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New member
May 30, 2017
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Oh guys, now you speak "inglese", so proud of you ^^

by the way,
>new player



Yes, new player.



You did nothing illegal, that is true. However, a scammer is also someone who tricks people, a dishonest person, and that... I believe that's what you are.


Active member
Oct 16, 2013
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Well, apparently making a bad trade is enough to make admins message you and getting the whole server on your side, I must say, that it's a bit childish, to make a post on forum to complain about an unprofitable trade. I'm not a big fan of Khormes or anything, but I think shaming him for just selling the item to the guy that "wanted" it isn't a crime, and if everybody on the server would be publicly shamed and pointed out as scammer, just because they made some profit on a trade the game wouldn't work.

Regarding the whole situation I have 2 questions.

1. Why is it you arguing Nando, not your friend who got "scammed"?
2. Sometime ago I also got tricked in a similar fashion, http://www.padventures.org/forum/showthread.php?38839-Trade-scam I don't see why this situation requires different response from admins etc. I'm actually surprised Raissa even decided to respond to you in this thread.

This post is not defending Khorm, its defending the right to make mistakes, because thats how you learn. You don't get rewarded for mistakes, thats not how it works, and every adult person should face the consequences of their mistakes, not publicly shame anyone.
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Banned user
Oct 30, 2016
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Yes, new player.



You did nothing illegal, that is true. However, a scammer is also someone who tricks people, a dishonest person, and that... I believe that's what you are.

Tricks, dishonest? You still cant understand that HE WANT ITEM URGE on advertising, he gave price on his own, that's maybe half of br players when you ask them for price are saying "u offer or bb" LOL Where are my tricks, where is my dishonest in that trade? You are scammer Nando, because you want to swindle money back, and making a victim from yourself. That's my last answer on that thread, still thinking you should say sorry cuz you dont have any evidence with my dishonest or tricks.


Banned user
Oct 30, 2016
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Well, apparently making a bad trade is enough to make admins message you and getting the whole server on your side, I must say, that it's a bit childish, to make a post on forum to complain about an unprofitable trade. I'm not a big fan of Khormes or anything, but I think shaming him for just selling the item to the guy that "wanted" it isn't a crime, and if everybody on the server would be publicly shamed and pointed out as scammer, just because they made some profit on a trade the game wouldn't work.

Regarding the whole situation I have 2 questions.

1. Why is it you arguing Nando, not your friend who got "scammed"?
2. Sometime ago I also got tricked in a similar fashion, http://www.padventures.org/forum/showthread.php?38839-Trade-scam I don't see why this situation requires different response from admins etc. I'm actually surprised Raissa even decided to respond to you in this thread.

This post is not defending Khorm, its defending the right to make mistakes, because thats how you learn. You don't get rewarded for mistakes, thats not how it works, and every adult person should face the consequences of their mistakes, not publicly shame anyone.

Oh, also i would like to paste here, definition of trade scam made by Zelricks 3 years ago.

'Just to be clear. Trade-Scam is when someone is trading different thing that was supposed to trade, for example water gems instead of diamonds or magikarp or empty ball etc, when trade is very unfair"

This answer is really last, still arent thinking about saying sorry?
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Active member
Dec 1, 2018
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Nando Cruise, are you kidding me? How can fool someone on the price in PAD, since the prices of items change all the time, e.g. Shiny Stone costs 5K once and 70K once.
If you are looking for attention, you have chosen the wrong topic to make a hero who helps the weaker. Mustangg is a loser if he has not checked the price of the item or even what he was buying. This is only his fault and he should not even admit it because it only shows what kind of player he is.

Again, Spanish players show how they are pathetic, that if they fail in the game they must look for attention in a public forum. Maybe there should be a rule that who unknowingly deceives a Spanish player should be banned or deleted?
This is getting pathetic, they don't get experience, they fall with 5 guild members and steal pokemons, they can't buy / sell items, they have to cry in a public forum.


alfredo luiss

New member
Jul 24, 2017
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How ridiculous that there are players defending khormes with such stupid arguments, giving absurd examples, I can proudly say that I do not have such principles of accepting something that does not belong to me, but if it is so in a game I would not want to know how it is in real life , we all went through a noob stage, where we were wrong, if only for a moment people were more honest, this type of unpleasant scenes would be saved. put the example that they can also be wrong in the npc, so I can say that the npc do not put arguments wanting to defend a player error. They set silly examples because I also put silly answers to what they say. Even take the example that prices vary, first read what you are writing, they are talking about an article that they give as a reward and that the vast majority have, an item so common that they give it to you. and they sell it on the market at 5k, you lack argument just to defend someone who takes advantage of the inexperience of a player, I know that it is not the first that this has happened and it will not be the last but the case is extreme, a top of the game that He is rich, making the poorest poor, there are many ways to generate money at this level, this is only proof of the lack of values ​​in the home and that goes for all who defend this fact.


Banned user
Oct 30, 2016
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How ridiculous that there are players defending khormes with such stupid arguments, giving absurd examples, I can proudly say that I do not have such principles of accepting something that does not belong to me, but if it is so in a game I would not want to know how it is in real life , we all went through a noob stage, where we were wrong, if only for a moment people were more honest, this type of unpleasant scenes would be saved. put the example that they can also be wrong in the npc, so I can say that the npc do not put arguments wanting to defend a player error. They set silly examples because I also put silly answers to what they say. Even take the example that prices vary, first read what you are writing, they are talking about an article that they give as a reward and that the vast majority have, an item so common that they give it to you. and they sell it on the market at 5k, you lack argument just to defend someone who takes advantage of the inexperience of a player, I know that it is not the first that this has happened and it will not be the last but the case is extreme, a top of the game that He is rich, making the poorest poor, there are many ways to generate money at this level, this is only proof of the lack of values ​​in the home and that goes for all who defend this fact.

