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Invictus' LT

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Well-known member
Nov 3, 2012
Reaction score

Char LvL Up



Pokemãos 130




Lopunny TMs


Cloned Gengar Reflexo


Mr Mime 'Chadow' Storm


Glaceon TM


Cloned Farfetch'd TM


TMs Looted

Psychic - Dale Ash pendejo



Boxes and Pokemons Caught







Extra chance today

Double extra chance tomorrow

Extra chance forever



1 2 3 Bunnyzinhos, 4 5 6 Bunnyzinhos, 7 8 9 Bunnyzinhos me dando tms case... 8)





S a y o n a r a . . .


Well-known member
Nov 3, 2012
Reaction score
Yeah boys... my patience has reached the limit. You try to get something good but it seems that somehow a garbage bag will appear on your way to make you fall and give it all up.

I was always pacific and honest in this game, like when I could take 2x TM Brine from chest because it had no ID at the beginning and it was fixed later and as a "good person" I sent it back because I knew it was not right and it was their mistake, then I wonder why I did it because when there was a rollback and I lost my things they would not take responsibility for them. And all this for what? If someday you gonna start at be kicked out from game when there is a boss (4th / 5th something like that happens to me) cus they know you are one of the "best" and do not want see you winning most damage / TM, making you leave hunt to spend your time and revives... and then your mind starts with the famous paranoia, after a while I decided to give up, or better saying, to open my eyes, and notice how things work in this game.

Everything started when I tried to catch Elder charizard after seeing 2 being caught with less than 800 balls, it was fun and even with 70-80mil balls brokens I never thought about stop but I gave a break to focus on other things and then Khormes decided to do the same as me and luckily he caught with less than 13mil balls, 1-2 days later another player caught with less than 400 balls but I did not care, even with raissa sarcastically saying in PvP "I wonder how Knightmare feels after 2 recents Elder charizard caught", like if it was funny, the same way they troll you with command of !ball above your pokemon. And then a sequence of caughts started to appear and them all with few balls, 40-200-300-400-500 and between 9-10 elders from diamond? There was someone who caught 2, yeh, one player, like if it was a simple charizard
or maybe charmeleon because zard no seems to be so easy
and it was as if their flames were burning me, you start at think and think and you know was just Diamond server where rate is lower but only here they were being caught and then you not know how to react or what to do after this

So fair.​

So yes, if you ever dream of getting something rare, maybe a mega stone but you feel unlucky, just give up, the system here does not work that way, once I wanted a Mega Pokemon and I worked hard hunting them on poi (dale Flap), 180-200 megas killed and I had to give up after seeing that it was a waste of time and even they being worse than shiny pokemons, they are 100x harder to get and not everyone has the luck of Lany in the veins.

Ps: Luckily daily dungeon has been added so you can try your luck.
Ps2: Nothing against you Lany.

Second point, the new catch system has been changed for worse and they did not know to accept this truth, if you want a cloned and belongs to the unlucky team you should probably use math, doing calculations of how many cloned you are able to kill per hour to see how long it would take to get the extra chance and how many tickets will be needed, really sad but if you want some shiny your hopes are not over! This is if you are tutor / poor / tutor again / random player / rich boy because when there be an event of higher catch rate and faster respawn for shiny Pokémon, they will literally rain on your respaw or maybe in the door of your house and you will probably be able to catch one, two, maybe three... and when event be turned off and the catch rate return to the same crap as before but they keep doing few raids, your ghost mode gonna be disable and someone ironically will appear to you by magic asking you if should or no make raids for you because you are already "Rich" and don’t deserve such thing. I remember see Nando Zoul sometimes on Inq Room, he killed over 1k of shiny umbreon while I didnt even could see their colours :cool:

Ps: He was just an example from the large list.

Its sad to see favoritism on this game for some people being it in some event/contest (I heard that in some house contest from last year they fought between them to decide the winners and it finished being "random", rlly? Lol) and obviously I am not the only one who has noticed these things cus nobody is blind and it is when you start at lose the spirit to play,seeing other people being privileged and other simply ignored. Really sad guys but probably that's all Nino's fault, so okay, or maybe paranoia from players, you're unlucky and that's all.

But I’m pretty sure of something... "thanks" under this post wont be that rainbow cuz they dont know accept the true.

