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Tsots [LT]


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2010
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I hope you wont get to numbers that i had on fire part of cloned island xD i would not wish it to anyone xD
Good luck,nice thread


Well-known member
May 6, 2015
Reaction score
Welcome again! In the beginning I would like to wish everyone amazing Easter time - that on PA (event and so) and in life! Enjoy that time!

About me - did some progress during lastest days + event on Tsots (from tomorrow will start on another character I hope).

Gonna start from cards, post just some screens (this time won't put 1st page of card album as usual :22:) - reached 30 rare cards and thanks to this got card achievement, also got some normal cards (closer to Perrserker)!



Rare Candy continues... Brother caught Bewear, we couldn't find one with TMs so decided to put TMs and use RC to having all moves. :) Also here is our new pokemon - Mudsdale with Epicenter & Magnitude (I said once I'll post what we own and gonna do it very soon, have quite nice idea for me to show you our collection).


Thanks to event had possibility to open new TM cases which I need for achievement (which I got from red boxes or from people who let me open to make that achievement closer to end). Wasn't so lucky with TMs... Progress for now 12/18 TM cases opened.


Also making achievement putting 25x TMs to pokemons (2 of them are on Bewear' screen). Dedenne - we decided to change Eerie Impulse for Electric Storm. Salazzle - was lucky with that one. Funny for me is I needed 1 dex for having 700 done and thought it would be Bruxish/Wishiwashi (cuz was a bit focused on fishing), but went randomly to Paniola Vulcano and Salazzle wanted to be part of our team!



Mini events & event

Mini event - seems like Seppe has better luck than Tsots, so maybe should I participe only on that character? :D


Event - collected items and took everything what was possible. A bit upset what I got, but had fun doing it. Now as I mentioned, gonna try do some things on other character (Seppe ofc) but not all rewards, chosen ones.


And ending it... "Luck" on using Golden coin, as usual and... present from Himbeere - she decided to give me Spring Balls for next Vivillons, cuz she doesn't use them. On my hands they are very welcome cuz soon gonna try catching another pattern, so wish me luck!


That's for now. See you soon and take care!


Well-known member
May 6, 2015
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I've just came here to tell you that finally reached 400 normal cards! That's what I mostly worked on last days (+ event on 2nd character - just pokemon, random box 4, held box, random case and cloned ticket vol. 2).

Gonna start from event on 2nd character. Didn't make ss of all things, so will post just what I "caught". Funny thing is that on Tsots I got held which gives +1 extra hit to Water Tornado, here +1 extra hit for Sandstorm. Got 2nd JB4 but from this one I got new catch - Scizor, so this is good enough. Not lucky with TM case and TM from it, as before.


Cards which I was working days before were mainly from evolving pokemons (thanks to exp stage +1 for pokemons) and some random from loot. Also spent 100k on Juanito, that one card enrich my rare cards.

Used Rare Candies to Poipole to evolve it into Naganadel. It gave me card but also progress on RC's achievement. Almost reached 100 RC used. Mainly used for pokemons which are quite hard to lvl it up or are quite boring/there is not enough time to make it.

Finally did 100x entrance to Safari Kanto, 6566 left for VR card xd & did achievement to get Cosmog card, also thanks to some players.

Thanks to few players who helped me with some of achievements!






Around 1 hour ago helped a guildmate with ending INQ quest and he gave me that box for opening. Sadly, I got that card from one event, don't remember which one, so is repeated. At least achievement is done and +1 to catch status.


Sting added new TMs for Alolan Persian so I decided to exp our Alolan Meowth and evolve it. Just made it to having all usable moves + gave TMs (3 more to end achievement).


Also days before exped 3 chars from 147/148/149 to 150 to get Case 1 & Case 2 to achievement for opening all possible TM cases. Took TM Cases 1/2/2. 1 & 2 for me and 2nd 2 for Sequel, cuz he neeed just that one for complete that achievement. In exchange he gave me TM Case 9 to increase mine opened cases. Turned out that I had already opened that case so was a bit irritating that I failed my own list. Then checked all possibles ss' and informations which helped me to know sure cases which I opened. Wasn't sure TM Case 12 & TM Case 8 so Sequel gave me both to see which I missed - was 8. We gave back to each other TMs and thanks to him realized where was wrong. Later bought TM Case 18 to be closer to end that achievement. Cases 10 & 11 left for completing it. 10 will be from daily premium so just 11 is missing now.

At least a bit of luck with TM Case 18.

@forgot: Thanks Kebakian, Gurdieen and Lord Gallux for help with palace quest. ^^


Thanks to card achievements got another Johto Box 4 and Scary Box. From them got Kingdra and Umbreon, sadly no new catches, but...

When I was exping Pikipek to evolve it into Trumbeak on fight Malie, caught Conkeldurr, let's say on few balls. Here is new catch. Last time Salazzle was random new catch, now Conkeldurr. Maybe should I treat all pokemons totally random so they will join my balls more often?


In the end the thing which I am the happiest the most - PERRSERKER is mine (oi, our :v)! Really like this pokemon and happy that the moveset was changed. As you can see, Atton helped me with it to exp on shared to evolve it. Luckily got Steely Spirit as an ability! Also added immediately 2 TMs. :)


Now will leave a bit cards behind, gonna work with one pokemon where Lorensillo's Reflect would be added. Wanted to buy it, but is hard quite to do it, so need to catch it by myself. Then gonna come back to Vivillons pattern and my thesis again. Developing a survey let's say is done, so now need to write some others things more. Wanted to do is straight away (Vivillons and thesis) but that pokemon 1st (heard is not so hard to capture). Have a deadline with thesis until end of May, so still have time, but want to do it asap.

Keep fingers crossed! See you soon I hope.
Last edited:


Well-known member
May 6, 2015
Reaction score


This time I won't make a big post about my things, will focus on our pokemons, which we got so far. I said recently I'd do it, so it's more likely to be mostly about it.

Here we go!

Pokemons 130- (don't look on Forretress - they are for others things xd).


1. You see a beast ball. Naganadel [70] Ability: Beast Boost
2. You see a pokeball. Simisear [91][F] Ability: Gluttony TM: Magma Storm TM: Sizzly Slide
3. You see a pokeball. Dubwool [60][F] Ability: Fluffy TM: Boomburst TM: Fury Swipes
4. You see a pokeball. Eldegoss [74][M] Ability: Regenerator TM: Grass Whistle TM: Petal Blizzard
5. You see a great ball. Alolan Persian [66][M] Ability: Fur Coat [Reset x 1] TM: Shadow Storm TM: Dream Catcher

