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Garchomp and mega evo


New member
Jul 1, 2016
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I dont know how actually is the difference between normal pokes and mega evo in the damage, but at least in the garchomp case, there are no difference and i think it is a bit unfair tbh since mega stones are kinda hard to get, and all the restrictions and all, i think it would be nice a little bit of more dmg, some examples:
Your Garchomp deals 2006 damage to a Typhlosion.
Your Garchomp deals 2006 damage to a Typhlosion.

Your Mega Garchomp deals 2010 damage to a Tyranitar.
Your Mega Garchomp deals 2014 damage to a Tyranitar.

the damage in the epicenter move, there are almost no difference

Your Garchomp deals 2714 damage to a Typhlosion.
Your Garchomp deals 2710 damage to a Typhlosion.

Your Mega Garchomp deals 2692 damage to a Tyranitar.
Your Mega Garchomp deals 2720 damage to a Tyranitar.

Same goes to tms added to the poke, in this case is Tm Fissure, there are almost no difference.

this moves are just an example 1 from moveset and one from tms, but all the dmg dont have difference from all moves
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