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Galarian Mr. Mime

Carlos Eduardo

Well-known member
Feb 24, 2019
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Does anyone else think what they did to him was unfair? He only has 5 moves in his moveset, he deserved a full moveset similar to Mr Mime. I know he evolves and Mr Mime doesn't, but in my opinion that doesn't justify it, he's one of those pokemon that are good regardless of whether they evolve, if we follow the bulbapedia, they have the same sum of base stats.

My suggestion is quite simple, I took Mr Mime's moveset and adapted it for Galarian, making the changes corresponding to the type (Fairy > Ice).

* Comparison of movesets

option 1:

m1 - Mimic Wall
m2 - Powder Snow // Icicle Spear
m3 - Freeze Dry // Meditate // Fairy Dreams // Hailstorm
m4 - Role Play
m5 - Expanding Force
m6 - Reflect
m7 - Recovery Wish
m8 - Mimic
m9 - Hail // Glaciate // Mist // Ice Storm // Avalanche
m10 - Light Screen

option 2:

m1 - Mimic Wall
m2 - Powder Snow // Icicle Spear
m3 - Cold Heart
m4 - Role Play
m5 - Expanding Force
m6 - Reflect
m7 - Aurora Sphere
m8 - Mimic
m9 - Hail // Glaciate // Mist // Ice Storm // Avalanche
m10 - Light Screen

For the second option, I thought of the Cold heart movement, which goes very well with the appearance of the Galarian Mr Mime, who has an ice crystal on his chest. This move has a stun and healing effect that replaces 2 moves compared to the first option.