Electric-type pokemons


1. You see a pokeball. Jolteon [130][M][+1 addon]
Ability: Quick Feet TM: Reflect TM: Discharge
2. You see a pokeball. Plusle and Minun [130][+1 addon]
Ability: Volt Absorb TM: Reflect TM: Feint
3. You see an ultra ball. Electivire [130][F][+1 addon]
Ability: Motor Drive TM: Reflect TM: Brick Break
4. You see an ultra ball. Manectric [130][M][+1 addon]
Ability: Static TM: Nuzzle TM: Discharge
5. You see a heavy ball. Luxray [130][F][+1 addon]
Ability: Intimidate [Reset x 1] TM: Reflect TM: Feint
6. You see a fast ball. Emolga [130][M]
Ability: Motor Drive TM: Wild Charge TM: Feint
7. You see a super ball. Raichu [130][M][+1 addon]
Ability: Static TM: Reflect TM: Discharge
8. You see a great ball. Magnezone [130][+1 addon]
Ability: Magnet Pull TM: Reflect TM: Discharge
9. You see a super ball. Lanturn [130][M] "Lamprey"
Ability: Water Absorb TM: Blizzard TM: Nuzzle
10. You see a pokeball. Zebstrika [130][M]
Ability: Sap Sipper TM: Reflect TM: Discharge
11. You see a timer ball. Electrode [130]
Ability: Aftermath TM: Doom Desire TM: Thunder
12. You see a pokeball. Galvantula [130][F][+1 addon]
Ability: Unnerve [Reset x 1] TM: Electro Blast TM: Electric Storm
13. You see a fast ball. Pikachu [130][M] "Puppy" [+1 addon]
Ability: Static TM: Reflect TM: Eerie Impulse
14. You see a fast ball. Ampharos [130][M] "Peter Quill" [+2 addons]
Ability: Static TM: Feint TM: Reflect
15. You see an ultra ball. Pachirisu [130][F]
Ability: Pickup TM: Electro Blast TM: Electric Storm
16. You see a super ball. Eelektross [130][F]
Ability: Levitate TM: Sleep Talk TM: Brick Break
17. You see an ultra ball. Vikavolt [130][M]
Ability: Levitate TM: Thunder TM: Rain Dance
18. You see an ultra ball. Oricoriop [130][F]
Ability: Dancer TM: Electric Storm TM: Fly Attack

Fire-type pokemons


19. You see a premier ball. Infernape [130][M] "King Kong"
Ability: Iron Punch TM: Brick Break TM: Sleep Talk
20. You see a pokeball. Flareon [130][F][+1 addon]
Ability: Flash Fire TM: Reflect TM: Lava Plume
21. You see an ultra ball. Talonflame [130][F]
Ability: Flame Body TM: Lava Plume TM: Air Pressure
22. You see a pokeball. Pyroar [130][M]
Ability: Moxie TM: Lava Plume TM: Blast Burner
23. You see a fast ball. Typhlosion [130][M][+1 addon]
Ability: Flash Fire TM: Roar TM: Lava Plume
24. You see a pokeball. Volcarona [130][F]
Ability: Flame Body TM: Wild Charge TM: Lava Plume
25. You see a repeat ball. Magmortar [130][M][+1 addon]
Ability: Vital Spirit TM: Lava Plume TM: Sizzly Slide
26. You see a repeat ball. Torkoal [130][F]
Ability: Drought TM: Earthquake TM: Sleep Talk
27. You see a pokeball. Blaziken [130][M][+1 addon]
Ability: Speed Boost TM: Aerial Ace TM: Brick Break
28. You see a great ball. Camerupt [130][F]{+1 addon]
Ability: Magma Armor TM: Reflect TM: Lava Plume
29. You see a pokeball. Rapidash [130][M][+1 addon]
Ability: Flash Fire TM: Reflect TM: Lava Plume
30. You see a timer ball. Charizard [130][M][+1 addon]
Ability: Blaze TM: Reflect TM: Earthquake
31. You see a pokeball. Incineroar [130][M]
Ability: Intimidate TM: Lava Plume TM: Earthquake
32. You see a super ball. Arcanine [130][M]
Ability: Intimidate [Reset x 1] TM: Lava Plume TM: Reflect
33. You see an ultra ball. Emboar [130][M]
Ability: Blaze TM: Blast Burner TM: Sizzly Slide
34. You see a heavy ball. Ninetales [130][M][+1 addon] "Kurama"
Ability: Flash Fire TM: Dark Pulse TM: Lava Plume
35. You see a super ball. Magcargo [130][F][+1 addon]
Ability: Weak Armor TM: Reflect TM: Sandstorm
36. You see a pokeball. Galarian Darmanitanz [130][F]
Ability: Zen Mode TM: Ice Shards TM: Lava Plume
37. You see a pokeball. Darmanitan [130][F]
Ability: Hustle TM: Lava Pulse TM: Lava Plume
38. You see a fast ball. Cinderace [130][M]
Ability: Blaze TM: Sleep Talk TM: Magma Storm
39. You see a pokeball. Heatmor [130][M]
Ability: Gluttony TM: Lava Plume TM: Sleep Talk
40. You see an ultra ball. Oricoriob [130][M]
Ability: Dancer TM: Lava Plume TM: Fly Attack

Water-type pokemons


41. You see aqua pokeball. Vaporeon [130][F][+1 addon]
Ability: Water Absorb TM: Hydropump TM: Reflect
42. You see an ultra ball. Primarina [130][F]
Ability: Torrent TM: Rain Dance TM: Fairy Wind
43. You see an ultra ball. Azumarill [130][M]
Ability: Sap Sipper TM: Water Pulse TM: Hydropump
44. You see a super ball. Starmie [130]
Ability: Natural Cure TM: Water Pulse TM: Shadow Storm
45. You see a great ball. Seaking [130][F]
Ability: Water Veil TM: Hydropump TM: Poison Jab
46. You see a great ball. Blastoise [130][F][+1 addon]
Ability: Rain Dish TM: Reflect TM: Blizzard
47. You see an ultra ball. Milotic [130][M]
Ability: Cute Charm TM: Reflect TM: Rain Dance
48. You see a super ball. Lumineon [130][M]
Ability: Storm Drain TM: Reflect TM: Hydropump
49. You see a great ball. Corsola [130][F]
Ability: Regenerator TM: Falling Rocks TM: Reflect
50. You see aqua pokeball. Cloned Kingler [130][M]
Ability: Shell Armor TM: Water Pulse TM: Brick Break
51. You see yellow pokeball. Gyarados [130][M]
Ability: Moxie [Reset x 1] TM: Water Pulse TM: Reflect
52. You see a pokeball. Politoed [130][M]
Ability: Drizzle TM: Earthquake TM: Water Pulse
53. You see an ultra ball. Samurott [130][M]
Ability: Shell Armor TM: Water Pulse TM: Rain Dance
54. You see a pokeball. Swampert [130][F][+1 addon]
Ability: Torrent TM: Mist TM: Icebreaker
55. You see a safari ball. Bibarel [130][F]
Ability: Unaware TM: Water Pulse TM: Hydropump
56. You see a love ball. Slowbro [130][M]
Ability: Regenerator [Reset x 1] TM: Reflect TM: Fissure
57. You see a fast ball. Octillery [130][M] "Wodoglowie"
Ability: Suction Cups TM: Hydropump TM: Icebreaker
58. You see a great ball. Qwilfish [130][M]
Ability: Intimidate TM: Hydropump TM: Rain Dance
59. You see a pokeball. Feraligatr [130][M][+1 addon]
Ability: Torrent TM: Water Pulse TM: Hydropump
60. You see a super ball. Mantine [130][F]
Ability: Swift Swim TM: Water Pulse TM: Rain Dance
61. You see a great ball. Poliwrath [130][F] "Testoviron" [+1 addon]
Ability: Swift Swim TM: Reflect TM: Brick Break
62. You see a great ball. Sharpedo [130][M]
Ability: Speed Boost TM: Rain Dance TM: Liquidation
63. You see a great ball. Golduck [130][F]
Ability: Swift Swim TM: Reflect TM: Hydropump
64. You see an ultra ball. Cloned Tentacruel [130][F]
Ability: Liquid Ooze TM: Reflect TM: Poison Gas
65. You see a lure ball. Floatzel [130][M]
Ability: Water Veil TM: Rain Dance TM: Water Pulse
66. You see a pokeball. Crawdaunt [130][M][+1 addon]
Ability: Shell Armor TM: Water Pulse TM: Brick Break
67. You see an ultra ball. Alomomola [130][F]
Ability: Healer [Reset x 2] TM: Water Pulse TM: Mist
68. You see a pokeball. Wailord [130][M]
Ability: Oblivious TM: Hydropump TM: Earthquake
69. You see an ultra ball. Carracosta [130][M]
Ability: Solid Rock TM: Falling Rocks TM: Water Tornado
70. You see an ultra ball. Huntail [130][F]
Ability: Swift Swim TM: Water Pulse TM: Brine
71. You see a great ball. Luvdisc [130][F] "Ludwiczek"
Ability: Swift Swim TM: Hydropump TM: Rain Dance
72. You see an ultra ball. Gorebyss [130][F]
Ability: Swift Swim TM: Rain Dance TM: Hydropump
73. You see an ultra ball. Pyukumuku [130][M]
Ability: Unaware TM: Water Tornado TM: Hydropump
74. You see a pokeball. Simipour [130][M]
Ability: Torrent TM: Rain Dance TM: Water Tornado

