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  1. Sheeper

    Sucriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilhosforever. Gibe moni plz You have now returned to the game more times...

    Sucriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilhosforever. Gibe moni plz You have now returned to the game more times than I have thought of returning myself. And each time you seem to reach even higher position xD How's life?
  2. Sheeper

    Infantile kids fight - small brain ppl

    By far the friendliest conversation I've ever seen. Came looking for shitposts, was not disappointed!
  3. Sheeper

    Infantile kids fight - small brain ppl

    Yo Guys wtf is happening there Btw. Since when Kreyex is Polish? XD
  4. Sheeper

    Doubts about game

    If you want to be rather PVP player, I'd heavily recommend diamond server - about Pokes, before you reach 120lvl (which is like basic for PVP in order to use 130 level pokemons) you'll find out which poke is PVP-oriented, which isn't etc.
  5. Sheeper

    Doubts about game

    There are no Tiers (as there were in PxG), each last evolved poke is useful there more or less and cloneds/shinies are just stronger than their regular versions. Diamond is more crowded, with lower rates (recommended by me) while Platinum has a bit less players with higher exp/catch rates.
  6. Sheeper

    Doubts about game

    1. As Shouya said 2. There aren't any clans like at PxG as it wouldn't work well here Imo 3. Can't tell you much, seems balanced 4. Instead of held items, we have TMs, each poke can learn 2 from it's learnset. Each TM adds him new move to it's skillset - represented by certain TM, (with few...
  7. Sheeper

    Players PA Ideas

    Don't forget about Alomomola, but I guess we'll have to wait a bit for it
  8. Sheeper

    Players PA Ideas

    I'd rather suggest total revamp of the entire island, since it's unnecessarily huge - and mostly empty. It could be made into 2-3 water spawn for different levels, like 20-40, 40-80 and 80+ spawns, some of it might even work as training grounds (i.e those in cinnabar).
  9. Sheeper

    17.08 - 20.08 Donation promotion + spoils for incoming things

    I bet we shouldn't expect TM case 4 quest and new spawns come any sooner either, right??
  10. Sheeper

    [Download] Players who want to play in Mac Computers.

    You should still be able to update your client on a sandbox Microsoft system on your Mac PC, still a temporary solution.
  11. Sheeper

    17.08 - 20.08 Donation promotion + spoils for incoming things

    Two things: Is the minimal possible donation enough to get twin rocks ticket + the card? Will Shiny Stantler spawn only on this island, as it is with eevee at the moment?
  12. Sheeper

    Legends Never Die [LT]

    Justice at it's finest XD
  13. Sheeper

    Legends Never Die [LT]

    PAquality boss split system :)
  14. Sheeper

    [Support] Sylveon Ability Adaptability [RESET] Solve my case Please !

    Pokemon can inherit an ability from his pre-evolution. This way, even if your sylveon couldn't have this ability on his own, he received it from the eevee. Ability reset can keep your current ability even if it's inherited and it doesn't have it in it's own set. It is clearly said your pokemon...
  15. Sheeper

    Quest Pokémon level 150 || Poll

    My vote is "no". I don't really want to repeat what Dagugo said, since I agree with nearly everything he said. I just want to mention that forcing people to level all their pokes from 130 to 150 now isn't really a "goal", rather a grinding festival of leveling 50-100 pokes again. The thing is...
  16. Sheeper

    Yogi Bear

    Mini bosses are capable of looting regular loot of respective pokemons, Addon item it represents and as Karl said, Tms rarely.
  17. Sheeper

    Task Characters: 2 worlds.

    Since Platinum is totally separated from Diamond/Pearl, I can't see a reason not to implement it - and any kind of cooldown is not needed since you can't double your income on specific server this way. That would be a fair option for people who either switched to platinum or play both platinum...
  18. Sheeper

    Floatzed Dex Bug

    Selling your soul to satan (Aga) unlocks this move. But seriously, I believe Zelricks will take care of this
  19. Sheeper

    [Complaint] System of boss

    I just thouight about giving a single boss token to top 1/2/3 damage dealers (always) during boss raids - the same tokens mega bosses are looting. This way even unlucky people with 1 rare candy reward for most damage would get one step closer to a TM atleast.... actually, why not? Boss token...
  20. Sheeper

    Mightyena Ability Bug

    afaik inheriting an ability from pokemon's pre-evo is possible after evolving, even if the evolved form can't learn this ability on it's own.