There is no secret and if I end up giving you tips and you start to win most part of raids, some bastard will start kicking you from them ;D

And now the Greedymare was fuck*d again because he got privileged information, I mean, he saw on forum where everyone has access, that the formula of the attack would change and decided to buy tms when someone added them at sale on market, but it was not to get some profit and yes to make his pokes better with the new formula of the attack because money for him was never a trouble, he can give/lend/make free items/tm/cash/pokes with no problem, in the same way some CMs here give stuffs to some players jejeje x'D





And that’s all folks, the game that I played for fun ended up becoming my kNIGHTMARE. I’m already not playing anymore like someday I did, when I loggin now its nothing more to chat with friends and for daily, I already sold and gave many stuffs and and maybe s00n I’ll try to sell/give everything and then you guys will can say Ripmare and even maybe delete me because I know I know, this is the dream of some of you.

I hope no one gets hurt after reading these truths <3

Greetings e é noix na fita :rolleyes:

Arcanist Karl

Well-known member
Dec 29, 2012
Reaction score
Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil
Yeah boys... my patience has reached the limit. You try to get something good but it seems that somehow a garbage bag will appear on your way to make you fall and give it all up.

I was always pacific and honest in this game, like when I could take 2x TM Brine from chest because it had no ID at the beginning and it was fixed later and as a "good person" I sent it back because I knew it was not right and it was their mistake, then I wonder why I did it because when there was a rollback and I lost my things they would not take responsibility for them. And all this for what? If someday you gonna start at be kicked out from game when there is a boss (4th / 5th something like that happens to me) cus they know you are one of the "best" and do not want see you winning most damage / TM, making you leave hunt to spend your time and revives... and then your mind starts with the famous paranoia, after a while I decided to give up, or better saying, to open my eyes, and notice how things work in this game.

Everything started when I tried to catch Elder charizard after seeing 2 being caught with less than 800 balls, it was fun and even with 70-80mil balls brokens I never thought about stop but I gave a break to focus on other things and then Khormes decided to do the same as me and luckily he caught with less than 13mil balls, 1-2 days later another player caught with less than 400 balls but I did not care, even with raissa sarcastically saying in PvP "I wonder how Knightmare feels after 2 recents Elder charizard caught", like if it was funny, the same way they troll you with command of !ball above your pokemon. And then a sequence of caughts started to appear and them all with few balls, 40-200-300-400-500 and between 9-10 elders from diamond? There was someone who caught 2, yeh, one player, like if it was a simple charizard
or maybe charmeleon because zard no seems to be so easy
and it was as if their flames were burning me, you start at think and think and you know was just Diamond server where rate is lower but only here they were being caught and then you not know how to react or what to do after this

So fair.​

So yes, if you ever dream of getting something rare, maybe a mega stone but you feel unlucky, just give up, the system here does not work that way, once I wanted a Mega Pokemon and I worked hard hunting them on poi (dale Flap), 180-200 megas killed and I had to give up after seeing that it was a waste of time and even they being worse than shiny pokemons, they are 100x harder to get and not everyone has the luck of Lany in the veins.

Ps: Luckily daily dungeon has been added so you can try your luck.
Ps2: Nothing against you Lany.

Second point, the new catch system has been changed for worse and they did not know to accept this truth, if you want a cloned and belongs to the unlucky team you should probably use math, doing calculations of how many cloned you are able to kill per hour to see how long it would take to get the extra chance and how many tickets will be needed, really sad but if you want some shiny your hopes are not over! This is if you are tutor / poor / tutor again / random player / rich boy because when there be an event of higher catch rate and faster respawn for shiny Pokémon, they will literally rain on your respaw or maybe in the door of your house and you will probably be able to catch one, two, maybe three... and when event be turned off and the catch rate return to the same crap as before but they keep doing few raids, your ghost mode gonna be disable and someone ironically will appear to you by magic asking you if should or no make raids for you because you are already "Rich" and don’t deserve such thing. I remember see Nando Zoul sometimes on Inq Room, he killed over 1k of shiny umbreon while I didnt even could see their colours :cool:

Ps: He was just an example from the large list.