Psychic-type pokemons


75. You see purple pokeball. Gardevoir [130][F][+2 addons]
Ability: Trace TM: Reflect TM: Fairy Wind
76. You see a moon ball. Alakazam [130][M][+1 addon]
Ability: Inner Focus TM: Tri Attack TM: Thunder Bolt
77. You see an ultra ball. Gothitelle [130][M]
Ability: Frisk TM: Psyblast TM: Last Resort
78. You see a pokeball. Meowsticf [130][F]
Ability: Infiltrator TM: Synchronoise TM: Psyblast
79. You see a fast ball. Mr Mime [130][M]
Ability: Filter TM: Feint TM: Tri Attack
80. You see a pokeball. Wobbuffet [130][M][+1 addon]
Ability: Oblivious
81. You see an ultra ball. Chimecho [130][F]
Ability: Levitate TM: Reflect TM: Psyblast
82. You see a super ball. Slowking [130][M]
Ability: Oblivious TM: Reflect TM: Water Pulse
83. You see an ultra ball. Hypno [130][F]
Ability: Inner Focus TM: Reflect TM: Brick Break
84. You see a nest ball. Gallade [130][M][+1 addon]
Ability: Justified TM: Brick Break TM: Reflect
85. You see a heavy ball. Espeon [130][M][+1 addon]
Ability: Magic Bounce TM: Tri Attack TM: Shadow Storm
86. You see a pokeball. Darmanitanz [130][F]
Ability: Zen Mode TM: Psyblast TM: Psychic Terrain
87. You see a pokeball. Meowsticm [130][M] Ability:
Prankster TM: Synchronoise TM: Psychic Terrain
88. You see an ultra ball. Delphox [130][F][+1 addon]
Ability: Blaze TM: Reflect TM: Grass Knot
89. You see a pokeball. Reuniclus [130][M]
Ability: Magic Guard TM: Geomancy TM: Mimic
90. You see a super ball. Grumpig [130][F]
Ability: Own Tempo [Reset x 1] TM: Reflect TM: Psyblast
91. You see a pokeball. Musharna [130][M]
Ability: Synchronize TM: Reflect TM: Psyblast
92. You see a pokeball. Malamar [130][F]
Ability: Infiltrator TM: Pursuit TM: Night Daze
93. You see a sport ball. Bruxish [130][M]
Ability: Wonder Skin TM: Reflect TM: Psyblast

Dark-type pokemons


94. You see a pokeball. Mandibuzz [130][M]
Ability: Weak Armor TM: Aerial Ace TM: Rain Dance
95. You see a heavy ball. Umbreon [130][M]
Ability: Synchronize TM: Rain Dance TM: Synchronoise
96. You see an ultra ball. Absol [130][F][+1 addon]
Ability: Justified TM: Reflect TM: Shadow Storm
97. You see a heavy ball. Houndoom [130][F] "Sakazuki"
Ability: Unnerve TM: Dark Pulse TM: Pursuit
98. You see a great ball. Honchkrow [130][M]
Ability: Insomnia TM: Dark Pulse TM: Sky Attack
99. You see a pokeball. Mightyena [130][M]
Ability: Intimidate TM: Dark Pulse TM: Shadow Blast
100. You see an ultra ball. Tyranitar [130][F][+1 addon]
Ability: Sand Stream TM: Brick Break TM: Water Pulse
101. You see a rocket ball. Zoroark [130][M]
Ability: Illusion TM: Snarl TM: Rain Dance
102. You see a moon ball. Greninja [130][M]
Ability: Torrent TM: Rain Dance TM: Snarl
103. You see an ultra ball. Liepard [130][M]
Ability: Prankster TM: Night Daze TM: Thunder
104. You see an ultra ball. Alolan Raticate [130][M]
Ability: Thick Fat TM: Shadow Storm TM: Shadow Blast
105. You see a pokeball. Obstagoon [130][F]
Ability: Reckless TM: Embargo TM: Shadow Storm
106. You see an ultra ball. Pangoro [130][M]
Ability: Scrappy TM: Shadow Storm TM: Boomburst

Normal-type pokemons


107. You see a pokeball. Blissey [130][F][+1 addon]
Ability: Healer TM: Reflect TM: Water Pulse
108. You see a luxury ball. Porygon-Z [130]
Ability: Adaptability TM: Reflect TM: Blizzard
109. You see pink pokeball. Snorlax [130][M][+1 addon]
Ability: Thick Fat TM: Reflect TM: Brick Break
110. You see a great ball. Exploud [130][F]
Ability: Scrappy TM: Meteor Mash TM: Water Pulse
111. You see a pokeball. Dunsparce [130][M]
Ability: Rattled TM: Earthquake TM: Rain Dance
112. You see an ultra ball. Purugly [130][F]
Ability: Own Tempo TM: Rain Dance TM: Night Daze
113. You see an ultra ball. Furret [130][M]
Ability: Limber TM: Water Pulse TM: Baby-doll Eyes
114. You see a luxury ball. Ambipom [130][M]
Ability: Technician TM: Aerial Ace TM: Brick Break
115. You see a super ball. Miltank [130][F][+1 addon]
Ability: Scrappy M: Water Pulse TM: Earthquake
116. You see an ultra ball. Gumshoos [130][M]
Ability: Strong Jaw [Reset x 2] TM: Bulk Up TM: Snarl
117. You see a pokeball. Lickilicky [130][M]
Ability: Own Tempo TM: Water Pulse TM: Earthquake
118. You see a pokeball. Stantler [130][M]
Ability: Intimidate TM: Reflect TM: Power Split
119. You see an ultra ball. Linoone [130][M]
Ability: Gluttony [Reset x 1] TM: Feint TM: Wild Charge
120. You see a pokeball. Sawsbuck [130][M]
Ability: Sap Sipper
121. You see a pokeball. Castform [130][M]
Ability: Forecast
122. You see an ultra ball. Cloned Raticate [130][F]
Ability: Hustle TM: Water Pulse TM: Thunder Bolt
123. You see a timer ball. Kangaskhan [130][F]
Ability: Scrappy [Reset x 1] TM: Sleep Talk TM: Brick Break
124. You see a safari ball. Tauros [130][M]
Ability: Intimidate TM: Sandstorm TM: Fissure
125. You see an ultra ball. Girafarig [130][F]
Ability: Early Bird TM: Earthquake TM: Reflect
126. You see an ultra ball. Smeargle [130][M]
Ability: Own Tempo
127. You see a pokeball. Ursaring [130][M][+1 addon]
Ability: Quick Feet TM: Earthquake TM: Brick Break
128. You see an ultra ball. Stoutland [130][F]
Ability: Intimidate [Reset x 1] TM: Reflect TM: Rain Dance
129. You see an ultra ball. Slaking [130][F]
Ability: Scrappy [Reset x 1] TM: Water Pulse TM: Boomburst
130. You see a pokeball. Ditto [130]
Ability: Limber
131. You see an ultra ball. Zangoose [130][M][+1 addon]
Ability: Toxic Boost TM: Water Pulse TM: Rock-smash
132. You see a great ball. Persian [130][M]
Ability: Technician TM: Thunder Bolt TM: Water Pulse
133. You see a heavy ball. Kecleon [130][F]
Ability: Color Change
134. You see an ultra ball. Delcatty [130][M]
Ability: Cute Charm TM: Water Pulse TM: Reflect
135. You see a pokeball. Lopunny [130][M] "Bad Bunny"
Ability: Scrappy TM: Rain Dance TM: Bulk Up
136. You see a pokeball. Porygon-Z [130] "Zeta"
Ability: Adaptability TM: Reflect TM: Rain Dance
137. You see an ultra ball. Spinda [130][F]
Ability: Own Tempo TM: Reflect TM: Rain Dance
138. You see pink pokeball. Blissey [130][F]
Ability: Natural Cure TM: Water Pulse TM: Reflect
139. You see a pokeball. Audino [130][M]
Ability: Healer TM: Reflect TM: Dazzling Gleam
140. You see a pokeball. Furfrou [130][M]
Ability: Fur Coat TM: Fury Swipes TM: Boomburst
141. You see a pokeball. Eevee [130][M]
Ability: Adaptability TM: Reflect TM: Rain Dance
142. You see a pokeball. Cinccino [130][M]
Ability: Technician TM: Fury Swipes TM: Metronome
143. You see an ultra ball. Komala [130][F]
Ability: Comatose TM: Brick Break TM: Mud Bomb

