simplesmente por causa do evento de natal, no qual muitos players pegaram BOX3.
Por extinto natural ou egoísmo, algumas pessoas que já possuem esses 2 pokemons, não irão concordar comigo, porem não posso agradar todos.

Ficha Técnica e Requisitos

*Nível para Quest: Somente players nível 90+ poderão concluir a quest.
*Resolução: A quest será um mix de duelos com npcs e recolhimento de itens.
*NPCS: Todos npc terão como base no seu time, Pokémon Lutadores e ou Pedra.
*Restringidos: Pokemons do tipo Fantasma e Psiquico, não poderão participar da quest.
*Prêmios: Bom a quest terá vários prêmios, porem o principal e mais cobiçado será a FIGHTING BOX. Abrindo a Fighting Box, você terá como recompensa Hitmonlee/Hitmonchan/Machamp. Apenas 1 desses, randomicamente.
*Para chegar ao npc final, você terá que passar primeiro pelos npcs anteriores.
*Caso você perca para alguns dos NPCS, terá que esperar 2HRs, para poder lutar denovo.
*Para poder participar, você terá que ter completado BOX 2 e BOX3.

A Quest


Há muito tempo existia um clã muito numeroso que rondava os quatro cantos do planeta, os membros deste clã eram muito conhecidos pelo a sua grande habilidade com Pokémons lutadores e pedra, eram nômades iam de cidade em cidade desafiando outros treinadores adquirindo conhecimento e experiência, tudo que pediam em troca era um prato de comida e uma cama para dormir.
O clã levava o sobrenome de seu ancião. Um sujeito muito misterioso pouco se sabia dele, apenas que ele já havia vencido mais de mil batalhas, sem nunca perder, muito se falava quais segredos um homem de idade tão avançada carregava consigo, um sujeito muito sereno. De todos os segredos que ele carregava, mais intrigante eram seus pokemons. É isso mesmo, ele carrega consigo apenas 3 pokemons, mas vocês devem estar se perguntando, como alguém que já havia vencido mais de mil batalhas conseguia manter Pokémon em segredo. Pois pasmem, ninguém jamais passou de seu primeiro Pokémom, 1 machamp muito bem treinado.
Apenas seus aprendizes e aqueles que a acolhiam o sereno homem, sabiam seu nome, Porem seu sobrenome era muito famoso, pois seus discípulos o carregavam. Poucos tinham o orgulho de carregar o sobrenome de GRACIE.
Porem tempos sombrio estavam por vir, um sujeito maligno conhecido como Giovanne, ordenou os membros de sua equipe, pra irem atrás de todos discípulos do clã GRACIE, e os eliminarem. Apenas os 4 membros mais fortes do clã e seu ancião sobreviveram a retaliação de Giovanne. Temendo pela sua vida e de seus 4 últimos discípulos, o velho ancião GRACIE fez um acordo com Giovanne, em troca de suas vidas o velho concordou em não mais treinar nenhum discípulo. Não contente Giovanne ordenou também que o Clã fosse exilado em uma torre nos confins do planeta.

Local da Quest

Como viram pela pequena historinha que eu criei, que a quest se passa numa torre. Esta torre terá 6 Andares. O andar térreo vai funcionar como um hall de entrada com alguns troféus do clã, quadros e sofás. Os andares subseqüentes serão ocupados pelos membros do clã, em ordem crescente de força. Sendo o ancião no ultimo andar.



Renzo é menos habilidoso do clã, durante a perseguição de Giovanne ele quase foi morto, porem conseguiu sobreviver graças a uma menina e sua Clefable, que cuidaram de seus ferimentos. Depois de recuperado Renzo volto para junto de seu mestre, hoje ele reside e cuida do 1° andar da torre.

Mas não o subestimem, afinal ele é um membro do admirado clã GRACIE, e não deixara você seguir facilmente para o andar subseqüente.

Para poder enfrentar Renzo, ele lhe pedira primeiro que você seja nível 60+. Não é só isto Renzo lutara com você apenas se você tiver mais de 60 win e 60 pvp escores.

Renzo é muito dedicado ao treinamento porem é muito guloso e vaidoso. Por isso ele lhe pedira por ultimo 1 Hamburguer 10 Pizzas 20 Churros 25 Rubys e 100 Water Pendant.

Seus Pokémons São: Machop, Geodude e Mankey (Todos nível alto)

2° Kyra Gracie

Kyra é a única mulher do clã, de beleza incomparável, ela é um páreo duro, muitos já perderam para ela apenas por não conseguirem se concentrar em sua batalha. Somente na beleza de kyra. Ela é a guardiã do segundo andar.

