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Mega Evolution - System - Improvements - Shiny/Cloned - Rework?

Carlos Eduardo

Well-known member
Feb 24, 2019
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Mega evolution system

Without a doubt, mega evolution is the favourite system of all Pokémon Fans, it's one of the most loved systems, and even after so much time it's still amazing. Recently our protagonist Ash Ketchum got his first mega evolution in the anime, and that just reinforced to me how much I like this mechanic, and I was wondering why it's not all that here in the PA.

The system here in the game is very frustrating, we activate and have the use for 6h and then have to wait 12h, and we can not forget the inconvenience that the recharge only starts if we take the pokemon from the pokeball (in general we always forget) (in practice goes about 24h+ until we can use again)

What would improve this system without needing major changes?

-The end of the need to take the ball to start the cooldawn is essential;

-The time of use and recharge, change to something like 6h of use / 6h of recharge, 3h of use / 3h of recharge. (suggest smaller times, just so we can better manage the time of use, I can imagine playing for 3h and making good use of my mega, I can not say the same for 6h, 12h (we have a good proof of this, are the tickets with huge times, almost always use only a few hours of them)

- The recharge time be linked to the Pokémon and not to the trainer, so we can use other megas, while the previous one is charging. (The megas are amazing and loved by all, we want to use them and not leave them forgotten in the DP, waiting for cooldawn)

Those are some of my suggestions for the system, some minor changes. But i also thought of some bigger changes , for a possible rework of the system.

Second idea :

All mega stones should be considered as "Held Items" (the way they are in the original Nintendo games franchise).


How would they work in PA?

-They would have usage limitations (maximum 1), that is, even if we have several mega stones, each one with a different name, we could only carry one equipped in one of the pokemon of the team (What already happens with some helds, like the life orb, that the game does not allow carrying more than one in the team, this would limit us to only have one mega stone in the team at a time, but we could freely change which one we are using)

-They would be Active items, in other words, to my Pokemon mega evolve, it would be enough to click on the stone that would be equipped in the "Held" window.

-The time, would be similar to what I suggest above, but embedded in the held system, when we click on the stone to activate the transformation, the cooldown would start, lasting the sum of the time of use + the recharge time. An example is the ability urge that when we use it, it instantly starts the cooldown for the next use.
Making the mega rocks 'held items' makes them more faithful to what they are in Nintendo games and even in the anime.


These were some of my ideas for improvements / changes to the system, it would be amazing to see the feedback from the community and especially the game team, I know that there are many projects being done now as the professions, and understand that if something of this topic is used, will be for the future.

Mega Shiny Pokemon / Mega Cloned Pokemon (The names are big, an abbreviation could be used, or in the case of shiny, could be used equal to the Nintendo games with a star at the end of the name.)

I wanted to use this topic to know everyone's opinion about the possibility of cloneds and shiny can mega evolve.
I confess that I love this idea, to have a shiny mega metagross or the cloned mega gengar with the sprite all white, they are beautiful xD

-In the case of cloneds,this implementation would be simpler, since the only difference would be the sprite and the 10% of status more (could be changed to 5%, in case they consider too strong)

-The mega shiny Pokemon would require more, since besides the sprite, a new moveset would need to be defined for them.

As I said about the megas, these pokemons with different colours mess a lot with pokemon fans ( We recently won the "Kanto has no Shiny" , now we will win the "Cloned and Shiny has no Mega". ).



Well-known member
Jun 8, 2011
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Flower South
buddy i came up with the same idea long ago, and nothing was done about it, i hope you take the idea into account because it's boring having to wait the insane amount of time to use the stones again

Billy hatake

Well-known member
Oct 16, 2011
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if a cloned or shiny pokemon can mega evolve, the value of these pokemons will go up a lot, imagine how much would be a mega red gyarados?

no one would use normal pokemons to mega evolve, and that would make some normal pokemons lose even more their values, any kind of choice will directly affect the economy of the game.

I agree to reduce the time to use the mega stone and also reduce the amount of diamonds needed to buy a mega stone unlinker in half.


Well-known member
Jul 16, 2014
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if a cloned or shiny pokemon can mega evolve, the value of these pokemons will go up a lot, imagine how much would be a mega red gyarados?

no one would use normal pokemons to mega evolve, and that would make some normal pokemons lose even more their values, any kind of choice will directly affect the economy of the game.

I agree to reduce the time to use the mega stone and also reduce the amount of diamonds needed to buy a mega stone unlinker in half.

I like only normal pokemons can mega evolve, we need keep like this for the normal forms have some value in game. I think some things will help a lot the mega evolution system like time(6 ON /6 Recharge) and dont need take the pokemon from the pokeball for start recharge time .Add some commands would help too:
!disable = for disable mega evolution and start to count recharge time. For example if you use only 3 hours and disable, will start recharge from time you disable.
!timeleft = for see how many time your mega still have

Lord Malboro

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2012
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I'm against Shiny and Cloned Mega Evolutions, the game's economy will change radically, and besides, they are meaningless evolutions, I think the more normal game is better, if not in a few days we'll become OT Pokémon.


Well-known member
Jul 31, 2014
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if a cloned or shiny pokemon can mega evolve, the value of these pokemons will go up a lot, imagine how much would be a mega red gyarados?

no one would use normal pokemons to mega evolve, and that would make some normal pokemons lose even more their values, any kind of choice will directly affect the economy of the game.

I agree to reduce the time to use the mega stone and also reduce the amount of diamonds needed to buy a mega stone unlinker in half.

half the value would be very fair


Well-known member
Mar 2, 2016
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Also regarding to the economy, a better mega evolution system would be fine right now due to all the mega stones will decrease more their prices, they will stop being something especial because they are not efficient enough, well I think people prefer shinies more than megas.So, we need change this.
In addition, I think Mega Voucher should be updated, maybe adding more megas? For example in Diamond now worths 650-700k, I remember when it worthed around 1.3kk. I don't want to imagine how much it will cost in next months, but surely less than now and the mega stones even less.


Aug 31, 2011
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Also regarding to the economy, a better mega evolution system would be fine right now due to all the mega stones will decrease more their prices, they will stop being something especial because they are not efficient enough, well I think people prefer shinies more than megas.So, we need change this.
In addition, I think Mega Voucher should be updated, maybe adding more megas? For example in Diamond now worths 650-700k, I remember when it worthed around 1.3kk. I don't want to imagine how much it will cost in next months, but surely less than now and the mega stones even less.

We don't plan on adding more mega pokemons on mega voucher right now, it's basically for free. Some mega stones should be obtained with effort.