Ice-type pokemons


144. You see a heavy ball. Abomasnow [130][M][+1 addon]
Ability: Soundproof TM: Reflect TM: Rain Dance
145. You see an ultra ball. Cloned Jynx [130][F]
Ability: Dry Skin TM: Reflect TM: Water Pulse
146. You see an ultra ball. Vanilluxe [130][F]
Ability: Weak Armor TM: Aurora Sphere TM: Ice Storm
147. You see a pokeball. Delibird [130][F]
Ability: Hustle TM: Blizzard TM: Sky Attack
148. You see aqua pokeball. Lapras [130][M][+1 addon]
Ability: Water Absorb TM: Water Pulse TM: Reflect
149. You see a pokeball. Glalie [130][M][+1 addon]
Ability: Ice Body TM: Sheer Cold TM: Rain Dance
150. You see a premier ball. Beartic [130][F]
Ability: Swift Swim TM: Reflect TM: Rain Dance
151. You see a pokeball. Froslass [130][F]
Ability: Cursed Body TM: Reflect TM: Ice Storm
152. You see a pokeball. Cloyster [130][F]
Ability: Overcoat TM: Water Pulse TM: Hydropump
153. You see a pokeball. Walrein [130][M]
Ability: Thick Fat TM: Rain Dance TM: Fissure
154. You see a super ball. Mamoswine [130][F]
Ability: Thick Fat TM: Reflect TM: Blizzard
155. You see a pokeball. Aurorus [130][M]
Ability: No Guard [Reset x 1] TM: Reflect TM: Rain Dance
156. You see an ultra ball. Weavile [130][M]
Ability: Snow Cloak TM: Reflect TM: Brick Break
157. You see a great ball. Dewgong [130][M]
Ability: Ice Body TM: Water Pulse TM: Hydropump
158. You see aqua pokeball. Avalugg [130][M]
Ability: Own Tempo TM: Water Pulse TM: Ice Storm
159. You see a lure ball Glaceon [130][F][+1 addon]
Ability: Snow Cloak TM: Aurora Sphere TM: Blizzard
160. You see an ultra ball. Frost Rotom [130]
Ability: Levitate TM: Water Pulse TM: Ice Storm
161. You see a pokeball. Galarian Darmanitan [130][F]
Ability: Inner Focus [Reset x 3] TM: Mist TM: Ice Storm
162. You see a pokeball. Mr Rime [130][F]
Ability: Ice Body TM: Blizzard TM: Ice Shards
163. You see a pokeball. Frosmoth [130][M]
Ability: Shield Dust TM: Blizzard TM: Ice Shards
164. You see a premier ball. Cryogonal [130][F] "Absolute Zero"
Ability: Levitate TM: Sleep Talk TM: Rain Dance
165. You see a rocket ball. Alolan Sandslash [130][F]
Ability: Snow Cloak TM: Blizzard TM: Doom Desire
166. You see a pokeball. Eiscue [130][F]
Ability: Ice Face TM: Reflect TM: Water Tornado

Grass-type pokemons


167. You see a friend ball. Ludicolo [130][M]
Ability: Own Tempo TM: Brick Break TM: Hydropump
168. You see a nest ball. Meganium [130][F][+1 addon]
Ability: Leaf Guard TM: Reflect TM: Baby-Doll Eyes
169. You see an ultra ball. Lilligant [130][F]
Ability: Chlorophyll TM: Grassy Terrain TM: Grass Whistle
170. You see a rocket ball. Chesnaught [130][M]
Ability: Overgrow TM: Bullet Seed TM: Earthquake
171. You see an ultra ball. Cherrim [130][M]
Ability: Overgrow TM: Power Whip TM: Grass Whistle
172. You see a pokeball. Leafeon [130][F][+1 addon]
Ability: Chlorophyll TM: Reflect TM: Last Resort
173. You see a pokeball. Gogoat [130][F] ""
Ability: Grass Pelt TM: Grass Whistle TM: Rain Dance
174. You see a great ball. Cacturne [130][M][+1 addon]
Ability: Water Absorb TM: Bullet Seed TM: Shadow Storm
175. You see a safari ball. Carnivine [130][F]
Ability: Levitate TM: Grass Whistle TM: Snarl
176. You see a great ball. Cradily [130][M][+1 addon]
Ability: Storm Drain [Reset x 1] TM: Petal Blizzard TM: Falling Rocks
177. You see a great ball. Bellossom [130][M]
Ability: Chlorophyll TM: Frenzy Plant TM: Petal Blizzard
178. You see a friend ball. Sceptile [130][M]
Ability: Overgrow TM: Dragon Claw TM: Brick Break
179. You see a pokeball. Victreebel [130][F]
Ability: Chlorophyll TM: Reflect TM: Poison Gas
180. You see an ultra ball. Roserade [130][M]
Ability: Poison Point TM: Rain Dance TM: Dazzling Gleam
181. You see a level ball. Exeggutor [130][F] "Fusion" [+1 addon]
Ability: Chlorophyll TM: Reflect TM: Shadow Storm
182. You see a great ball. Serperior [130][F]
Ability: Overgrow TM: Reflect TM: Dragon Storm
183. You see a great ball. Tangrowth [130][M]
Ability: Leaf Guard TM: Reflect TM: Bullet Seed
184. You see a pokeball. Sunflora [130][F][+1 addon]
Ability: Chlorophyll TM: Frenzy Plant TM: Petal Blizzard
185. You see a friend ball. Vileplume [130][M]
Ability: Effect Spore TM: Sludge Rain TM: Frenzy Plant
186. You see an ultra ball. Wormadamp [130][F]
Ability: Overcoat TM: Petal Blizzard TM: Bullet Seed
187. You see a friend ball. Jumpluff [130][M]
Ability: Infiltrator TM: Reflect TM: Fairy Wind
188. You see a friend ball. Venusaur [130][M][+1 addon]
Ability: Overgrow TM: Reflect TM: Venom Storm
189. You see a pokeball. Shiftry [130][F][+1 addon]
Ability: Early Bird [Reset x 1] TM: Dark Pulse TM: Brick Break
190. You see a rocket ball. Tsareena [130][F]
Ability: Queenly Majesty TM: Reflect TM: Play Nice
191. You see an ultra ball. Lurantis [130][F]
Ability: Leaf Guard TM: Grassy Terrain TM: Leaf Tornado
192. You see a pokeball. Shaymin [130][F]
Ability: Natural Cure TM: Geomancy TM: Bullet Seed
193. You see a pokeball. Leavanny [130][F]
Ability: Overcoat TM: Grass Whistle TM: Petal Blizzard
194. You see a pokeball. Simisage [130][M]
Ability: Gluttony TM: Bullet Seed TM: Petal Blizzard
195. You see a pokeball. Maractus [130][F]
Ability: Storm Drain [Reset x 2] TM: Grass Whistle