Its sad to see favoritism on this game for some people being it in some event/contest (I heard that in some house contest from last year they fought between them to decide the winners and it finished being "random", rlly? Lol) and obviously I am not the only one who has noticed these things cus nobody is blind and it is when you start at lose the spirit to play,seeing other people being privileged and other simply ignored. Really sad guys but probably that's all Nino's fault, so okay, or maybe paranoia from players, you're unlucky and that's all.

But I’m pretty sure of something... "thanks" under this post wont be that rainbow cuz they dont know accept the true.

There is no secret and if I end up giving you tips and you start to win most part of raids, some bastard will start kicking you from them ;D

And now the Greedymare was fuck*d again because he got privileged information, I mean, he saw on forum where everyone has access, that the formula of the attack would change and decided to buy tms when someone added them at sale on market, but it was not to get some profit and yes to make his pokes better with the new formula of the attack because money for him was never a trouble, he can give/lend/make free items/tm/cash/pokes with no problem, in the same way some CMs here give stuffs to some players jejeje x'D





And that’s all folks, the game that I played for fun ended up becoming my kNIGHTMARE. I’m already not playing anymore like someday I did, when I loggin now its nothing more to chat with friends and for daily, I already sold and gave many stuffs and and maybe s00n I’ll try to sell/give everything and then you guys will can say Ripmare and even maybe delete me because I know I know, this is the dream of some of you.

I hope no one gets hurt after reading these truths <3

Greetings e é noix na fita :rolleyes:

Wish i had more contact to you.
é foda... boa sorte.


Banned user
Dec 7, 2017
Reaction score
This game is 5% effort and 95% "luck". I say that with great sadness in my heart cause It has so much potential to be an amazing game. Instead It keeps pushing away the best players this game has ever had and for what? Some stupid ego fight to say the least

I cant wait to come the day I will stare at the icon and have no will to play (cause ye I still have motivation sadly)

No matter how many systems get implemented If some rotten roots stay untouched. Game Will still fail to get new players and keep them
Last edited:

Arcanist Karl

Well-known member
Dec 29, 2012
Reaction score
Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil
This game is 5% effort and 95% "luck". I say that with great sadness in my heart cause It has so much potential to be an amazing game. Instead It keeps pushing away the best players this game has ever had and for what? Some stupid ego fight to say the least

I cant wait to come the day I will stare at the icon and have no will to play (cause ye I still have motivation sadly)

No matter how many systems get implemented If some rotten roots stay untouched. Game Will still fail to get new players and keep them

quit this paranoia.

Niicke Darth

Well-known member
Sep 6, 2013
Reaction score
Donata umas quantias que o sucess vem hahaha, coisas assim que me fizeram desistir desse jogo a muito tempo, eu já tentei voltar algumas vezes, mas simplismente não dá. Chegou a um ponto que eu tava tão viciado que eu acordava e já ia jogar isso, sim, eu fiz muitos amigos com quais mantenho contato até hoje, e considero demais (vc é um deles), e por mais divertido que o jogo seja, o descaso pra certos players e a preferência pra outros acaba enojando demais. Quem sabe um dia isso mude, mas eu acho difícil. Abraço mano, precisar tens meu whats sz


New member
Apr 29, 2016
Reaction score
mames invictus rodilla entierra contigo bro tienes toda la razon esta mamada debe parar #denleelelderalpincheinvictusselomerece todos usen el hashtag por invictus no entiendo porque tu le llegaste a la exorbitante cantidad de 100k de ub osea eso es impensable es una cantidad que da miedo de echo porfabor tutores gms lo que sea de autoridad arreglen esto no es posible que unos lo atrapen con 500 ub y otros con 200 y el invictu que le tiro 100k aun no lo haya atrapado es una total locura y quita el entusiasmo de jugar !! vamos invictus fuerza que esto no te desanime hermano yo se que tu has podido con cosas mas heavy esto no es nada vas a ver que dentro de poco se arreglara y si no aca siempre tienes un hombro para llorar aca el joslock aka hombre salchicha

Arcanist Karl

Well-known member
Dec 29, 2012
Reaction score
Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil
Donata umas quantias que o sucess vem hahaha, coisas assim que me fizeram desistir desse jogo a muito tempo, eu já tentei voltar algumas vezes, mas simplismente não dá. Chegou a um ponto que eu tava tão viciado que eu acordava e já ia jogar isso, sim, eu fiz muitos amigos com quais mantenho contato até hoje, e considero demais (vc é um deles), e por mais divertido que o jogo seja, o descaso pra certos players e a preferência pra outros acaba enojando demais. Quem sabe um dia isso mude, mas eu acho difícil. Abraço mano, precisar tens meu whats sz

as vezes nem donatando...


