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Bug on scizor


Pacific Ocean was made out of my tears
Aug 1, 2012
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Can someone please fix the several bugs Scizor has?

* Attack order can be used once in a pvp even after charging 20s sometimes it work after 50s of cooldown but its like having 1 less move in this pokemon and the same happen on move
* False Swipe : If scizor use ghost moves they dont hit anything
* Some moves of scizor doesnt let him move until move finish
* It constantly gets trapped on pvp when use double team

Snorlax CDs on Chip Away and SleepTalk are making this pokemon a big headache, these 2 moves are shorter in other pokemons, normally it is 35s however it can learn reflect and also has rest move which let him have 30K+ HP also i think rest move is now taking 2s extra seconds than normal. Please verify this pokemon same as Kangaskhan that has same problem and 0 restrictions on some moves. I reported this personally 1 month ago, but now im doing this formal cuz no changes at all
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