Para poder enfretar Kyra, ela primeiramente vai lhe pedir que você seja nível 70+ ter 70 wins e 70 pvp escore para poder enfrentala.

Kyra como toda mulher alem de vaidosa, tem um gosto refinado. E também adora DINHEIRO, Por isso ela também ira lhe pedir 20 Combs, 25 Ice Bra, 50 Locksmith Shell, 50 Rubys e 50HD, para que em fim você posso duelar com ela.

Seus Pokemons São: Machop, Machoke, Graveler (Todos nível altíssimo)

3° Royle Gracie

Royle é muito admirado e temido, tem um instinto tenebroso. E uma admiração por pokemons do tipo inseto e planta, admiração esta que ele adquiriu ao treinar durante um tempo com Erika em fuchsia. Erika chegou a lhe presentear com 1 scyther. Hoje Royle é o guardião do 3 andar.

Para poder enfrentar Royle, ele primeiramente vai lhe pedir que você seja nível 80+ ter 80 wins e 80 pvp escore.

Royle é muito forte, e vai lhe pedir alguns itens um tanto quanto raros e exoticos. Como: 25 Scythe, 30 Horn, 300 Leaves, 100 bulb 100 Bag of Polem.

Seus Pokemons são: Machoke, Golem e Scyther

4° Rickson Gracie

Rickson é o discupulo mais forte do clã GRACIE, ele sempre foi o mais forte e se destacou entre os outros. Muitos dizem que ele seria filho do próprio ancião, explicando assim a origem de sua força e habilidade. Rickson cuida do 4° e penúltimo andar da torre.

Para poder enfrentar Rickson, ele primeiramente vai lhe pedir que você seja nível 85+ ter 90 wins e 90 pvp escore.

Rickson foi um dos que menos explorou o planeta, seu sonho é ter um machamp igual ao do seu pai. Por isso ele vai lhe pedir que você traga 1 Machoke, 250 Stone Orb, 1 Rock Plate, 20 Mimic Glooves.

Seus Pokemons São: Primeape, Golem e Kabutops

O Grande Ancião

Depois de uma árdua, batalha você finalmente chegou no ultimo membro do clã, está na hora de você conhecer Carlos Gracie mais forte membro do clã e também fundador do mesmo.

Para poder enfrentar Carlos, ele primeiramente vai lhe pedir que você seja nível 90+ ter 100 wins e 100 pvp escore.

Carlos é uma pessoa muito humilde porem dura, rígida com suas regras. Ele vai te pedir alguns itens como: 50 Belt Of Champion, 50 Charizard Nail, 25 Onyx Tail.

Seus Pokemons São: Machamp, Hitmonlee e Hitmonchan

Pronto, você venceu Carlos agora recebera sua Fighting Box, e também 100HD e um Troféu com seu nome gravado.


Ty ROTH for the box pic.

Se voce for copiar isto, e por em outro lugar. Por favor ponha meus creditos. Levei tempo para criar isto. Peguei um pouco de ideias do GBA

Se você gostou deixe um OBRIGADO E 1 ASSINADO

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Banned user
Nov 28, 2010
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The Netherlands
My opinion:

* Quest Level: Only players level 90 + can complete the quest. - no, level 95+
* Resolution: The quest will be a mix of dueling with NPCs and gathering items. - agreed
* NPCs: All NPC will have pokemon fighters and stone as a base for your team - agreed
* Restricted: Pokemon Ghost and Psychic-type, may not participate in the quest. - agreed
* Awards: Well the quest has many awards, but the main and most coveted is the FIGHTING BOX. Opening the F-Box, you will reward Hitmonlee / Hitmonchan / Machamp. Only one of these, randomly. - agreed
* To reach the NPC final, you first have to pass before the NPC. - agreed
* If you lose to some of the NPCs will have to wait 24hrs, in order to fight again. - no, 1 hour is ok
* To be eligible, you must have completed and box3 BOX 2. - + quest where you obtain punch machine/fist machine - agreed

But do not underestimate her, after all he is a member of the Gracie clan admired, and not let you easily follow for the subsequent walk.