Well-known member
Oct 20, 2016
Reaction score
Great player! You love padventures. So congratulations for the great journey in padventures, a player in my vision, complete.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
Yeah boys... my patience has reached the limit. You try to get something good but it seems that somehow a garbage bag will appear on your way to make you fall and give it all up.

I was always pacific and honest in this game, like when I could take 2x TM Brine from chest because it had no ID at the beginning and it was fixed later and as a "good person" I sent it back because I knew it was not right and it was their mistake, then I wonder why I did it because when there was a rollback and I lost my things they would not take responsibility for them. And all this for what? If someday you gonna start at be kicked out from game when there is a boss (4th / 5th something like that happens to me) cus they know you are one of the "best" and do not want see you winning most damage / TM, making you leave hunt to spend your time and revives... and then your mind starts with the famous paranoia, after a while I decided to give up, or better saying, to open my eyes, and notice how things work in this game.

Everything started when I tried to catch Elder charizard after seeing 2 being caught with less than 800 balls, it was fun and even with 70-80mil balls brokens I never thought about stop but I gave a break to focus on other things and then Khormes decided to do the same as me and luckily he caught with less than 13mil balls, 1-2 days later another player caught with less than 400 balls but I did not care, even with raissa sarcastically saying in PvP "I wonder how Knightmare feels after 2 recents Elder charizard caught", like if it was funny, the same way they troll you with command of !ball above your pokemon. And then a sequence of caughts started to appear and them all with few balls, 40-200-300-400-500 and between 9-10 elders from diamond? There was someone who caught 2, yeh, one player, like if it was a simple charizard
or maybe charmeleon because zard no seems to be so easy
and it was as if their flames were burning me, you start at think and think and you know was just Diamond server where rate is lower but only here they were being caught and then you not know how to react or what to do after this

So fair.​

So yes, if you ever dream of getting something rare, maybe a mega stone but you feel unlucky, just give up, the system here does not work that way, once I wanted a Mega Pokemon and I worked hard hunting them on poi (dale Flap), 180-200 megas killed and I had to give up after seeing that it was a waste of time and even they being worse than shiny pokemons, they are 100x harder to get and not everyone has the luck of Lany in the veins.

Ps: Luckily daily dungeon has been added so you can try your luck.
Ps2: Nothing against you Lany.

Second point, the new catch system has been changed for worse and they did not know to accept this truth, if you want a cloned and belongs to the unlucky team you should probably use math, doing calculations of how many cloned you are able to kill per hour to see how long it would take to get the extra chance and how many tickets will be needed, really sad but if you want some shiny your hopes are not over! This is if you are tutor / poor / tutor again / random player / rich boy because when there be an event of higher catch rate and faster respawn for shiny Pokémon, they will literally rain on your respaw or maybe in the door of your house and you will probably be able to catch one, two, maybe three... and when event be turned off and the catch rate return to the same crap as before but they keep doing few raids, your ghost mode gonna be disable and someone ironically will appear to you by magic asking you if should or no make raids for you because you are already "Rich" and don’t deserve such thing. I remember see Nando Zoul sometimes on Inq Room, he killed over 1k of shiny umbreon while I didnt even could see their colours :cool:

Ps: He was just an example from the large list.

Its sad to see favoritism on this game for some people being it in some event/contest (I heard that in some house contest from last year they fought between them to decide the winners and it finished being "random", rlly? Lol) and obviously I am not the only one who has noticed these things cus nobody is blind and it is when you start at lose the spirit to play,seeing other people being privileged and other simply ignored. Really sad guys but probably that's all Nino's fault, so okay, or maybe paranoia from players, you're unlucky and that's all.

But I’m pretty sure of something... "thanks" under this post wont be that rainbow cuz they dont know accept the true.