Fairy-type pokemons


196. You see pink pokeball. Clefable [130][M][+1 addon]
Ability: Cute Charm TM: Reflect TM: Rain Dance
197. You see pink pokeball. Wigglytuff [130][F][+1 addon]
Ability: Cute Charm TM: Reflect TM: Blizzard
198. You see an ultra ball. Aromatisse [130][M]
Ability: Aroma Veil TM: Dazzling Gleam TM: Misty Terrain
199. You see a pokeball. Slurpuff [130][F]
Ability: Sweet Veil TM: Disarming Voice TM: Fairy Blade
200. You see a premier ball. Togekiss [130][M][+1 addon]
Ability: Super Luck TM: Reflect TM: Earthquake
201. You see a super ball. Granbull [130][M]
Ability: Quick Feet TM: Reflect TM: Fairy Blade
202. You see a pokeball. Galarian Weezing [130][F]
Ability: Neutralizing Gas TM: Fairy Wind TM: Fairy Dreams
203. You see a pokeball. Sylveon [130][M][+1 addon]
Ability: Pixilate TM: Reflect TM: Rain Dance
204. You see a pokeball. Dedenne [130][M]
Ability: Pickup TM: Fairy Wind TM: Electric Storm
205. You see a pokeball. Florges [130][F]
Ability: Flower Veil TM: Disarming Voice TM: Rain Dance
206. You see an ultra ball. Whimsicott [130][F]
Ability: Leaf Guard TM: Geomancy TM: Dazzling Gleam
207. You see a pokeball. Galarian Rapidashf [130][M]
Ability: Pastel Veil TM: Synchronoise TM: Geomancy
208. You see an ultra ball. Alolan Ninetales [130][F]
Ability: Snow Cloak TM: Ice Shards TM: Rain Dance
209. You see an ultra ball. Alcremie [130][F]
Ability: Sweet Veil TM: Geomancy TM: Fairy Wind

Fight-type pokemons


210. You see a pokeball. Medicham [130][F]
Ability: Guts TM: Reflect TM: Rain Dance
211. You see a moon ball. Lucario [130][M]
Ability: Steadfast TM: Doom Desire TM: Brick Break
212. You see a pokeball. Hawlucha [130][M]
Ability: Mold Breaker [Reset x 1] TM: Brick Break TM: Pursuit
213. You see a friend ball. Primeape [130][F] "Spartan"
Ability: Vital Spirit TM: Brick Break TM: Meteor Mash
214. You see a pokeball. Hitmonlee [130][M]
Ability: Limber TM: Brick Break TM: Super Power
215. You see a pokeball. Hitmontop [130][M]
Ability: Steadfast TM: Brick Break TM: Sandstorm
216. You see a great ball. Hariyama [130][F]
Ability: Guts TM: Circular Explosion TM: Roar
217. You see an ultra ball. Breloom [130][M]
Ability: Effect Spore [Reset x 1] TM: Grass Whistle TM: Petal Blizzard
218. You see a level ball. Hitmonchan [130][M][+1 addon]
Ability: Inner Focus TM: Brick Break TM: Circular Explosion
219. You see a premier ball. Machamp [130][M][+1 addon] "Czteroreki"
Ability: Steadfast TM: Brick Break TM: Fissure
220. You see a pokeball. Conkeldurr [130][F]
Ability: Guts TM: Circular Explosion TM: Final Gambit
221. You see a pokeball. Sirfetch'd [130][M]
Ability: Scrappy TM: Sleep Talk TM: Force Palm
222. You see an ultra ball. Bewear [130][F]
Ability: Inner Focus TM: Submission TM: Circular Explosion

Fly-type pokemons


223. You see a fast ball. Fan Rotom [130]
Ability: Levitate TM: Fly Attack TM: Tornado
224. You see a super ball. Xatu [130][F]
Ability: Magic Bounce TM: Reflect TM: Tornado
225. You see an ultra ball. Cloned Pidgeot [130][F]
Ability: Tangled Feet TM: Reflect TM: Aerial Ace
226. You see a level ball. Staraptor [130][M]
Ability: Reckless [Reset x 1] TM: Aerial Ace TM: Rain Dance
227. You see an ultra ball. Dodrio [130][F]
Ability: Early Bird TM: Double Team TM: Sky Attack
228. You see a nest ball. Tropius [130][M]
Ability: Chlorophyll TM: Reflect TM: Aerial Ace
229. You see a great ball. Noctowl [130][F]
Ability: Insomnia TM: Psychic TM: Steel Wing
230. You see a great ball. Pelipper [130][F]
Ability: Drizzle [Reset x 1] TM: Water Pulse TM: Hurricane
231. You see a pokeball. Cloned Farfetch'd [130][M] "Robocop"
Ability: Inner Focus TM: Last Resort TM: Psycho Cut
232. You see an ultra ball. Swellow [130][M]
Ability: Scrappy TM: Tornado TM: Reflect
233. You see aqua pokeball. Fearow [130][F]
Ability: Sniper TM: Double Team TM: Rain Dance
234. You see a safari ball. Chatot [130][F]
Ability: Tangled Feet TM: Sky Attack TM: Hurricane
235. You see an ultra ball. Toucannon [130][M]
Ability: Pickup TM: Tornado TM: Sky Attack

Bug-type pokemons


236. You see a great ball. Forretress [130][M]
Ability: Overcoat TM: Reflect TM: Lunge
237. You see an ultra ball. Cloned Beedrill [130][M]
Ability: Swarm TM: Double Team TM: Reflect
238. You see a spring Ball. Vivillonele [130][F]
Ability: Shield Dust TM: Infestation TM: Lunge
239. You see a great ball. Masquerain [130][F]
Ability: Unnerve TM: Reflect TM: Rain Dance
240. You see a rocket ball. Cloned Pinsir [130][M]
Ability: Moxie TM: Infestation TM: Lunge
241. You see an ultra ball. Mothim [130][M]
Ability: Swarm TM: Infestation TM: Venoshock
242. You see a rocket ball. Cloned Butterfree [130][F]
Ability: Tinted Lens TM: Reflect TM: Rain Dance
243. You see a pokeball. Ledian [130][M]
Ability: Early Bird TM: Fly Attack TM: Brick Break
244. You see a level ball. Kricketune [130][M]
Ability: Swarm [Reset x 1] TM: Quiver Dance TM: Lunge
245. You see a great ball. Shuckle [130][M]
Ability: Gluttony TM: Bug Buzz TM: Sandstorm
246. You see an ultra ball. Heracross [130][M]
Ability: Moxie TM: Sky Uppercut TM: Bug Buzz
247. You see a nest ball. Yanmega [130][M]
Ability: Speed Boost TM: Quiver Dance TM: Aerial Ace
248. You see an ultra ball. Cloned Parasect [130][F]
Ability: Dry Skin TM: Frenzy Plant TM: Bug Buzz
249. You see a great ball. Illumise [130][F]
Ability: Tinted Lens TM: Lunge TM: Double Team
250. You see a great ball. Beautifly [130][F]
Ability: Swarm TM: Reflect TM: Spin Out
251. You see a pokeball. Ninjask [130][M]
Ability: Speed Boost TM: Steamroller TM: Infestation
252. You see a safari ball. Combeef [130][M]
Ability: Hustle TM: Defog TM: Sleep Talk
253. You see a safari ball. Vespiquen [130][F]
Ability: Unnerve TM: Double Team TM: Steamroller
254. You see a great ball. Volbeat [130][M]
Ability: Swarm TM: Steamroller TM: Lunge
255. You see an ultra ball. Golisopod [130][M]
Ability: Emergency Exit TM: Water Tornado TM: Doom Desire
256. You see a fast ball. Ribombee [130][M]
Ability: Shield Dust TM: Reflect TM: Lunge