Alfredo, i know you very well, you have the least to say, so better stop.


Banned user
Oct 30, 2016
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Also, i would like to report braking forum rules by Nando Zoul.

1. It’s forbidden to disrespect towards any staff member and other forum users. | With reason calling me scammer, when im not.

12. Any kind of Abusive Offensive Statement can be made into a Banishment in the Game. | same reason

I feel myself very offended and I want fast raction to that.

alfredo luiss

New member
Jul 24, 2017
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you do not know me, show me 1 single test in which I have cheated and I give you another 180k, I have never done this type of trade. and I am calm as I am, just as many hate me, many also love me, you do not want to justify your case. since you've been doing it in this thread


Banned user
Oct 30, 2016
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you do not know me, show me 1 single test in which I have cheated and I give you another 180k, I have never done this type of trade. and I am calm as I am, just as many hate me, many also love me, you do not want to justify your case. since you've been doing it in this thread

Did i said anything about trade cheating? I know many players who says you are terrible as a human and player, and you judge someone? HYPOCRISY

alfredo luiss

New member
Jul 24, 2017
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really? is that your argument you no longer know how to defend yourself, you say you know me but you don't say it in the first person, you say it for others, the best thing in your favor is to divert the topic because of course you know perfectly well that what you did is wrong, that you don't want to accept it publicly is different, that you have little human quality, above manipulator, you don't want to put people against me because you won't get anything, I told the truth as it is. but you don't know how to support your argument and you divert the topic


Banned user
Oct 30, 2016
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really? is that your argument you no longer know how to defend yourself, you say you know me but you don't say it in the first person, you say it for others, the best thing in your favor is to divert the topic because of course you know perfectly well that what you did is wrong, that you don't want to accept it publicly is different, that you have little human quality, above manipulator, you don't want to put people against me because you won't get anything, I told the truth as it is. but you don't know how to support your argument and you divert the topic

I said many arguments about that all i did is normal thing, bussiness is bussiness, sorry Winnetou.
But i considered that you will not even read thread and talk your bullshits, make me more cruel im just laughing from people like you who knows everything the best and dont know anything.
You arguments are like "you made poor guy poorer" did I ordered him to buy it, lol? i will repeat it again maybe it will reach your empty had, he wanted item urge, so he got item urge for price he offered, i didnt do anything bad.
He made himself poorer, thats all, but you know better, but if its like u said, just dont trade with me, lol.

Also, bump

Also, i would like to report braking forum rules by Nando Zoul.

1. It’s forbidden to disrespect towards any staff member and other forum users. | With reason calling me scammer, when im not.

12. Any kind of Abusive Offensive Statement can be made into a Banishment in the Game. | same reason

I feel myself very offended and I want fast reaction to that.
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alfredo luiss

New member
Jul 24, 2017
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What you just said I already answered back comments, you even seem proud of your feat, you serve as an example of what one can do for money, forgetting the principles of morality, it is not about the rules, it is about your person, of how you are. You understand everything I mean, but let others see who you are.


Banned user
Oct 30, 2016
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What you just said I already answered back comments, you even seem proud of your feat, you serve as an example of what one can do for money, forgetting the principles of morality, it is not about the rules, it is about your person, of how you are. You understand everything I mean, but let others see who you are.

Defending myself is being proud? start to think, men cuz you are just showing how your mind is poor.
I have seen some comments im greedy, so ask your br friends how greedy i'm while catching Red Gyarados, everyone who came here and said he wanted hunt here, because he dont have much money to buy red gya tail, i gave it them for free, even if they offered me some cash, you say its nothing, tail is like 2k, but what you say on that i gave even more than 100 red gyarados tails to different ppls? i dont need to flex with my generous, but you say bad things about me, open your mind and if you want to be better do some good thing, instead of being offensive to my pearson, thats good advice for future.

alfredo luiss

New member
Jul 24, 2017
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You are saying things that are not relevant, I said "proud" to earn money for an item that is not worth 1/4 of its value, being greedy is not bad, the bad is when third parties are affected, poor mind you say when it is you who clings to that absurd idea. if for you to open your mind is similar things then I laugh at you


Well-known member
Aug 28, 2012
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Nando Cruise, are you kidding me? How can fool someone on the price in PAD, since the prices of items change all the time, e.g. Shiny Stone costs 5K once and 70K once.
If you are looking for attention, you have chosen the wrong topic to make a hero who helps the weaker. Mustangg is a loser if he has not checked the price of the item or even what he was buying. This is only his fault and he should not even admit it because it only shows what kind of player he is.

Again, Spanish players show how they are pathetic, that if they fail in the game they must look for attention in a public forum. Maybe there should be a rule that who unknowingly deceives a Spanish player should be banned or deleted?
This is getting pathetic, they don't get experience, they fall with 5 guild members and steal pokemons, they can't buy / sell items, they have to cry in a public forum.


wtf? why are you including all "spanish" players of this game in this "pathetic" sentence? is like we "america's side" started to complain about european players are cry-a-river-for-anything, this is kind racist dude, so stop


New member
May 30, 2017
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wtf? why are you including all "spanish" players of this game in this "pathetic" sentence? is like we "america's side" started to complain about european players are cry-a-river-for-anything, this is kind racist dude, so stop

I kinda thought the same thing. Some guildies told me, too, how racist that comment is.

By the way, Mustangg is not even Latino/Spaniard, he's from the US. The guild I'm in is an english-speaking guild.
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