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Quests: Below Zero & Sail Fossil


Well-known member
May 6, 2015
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If Staff Members said Amaura is obtainable via Fossil, then I guess it is common sense to think it is not catchable. Also, if you had doubts about it, you could have asked, like Gromph did.

I've just asked too. Its really unnecessary to have possibility throwing balls on pokemons which we cant catch in ball.


Well-known member
Jun 24, 2018
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Quote from Changelog

Hunting mobs is now required to hatch Skull/Sail fossils on their respective areas.

Let me see if I got it right: we are gonna have to hunt pokes to drop fossil and then hunt more pokes to revive it?


Well-known member
Jun 24, 2018
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working the same as rampardos.

I didnt understand what you said. Before on Rampardos we had to kill them until we loot the fossil and then stay 24 hours inside the resp for it to revive. I thought it was working likewise for Amaura.

But then Hohe posted that now hunting mobs are gonna be required to revive them. So all I want to know is: now, instead of staying 24 hours inside the resp we just have to kill more pokes?


Well-known member
Oct 10, 2013
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I didnt understand what you said. Before on Rampardos we had to kill them until we loot the fossil and then stay 24 hours inside the resp for it to revive. I thought it was working likewise for Amaura.

But then Hohe posted that now hunting mobs are gonna be required to revive them. So all I want to know is: now, instead of staying 24 hours inside the resp we just have to kill more pokes?

the point is, to avoid people afking in the place, as they were trying to do, if that would be the point, we would tell people that have to stay in a empty room for 24 hours (that was for those asking why this change)


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May 23, 2011
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But how it's work? Only time when you be in battle mode count? Or we have to kill something from time to time? Like, each 3 minutes have to kill something?


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May 30, 2017
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the point is, to avoid people afking in the place, as they were trying to do, if that would be the point, we would tell people that have to stay in a empty room for 24 hours (that was for those asking why this change)

Dear Members of Staff,

I want to express my opinion on this recent change:

I believe you are somehow "pushing" players too far.
First of all, I don't see how "afking" is a problem or an "abuse" to the Fossil System, when it is already a difficult system. There is no task nor specific number of Pokemons to be killed to actually loot the Fossils; this means, Players get the fossils if they are "lucky enough" (using the word Luck, since it's a word you have used on matters like catching and Looting).

Example 1: Let's talk about a normal player (by normal I mean he's not rich nor poor in-game, doesn't play 10 - 12 hours a day and is not a Donator) who decided to make at least 1 donation to get a Twin Rocks Ticket, since Glaceon and Leafeon are not only incredible Pokemons but also a little bit expensive. After getting them, he decided to go for the Sail Fossil but after doing Glaceon and Leafeon, he didn't have enough time to loot the fossil. This would mean he must buy in-game another Ticket and buy/catch another Eevee and lvl it to 40. Well, let's say he managed to buy/get Ticket and pokemon. After that, he has to go back to Amauras and kill them with a lvl 40 eevee. Finally, he loots the Fossil.
Don't you think, Members of Staff, that it is already difficult to do all these things?. Well now... you have to hunt for 24 hours and I don't know if you change time of spawn in the Ice Island Quest Final Room, but if you didn't... killing pokemons every 1 - 2 minutes is mortal.

Example 2:Let's talk now about a No-lifer Player (I mean no offence to players). I know of players who have hunted Rampardos for so much time and still no looted Fossil (like me). Players desperate because they really want a Rampardos, even more now after the rebalance, since its move-set is very decent. But yet again, luck plays a MAYOR role. I remember a Guildmate of mine, who didn't know about this spawn and I showed it to him; to my surprise: In less than a week, he looted the fossil and I was both excited for him but also frustrated. Please don't get me wrong... I am not complaining I haven't loot the Rampardos Fossil; the point I am trying to make is: Getting that fossil is already difficult, and on top of that NOW time will not count if we are not hunting.

Anyway, what I am trying to say is: It would be better that instead of making things only more difficult, you could do some kind of "rebalance". Because in my opinion it is nonsense and not worthy to spend your time implementing things like this, when people won't be doing them. (Why implementing Amaura if people would be like "fuck no, 24 hrs hunting at Ice quest?. No thank you)

By "rebalance" I mean something like this, for instance: Hunting mobs is now required to hatch Skull/Sail fossils on their respective areas, time reduced from 24 to 12 hours.

And before you say "Players, you always want things so easy", as posted above: This is absolutely not easy at all.

I do take off my hat to the implementation of Below Zero and Sail Fossil Quest, and also to blocking another eevee evolution's to avoid abuse. Congratulations!

I really hope you can consider this.

P.S.: For those players who might say: "Shut up, what are you complaining about? if you already have your Amaura". To them I say: I don't consider myself a selfish person. I am an Advocate for fair-play. I also love this game and will always raise my voice for matters I believe are discouraging, making people to retire.

Thanks again.

Fallen Angel

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May 31, 2012
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City of Troy(for real) - Turkey
Before I start I want to tell you that I already have my Aurorus, so this is coming form the person who owns 1 of the 2 Auroruses in Platinum, I can earn a fortune by selling it since it became much, much more harder to get Amaura. So keep that in mind.

First of all thank you for the quests.

I'll use pure emphaty(or I'll try to), Glaceon and Leafeon quests are not hard, any lvl 50+ player with enough revives and pots can do them. I talked with Hohenheim and he told me that Glaceon quest was deisgned for lvl 40. Which makes A LOT of sense, and if I may voice my opinion I think it is the perfect way of thinking. Now lets imagine a lvl 60 player doing Glaceon + Fossil quest, lets exeggrate and say he became lvl 70 when he was done with quests and he is ready to ressurrect his fossil. Before last update he had a chance, he could lure the Pokémon near rock smash and make them sleep to get himself an AFK spot. But now you want him to clear one of the fastets spawns of the game for 24 hours, which is impossible.

Even me, the guy with 180+ player lvl and with a team of lvl 130 pokes with full and decent TMs sometimes get to red HP there. And everyone that knows me that I am a PvE player, so I use Pokémon that excel at PvE.

You(staff) are always saying players want everying easy, I sometimes get mad at other players myself but this is a different case. This is not just hard, this is clearly insane. This change feels like it was designed to torture people, instead of making this a better game. So please reconsider your decision about restoring fossils.

Edit; I forgot to write my own suggestion, I think the time needed to resurrect the fossil should be decreased(to 12 hours maybe).
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Saws Il

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Feb 4, 2014
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I like that they make quest difficult so the pokemons that you get are scarce, please implement more quest that way of fosil with the old pokemon as well as the Kanto mission of fossil quest.