Well-known member
May 6, 2015
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Lel, 2nd post of our pokemons, cuz just one is too long. Enjoy 2nd part!

Steel-type pokemons


257. You see a pokeball. Empoleon [130][M][+1 addon]
Ability: Torrent TM: Tri Attack TM: Defog
258. You see an ultra ball. Bisharp [130][M]
Ability: Inner Focus TM: Night Daze TM: Magnetic Shock
259. You see a level ball. Scizor [130][F] "Hanzo Hasashi" [+1 addon]
Ability: Swarm TM: Doom Desire TM: Feint
260. You see an ultra ball. Wormadamt [130][F]
Ability: Overcoat TM: Doom Desire TM: Magnetic Shock
261. You see an ultra ball. Klefki [130][M]
Ability: Prankster TM: Sleep Talk TM: Rain Dance
262. You see a great ball. Probopass [130][M]
Ability: Magnet Pull TM: Sandstorm TM: Falling Rocks
263. You see a great ball. Aegislash [130][+1 addon]
Ability: Stance TM: Shadow Storm TM: Rain Dance
264. You see a super ball. Ferrothorn [130][M]
Ability: Water Absorb TM: Sandstorm TM: Magnetic Shock
265. You see a luxury ball. Metagross [130][+1 addon]
Ability: Inner Focus TM: Reflect TM: Psyblast
266. You see a pokeball. Bronzong [130] Ability:
Levitate [Reset x 1] TM: Doom Desire TM: Tri Attack
267. You see a heavy ball. Skarmory [130][F]
Ability: Weak Armor TM: Roar TM: Sandstorm
268. You see a pokeball. Aggron [130][M][+1 addon]
Ability: Mold Breaker TM: Earthquake TM: Doom Desire
269. You see a pokeball. Escavalier [130][M]
Ability: Shed Skin TM: Doom Desire TM: Shift Gear
270. You see a fast ball. Shiny Mawile [130][F]
Ability: Intimidate TM: Doom Desire TM: Rock Slide
271. You see an ultra ball. Alolan Dugtrio [130][F]
Ability: Arena Trap [Reset x 1] TM: Pursuit TM: Rock Slide
272. You see an ultra ball. Mawile [130][F][+2 addons]
Ability: Intimidate TM: Sandstorm TM: Doom Desire
273. You see a heavy ball. Melmetal [130][M]
Ability: Berserk TM: Doom Desire TM: Magnetic Shock
274. You see a heavy ball. Togedemaru [130][M]
Ability: Lightning Rod TM: Metallic Noise TM: Magnetic Shock
275. You see a pokeball. Perrserker [130][F]
Ability: Steely Spirit TM: Doom Desire TM: Magnetic Shock

Ground-type pokemons


276. You see a timer ball. Golurk [130]
Ability: No Guard TM: Epicenter TM: Shadow Storm
277. You see a pokeball. Torterra [130][M][+1 addon]
Ability: Shell Armor TM: Petal Blizzard TM: Reflect
278. You see an ultra ball. Gliscor [130][M][+1 addon]
Ability: Sand Veil TM: Fissure TM: Aerial Ace
279. You see an ultra ball. Wormadams [130][F]
Ability: Overcoat TM: Epicenter TM: Sandstorm
280. You see an ultra ball. Gastrodon [130][M]
Ability: Storm Drain TM: Epicenter TM: Water Pulse
281. You see a pokeball. Excadrill [130][M]
Ability: Sand Rush [Reset x 1] TM: Epicenter TM: Sandstorm
282. You see an ultra ball. Hippowdon [130][M]
Ability: Sand Stream [Reset x 1] TM: Feint TM: Earthquake
283. You see a super ball. Marowak [130][F]
Ability: Battle Armor TM: Fissure TM: Epicenter
284. You see a pokeball. Diggersby [130][M]
Ability: Pickup TM: Sandstorm TM: Brick Break
285. You see an ultra ball. Whiscash [130][F]
Ability: Hydration TM: Rain Dance TM: Epicenter
286. You see a lure ball. Steelix [130][F]
Ability: Mold Breaker TM: Doom Desire TM: Sandstorm
287. You see a pokeball. Quagsire [130][M]
Ability: Water Absorb TM: Epicenter TM: Water Pulse
288. You see a great ball. Dugtrio [130][F]
Ability: Sand Veil TM: Fissure TM: Rock Blast
289. You see a great ball. Donphan [130][F]
Ability: Sand Veil TM: Sandstorm TM: Mud Bomb
290. You see a pokeball. Sandslash [130][F]
Ability: Sand Veil TM: Fissure TM: Sandstorm
291. You see an ultra ball. Claydol [130][+1 addon]
Ability: Levitate TM: Epicenter TM: Reflect
292. You see a pokeball. Seismitoad [130][M]
Ability: Hydration TM: Epicenter TM: Earthquake
293. You see a heavy ball. Runerigus [130][M]
Ability: Wandering Spirit TM: Epicenter TM: Fissure
294. You see an ultra ball. Mudsdale [130][M]
Ability: Inner Focus TM: Epicenter TM: Magnitude

Poison-type pokemons


295. You see a pokeball. Dragalge [130][M]
Ability: Poison Point TM: Poison Gas TM: Rain Dance
296. You see a heavy ball. Toxicroak [130][M][+1 addon]
Ability: Dry Skin TM: Poison Gas TM: Feint
297. You see a pokeball. Muk [130][M][+1 addon]
Ability: Skicky Hold TM: Dark Pulse TM: Venom Storm
298. You see an ultra ball. Seviper [130][M]
Ability: Shed Skin TM: Sludge Rain TM: Poison Gas
299. You see an ultra ball. Dustox [130][M]
Ability: Shield Dust TM: Reflect TM: Venoshock
300. You see a safari ball. Nidoqueen [130][F]
Ability: Poison Point TM: Reflect TM: Epicenter
301. You see a great ball. Nidoking [130][M][+1 addon]
Ability: Poison Point TM: Reflect TM: Blizzard
302. You see a pokeball. Venomoth [130][M]
Ability: Tinted Lens TM: Reflect TM: Poison Gas
303. You see an ultra ball. Drapion [130][F]
Ability: Sniper [Reset x 1] TM: Giga Drain TM: Rain Dance
304. You see an ultra ball. Skuntank [130][F]
Ability: Aftermath TM: Shadow Storm TM: Curse Pledge
305. You see a pokeball. Ariados [130][M][+1 addon]
Ability: Insomnia TM: Poison Gas TM: Venom Storm
306. You see a super ball. Cloned Crobat [130][F]
Ability: Inner Focus TM: Poison Gas TM: Sludge Rain
307. You see a pokeball. Arbok [130][M]
Ability: Intimidate TM: Sludge Rain TM: Poison Gas
308. You see an ultra ball. Swalot [130][M]
Ability: Gluttony TM: Earthquake TM: Venoshock
309. You see a pokeball. Weezing [130][M] "Arlanyx Swan"
Ability: Levitate TM: Sludge Rain TM: Venom Storm
310. You see an ultra ball. Toxapex [130][M]
Ability: Regenerator TM: Freeze Dry TM: Rain Dance
311. You see a pokeball. Galarian Slowbro [130][F]
Ability: Own Tempo TM: Poison Gas TM: Sludge Rain
312. You see an ultra ball. Salazzle [130][M]
Ability: Corrosion TM: Venom Storm TM: Lava Plume