So he asked her for: 1 Hamburguer 10 Pizzas 20 Churros 25 Rubys e 50 Water Pendant.
NO: 1 Hamburger, 10 Pizzas, 20 Churro's, 25 Rubies, 50 Water Pendants
And also loves money, so she'll tell you for: 20 Combs, 25 Ice Bra, 50 Locksmith Shell, 50 Rubys e 50HD
How:25 Scythe, 30 Horn, 300 Leaves, 100 bulb 100 Bag of Polem.
So he'll ask you to bring: 1 Machoke, 250 Stone Orb, 1 Rock Plate, 20 Mimic Glooves
NO: 250 stone orb, 25 rock plate, 25 punch plate (if they exist), 20 mimic gloves
He'll ask for some items such as: 50 Belt Of Champion, 50 Charizard Nail, 25 Onyx Tail
NO: 50 belt of champion, 50 dragon nail, 30 onix tail, kicking machine, punch machine (obtained in other quest)

His Pokemon are: Machop, Geodude and Rhyhorn (All high level)
NO: Machop, Geodude, Mankey
His Pokemon are: Machop, Machoke, Graveler
His Pokemon are: Machoke, Golem e Scyther
NO: Machoke, Primeape, Scyther
His Pokemon are: Rhydon, Golem e Kabutops
NO: Machoke, Golem, Primape
His Pokemon are: Machamp, Hitmonlee e Hitmonchan
Example for F-Box:

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New member
Dec 20, 2010
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Nice idea but the items that is required to fight with npc are worth ~4000hd+ so better and FASTER way is to get money and buy hitmon~ from other players... I can get money to buy hitmonlee in 1 month and to finish this quest i will need half year D:

Ofc pro pokemon masters (top 5) can collect this items in 5 days (playing ~17h/day) but i and most players are playing 2-3h max so its really takes HALF year to get those items ;/.

no pass 1000hd? 50 belt of champion 10hd ea =500hd same chari nail 500hd this items are 1000hd and there is so many more to collect ;s.
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New member
Dec 21, 2010
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Nice idea but the items that is required to fight with npc are worth ~4000hd+ so better and FASTER way i get money and buy from other players...

Not signed.

Man the itens no pass 1000HD

if you u have suggestion for other itens, post it. Dont say not signed :(


New member
Mar 30, 2010
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I like the main idea, i think the quest "tower" should be like aa dojo, and should be placed somewhere in saffron, so it would be like in the games, where you could get hitmonchan/lee (and now machamp) if you beat the trainer(s?) from the dojo.


New member
Jan 22, 2011
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I like the main idea, i think the quest "tower" should be like aa dojo, and should be placed somewhere in saffron, so it would be like in the games, where you could get hitmonchan/lee (and now machamp) if you beat the trainer(s?) from the dojo.

Completely agree. That's what I was thinking as I read this. Why not have it be like the old gym? The only fallacy I see is that Chan/Lee are so rare: this quest would cause a large flux in these two. I have no problem with that though, because I don't have one yet :p.


New member
Dec 21, 2010
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Nice idea but the items that is required to fight with npc are worth ~4000hd+ so better and FASTER way is to get money and buy hitmon~ from other players... I can get money to buy hitmonlee in 1 month and to finish this quest i will need half year D:

Ofc pro pokemon masters (top 5) can collect this items in 5 days (playing ~17h/day) but i and most players are playing 2-3h max so its really takes HALF year to get those items ;/.

no pass 1000hd? 50 belt of champion 10hd ea =500hd same chari nail 500hd this items are 1000hd and there is so many more to collect ;s.

Man, you like finish one quest in 1 day? if the prize are hitmonchan.

Belt of champion 10HD? OH MY GOD in pearl is 3hMax, Chari nail no have price, its sell in npc.


New member
Dec 20, 2010
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@up now yes, but think when this quest will by in game much ppl will want to buy those items and price sharply rose maybe even more than 10hd for ea ;d

And second thing:
One month to get money for hitmon from other player or ~4 month to complete quest and get either hitmon (or machamp worth 1000hd D: ) ;p.
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New member
Dec 21, 2010
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@up now yes, but think when this quest will by in game much ppl will want to buy those items and price sharply rose maybe even more than 10hd for ea ;d

And second thing:
One month to get money for hitmon from other player or ~4 month to complete quest and get either hitmon ;p.

and it would not be good? you want to buy anything or go drop?

This quest would greatly improve the economics of the game. Think about it.

Today loot does not pay the hunt.


New member
Nov 22, 2010
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Sounds like a good idea, But the items would be insane to get also, It sounds like the fighting tower from PO.


New member
Dec 21, 2010
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Sounds like a good idea, But the items would be insane to get also, It sounds like the fighting tower from PO.

Yes syrus. But i copy from the GBA dojo. The PO copy too.

The itens got a new value.


New member
Jan 18, 2011
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stupid quest...
easy to get a lee or chan...
please stop ¬¬
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