Ghost-type pokemons


313. You see purple pokeball. Gengar [130][F][+2 addon]
Ability: Levitate TM: Reflect TM: Mimic
314. You see a moon ball. Banette [130][M] "Symbiote"
Ability: Insomnia TM: Reflect TM: Shadow Storm
315. You see a pokeball. Chandelure [130][F][+1 addon]
Ability: Infiltrator TM: Lava Plume TM: Reflect
316. You see purple pokeball. Trevenant [130][F][+1 addon]
Ability: Natural Cure TM: Reflect TM: Shadow Storm
317. You see a phantom ball. Cofagrigus [130][F]
Ability: Mummy TM: Reflect TM: Rain Dance
318. You see a phantom ball. Drifblim [130][M]
Ability: Aftermath TM: Grudge TM: Rain Dance
319. You see an ultra ball. Sableye [130][F][+1 addon]
Ability: Prankster TM: Thunder TM: Pursuit
320. You see a pokeball. Decidueye [130][F]
Ability: Overgrow TM: Curse Pledge TM: Shadow Storm
321. You see a timer ball. Dusknoir [130][M]
Ability: Insomnia TM: Brick Break TM: Reflect
322. You see a love ball. Spiritomb [130][F]
Ability: Infiltrator TM: Shadow Storm TM: Feint
323. You see purple pokeball. Mismagius [130][M][+1 addon]
Ability: Levitate TM: Dark Pulse TM: Thunder
324. You see a pokeball. Jellicent [130][M]
Ability: Cursed Body TM: Sheer Cold TM: Shadow Storm
325. You see a pokeball. Gourgeist [130][M][+1 addon]
Ability: Pickup TM: Petal Blizzard TM: Shadow Blast
326. You see a great ball. Shedinja [130][M]
Ability: Speed Boost TM: Shadow Storm TM: Curse Pledge
327. You see an ultra ball. Rotom [130]
Ability: Levitate TM: Reflect TM: Shadow Storm
328. You see an ultra ball. Alolan Marowak [130][M]
Ability: Cursed Body TM: Shadow Storm TM: Shadow Blast
329. You see a pokeball. Polteageist [130]
Ability: Cursed Body TM: Shadow Storm TM: Shadow Blast
330. You see a pokeball. Cursola [130][F]
Ability: Cursed Body TM: Dream Catcher TM: Shadow Storm

Dragon-type pokemons


331. You see a fast ball. Dragonite [130][F][+1 addon]
Ability: Inner Focus TM: Reflect TM: Brick Break
332. You see a pokeball. Kingdra [130][M]
Ability: Swift Swim TM: Reflect TM: Water Pulse
333. You see a timer ball. Salamence [130][M][+1 addon]
Ability: Intimidate TM: Ice Storm TM: Reflect
334. You see a pokeball. Haxorus [130][M] Ability: Mold Breaker
TM: Brick Break TM: Reflect
335. You see an ultra ball. Altaria [130][F][+1 addon]
Ability: Natural Cure [Reset x 1] TM: Aerial Ace TM: Dragon Storm
336. You see a pokeball. Noivern [130][F]
Ability: Infiltrator TM: Boomburst TM: Draco Meteor
337. You see an ultra ball. Druddigon [130][M]
Ability: Mold Breaker TM: Surf TM: Rain Dance
338. You see a pokeball. Hydreigon [130][F] "Ezoteryka"
Ability: Levitate TM: Reflect TM: Rain Dance
339. You see a heavy ball. Tyrantrum [130][M]
Ability: Super Luck TM: Dragon Storm TM: Water Pulse
340. You see a nest ball. Flygon [130][F]
Ability: Levitate TM: Sandstorm TM: Mud Bomb
341. You see an ultra ball. Garchomp [130][F]
Ability: Sand Veil TM: Earthquake TM: Dragon Storm
342. You see an ultra ball. Goodra [130][F]
Ability: Sap Sipper TM: Draco Meteor TM: Dragon Storm
343. You see a premier ball. Drampa [130][M]
Ability: Berserk TM: Draco Meteor TM: Clanging Scales
344. You see a heavy ball. Turtonator [130][M]
Ability: Shell Armor TM: Lava Plume TM: Dragon Storm
345. You see a pokeball. Alolan Exeggutor [130][M]
Ability: Chlorophyll TM: Reflect TM: Dragon Storm
346. You see a fast ball. Dragapult [130][F]
Ability: Infiltrator TM: Reflect TM: Draco Meteor

Rock-type pokemons


347. You see a timer ball. Aerodactyl [130][F]
Ability: Unnerve TM: Reflect TM: Falling Rocks
348. You see an ultra ball. Rhyperior [130][M]
Ability: Reckless TM: Sandstorm TM: Fissure
349. You see a pokeball. Omastar [130][M]
Ability: Swift Swim TM: Hydropump TM: Water Pulse
350. You see purple pokeball. Kabutops [130][F]
Ability: Battle Armor TM: Brick Break TM: Aerial Ace
351. You see a heavy ball. Onix [130][F]
Ability: Weak Armor TM: Rock Blast TM: Sandstorm
352. You see a pokeball. Rampardos [130][M]
Ability: Mold Breaker TM: Sandstorm TM: Falling Rock
353. You see a pokeball. Sudowoodo [130][F][+1 addon]
Ability: Rattled TM: Sandstorm TM: Dizzy Punch
354. You see an ultra ball. Lunatone [130]
Ability: Levitate TM: Reflect TM: Falling Rocks
355. You see an ultra ball. Solrock [130]
Ability: Levitate TM: Synchronoise TM: Psyblast
356. You see a great ball. Relicanth [130][F]
Ability: Swift Swim TM: Falling Rocks TM: Rain Dance
357. You see a pokeball. Golem [130][F][+1 addon]
Ability: Sand Veil TM: Earthquake TM: Fissure
358. You see a pokeball. Gigalith [130][M]
Ability: Sand Force TM: Stone Edge TM: Falling Rocks
359. You see a pokeball. Armaldo [130][M][+1 addon]
Ability: Battle Armor TM: Sandstorm TM: Falling Rocks
360. You see a rocket ball. Lycanroc midnight [130][M]
Ability: No Guard [Reset x 1] TM: Brick Break TM: Sandstorm
361. You see an ultra ball. Lycanroc midday [130][F]
Ability: Steadfast TM: Falling Rocks TM: Sandstorm
362. You see an ultra ball. Lycanrocdu [130][M]
Ability: Tough Claws TM: Falling Rocks TM: Rock Storm

This is what we have right now! Still some pokemons are needed for our collection, but by small steps finally (I hope) we will get them!

Some other random things

Exped on shared event pokemons and gave some Rare Candies for them. 100 used so far, 50 left for 2nd achievement. Also ended achievement teaching 25 TMs to pokemons.



Also yesterday if I good remember was boosted Solrock on Diamond so decided to capture it. I did it by throwing 90 balls. :)


See you soon, take care!


Well-known member
May 6, 2015
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Helloooo mates! A bit long time since I was last time here! It is mainly because I was working with my thesis (hope I am close to end this), some other study things, had fun doing addons for contest (maybe will do another one, depends of time xd) and other life things. Due the fact I am almost done with 1st version of thesis I let myself spend some time on PA. Was lvling up pokes, me > my main target is to reach 300 lvl for now.

Here we go!

Lvls of character with many deaths - I didn't play just for leveling up so it is something what I am not used to xd:


Lvled 3 pokes to 130. For now we have 365 pokes on their maximum level and 2 130-. :p

Alolan Persian


Dubwool - for any reason it was the hardest normal pokemon to lvling it up


Naganadel - also with its TMs



During lvling up was a bit lucky with:

Flygon catch - is new one, but the screenshot isn't good so decided just cut the information from default channel. In spoiler u can see how it is done xd.



Chandelure card **


Aaaaand also, let's say with TM cases 10/7 in a half at least and not lucky (as usual) with Golden Coins from daily. Just TM Case 11 left for ending achievement. :D


That's for now! Maybe very soon will be more online since thesis would be done. Started TM tasks for Freeze Dry and Ice Shards so there Ill spend my time now.

Take care and see u!


Well-known member
May 6, 2015
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Good afternoon!

I've came to show you a bit of my things which I was doing lately. Is not so much yet. Correcting the thesis, started again job, good weather and some random life situations make me unable to play as much as I did sometimes. Anyway, I am not saying is bad, but that's why you can not see me online so often.

I'll start from my lvls up - my main goal is 300 lvl. Tried to use boosted exp, but couldn't at all, so just made 3 lvls.


We got 2 new pokemons to our team - 1 of the new one exped to 130 (Centi~), Simisear is old one, but without exping it until now. Also Shiinotic is new one pokemon, but suppose it would be exped in near future.





Thanks to Lorens (again xd) I won 200k. Lorensillo won Shiny Charm one day and decided to make a lottery - I was one of the winners, so I am really happy of that (won at least here, hehe).


Oi... I lied, on last dice I won Mewtwo Ticket vol. 2.

But... I lost 100k on lottery xd. Had birthday last weekend, decided to make present to myself in game and take part in it (most likely I wouldn't do it if I didn't win 200k and my birthday would be another day). We are trying to get money for Ability Urge, but is always something and here we are - again 100k-. Sad. "maybe next time" :rolleyes:


I am not a catcher, but I am also not a person who don't throw balls. So thanks to throwing balls randomly caught 2 new pokes. They aren't so special I think, but it always increase number of caught pokes.



In the end some random things

Was a bit lucky on ice 200 - that's the place where I am going to exp. While doing it making 2 TM tasks - ice shards and freeze dry. Hope I would not need to defeat all of required pokemons - I am tired of that after Espeon task.


TM cases 6 and Held Boxes - just :25: - at least one of cases wanted to make me a bit happy.


Aaaand golden coins - from daily and addon contest xdd. I wonder if is any player who got one of the best rewards from it (like TM Force Palm and so). I used really many of them and always it ends with the same results - earning max 20k from it. It's funny. To be honest I wait when coins would be reworked, like once Nando~ suggested.




That's for now. Hope next days gonna end correcting thesis and will back to lvling me up. See u!


Well-known member
May 6, 2015
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Hello everyone!

A bit long since last time I posted something here and actually that post won't be something special. Just some random things + one which we waited long time for it.

In the beginning want to share with you that I graduated around half month ago so study life is behind me. Don't know if I should be happy or no. However will remember this special time in most of good parts.

Now coming back to PA life. Still don't have much time to play and to be honest I am a bit bored atm since few months, just trying to enjoy some events + picking daily rewards. So it's kind of retirement. Maybe one day will find desire to play as before let say.

One of few randoms situation - present from Sequel for my birthday which I had more than month ago. He used maaaany ice cubes to make some statues and help me with achievements, but so far did 4 ice sculptures, so still a few more need to end both of achievements:


Also made an achievement related to rare card:


Won 2 times in some mini events while participing in them: 1st one was Last Standing Man and 2nd one dice auctions. In 1st won Penguin BP and on 2nd one Arceus Bag with Reflect inside. Still need to decide where to put it: :) Maybe you have any suggestion to where put that Reflect. You can see missing pokemons to our team on trade section on forum:

Don't treat it as a hidden offert. We don't have money and time for searching pokes, but here u can see which pokemons we still need, so from those ones we will choose for sure 1 to put this Reflect. :)



Looong time Maractus waited for 2nd TM and thanks to TM Cases on daily rewards it finally got it (no, we haven't got Bullet Seed from cases, but the price was lower and cuz of this we could buy it):


If we talk about daily rewards, here are mine rewards from TM Case 1 and 2x Golden Coins (still wait for change coins system, cuz sorry but Fly Attack from Golden Coin is quite funny I think):


More about daily rewards. Last days was Johto Box 3 as a reward, so I opened next 6 boxes (brother and Groch gave me) to make an achievement. Still around half of them left to end this.


Aaaaaaaaaaaand one time wrote here that Lorensillo gave me Reflect when he won raid on Shiny Celebi if I am not wrong. That TM waited soooo long to be put in pokemon. We decided to put it on...


That pokemon is quite rare in players teams so is more welcome in our hands. Wanted to catch it or buy it but with my luck and time of playing it, just... But today my brother caught 2nd one, so thanks to him we finally have it and Lorensillo's Reflect is finally used. Thanks you one more time, my friend!

That's for now. Keep going with your goals and enjoy time of playing as much as you can! Take care, guys!
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Well-known member
May 6, 2015
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Hello Dears!

Just to want welcome You with new nickname - Pzopz!


Hope Jano (I guess its you) you had fun doing it, atleast I saved 20 diamonds, it was the change I needed. But would be more welcome for community to have from you changed/fixed things with cards for example or other things. Or instead of it, focus on Proffesions, for sure it is huge project. Hope you will have time (as you had for changing my nick) to implement it just once, not part by part in years, like Zygarde cells after several years ;).

That's all for now, see u soon - maybe when my nick will come again.

@ach, forgot - thanks to you I lost all hotkeys, really appreciate your help Jano, just to let you know.
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Well-known member
May 6, 2015
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recently visited cloned island to complete finally Eeveelution achievement. It was my goal when that card appeared on player's profile. Need to catch Cloned Flareon and Cloned Vaporeon. Haven't been on cloned since 2 years (almost 3 xd) or if I was from that time, was in 2021 and it could be once or twice.

Haven't caught Cloned Flareon (thrown around 1,3k balls on that ticket), but caught this beautiful pokemon and sold it for 500k xd.

Maybe next time :unsure:.


Well-known member
May 6, 2015
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A bit of time ago decided to make daily tasks which are quite nice. It's not aka I must to do it every day, rather treating it as a side part of game and doing it whenever I want. Decided to opening daily boxes every time when I get 50 of them. Today was the day when it happened. Below there are all rewards from them.


Now coming back to Cloned to catch Cloned Flareon. Hope that time would be also enjoyable with any good catch (count for Cloned Flareon ofc.).

ps. Pyrkosz, give me some luck :rolleyes:


Well-known member
May 6, 2015
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Small update :rolleyes: . Nice beginning :cool:!


Seems like Cloned Gengar loves me. But if you rememeber from my 1st post here I was thinking about Mega Pokemon from Voucher and then I chose Mega Gengar, so Gengar is also one of the best pokemons for me of course.
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