There is no secret and if I end up giving you tips and you start to win most part of raids, some bastard will start kicking you from them ;D

And now the Greedymare was fuck*d again because he got privileged information, I mean, he saw on forum where everyone has access, that the formula of the attack would change and decided to buy tms when someone added them at sale on market, but it was not to get some profit and yes to make his pokes better with the new formula of the attack because money for him was never a trouble, he can give/lend/make free items/tm/cash/pokes with no problem, in the same way some CMs here give stuffs to some players jejeje x'D





And that’s all folks, the game that I played for fun ended up becoming my kNIGHTMARE. I’m already not playing anymore like someday I did, when I loggin now its nothing more to chat with friends and for daily, I already sold and gave many stuffs and and maybe s00n I’ll try to sell/give everything and then you guys will can say Ripmare and even maybe delete me because I know I know, this is the dream of some of you.

I hope no one gets hurt after reading these truths <3

Greetings e é noix na fita :rolleyes:

Alch sólo leí hasta el emoji con lentes de sol xD pero ya sabemos como se maneja el game o .o no se de que te sorprendes friend c; ya demoraste mucho en el retired \o/ (después termino de leer el testamento, me dejaste algo verdad?)

PS. q ruim LT


Pacific Ocean was made out of my tears
Aug 1, 2012
Reaction score
Yeah boys... my patience has reached the limit. You try to get something good but it seems that somehow a garbage bag will appear on your way to make you fall and give it all up.

I was always pacific and honest in this game, like when I could take 2x TM Brine from chest because it had no ID at the beginning and it was fixed later and as a "good person" I sent it back because I knew it was not right and it was their mistake, then I wonder why I did it because when there was a rollback and I lost my things they would not take responsibility for them. And all this for what? If someday you gonna start at be kicked out from game when there is a boss (4th / 5th something like that happens to me) cus they know you are one of the "best" and do not want see you winning most damage / TM, making you leave hunt to spend your time and revives... and then your mind starts with the famous paranoia, after a while I decided to give up, or better saying, to open my eyes, and notice how things work in this game.

Everything started when I tried to catch Elder charizard after seeing 2 being caught with less than 800 balls, it was fun and even with 70-80mil balls brokens I never thought about stop but I gave a break to focus on other things and then Khormes decided to do the same as me and luckily he caught with less than 13mil balls, 1-2 days later another player caught with less than 400 balls but I did not care, even with raissa sarcastically saying in PvP "I wonder how Knightmare feels after 2 recents Elder charizard caught", like if it was funny, the same way they troll you with command of !ball above your pokemon. And then a sequence of caughts started to appear and them all with few balls, 40-200-300-400-500 and between 9-10 elders from diamond? There was someone who caught 2, yeh, one player, like if it was a simple charizard
or maybe charmeleon because zard no seems to be so easy
and it was as if their flames were burning me, you start at think and think and you know was just Diamond server where rate is lower but only here they were being caught and then you not know how to react or what to do after this

So fair.​

So yes, if you ever dream of getting something rare, maybe a mega stone but you feel unlucky, just give up, the system here does not work that way, once I wanted a Mega Pokemon and I worked hard hunting them on poi (dale Flap), 180-200 megas killed and I had to give up after seeing that it was a waste of time and even they being worse than shiny pokemons, they are 100x harder to get and not everyone has the luck of Lany in the veins.

Ps: Luckily daily dungeon has been added so you can try your luck.
Ps2: Nothing against you Lany.

Second point, the new catch system has been changed for worse and they did not know to accept this truth, if you want a cloned and belongs to the unlucky team you should probably use math, doing calculations of how many cloned you are able to kill per hour to see how long it would take to get the extra chance and how many tickets will be needed, really sad but if you want some shiny your hopes are not over! This is if you are tutor / poor / tutor again / random player / rich boy because when there be an event of higher catch rate and faster respawn for shiny Pokémon, they will literally rain on your respaw or maybe in the door of your house and you will probably be able to catch one, two, maybe three... and when event be turned off and the catch rate return to the same crap as before but they keep doing few raids, your ghost mode gonna be disable and someone ironically will appear to you by magic asking you if should or no make raids for you because you are already "Rich" and don’t deserve such thing. I remember see Nando Zoul sometimes on Inq Room, he killed over 1k of shiny umbreon while I didnt even could see their colours :cool:

Ps: He was just an example from the large list.

Its sad to see favoritism on this game for some people being it in some event/contest (I heard that in some house contest from last year they fought between them to decide the winners and it finished being "random", rlly? Lol) and obviously I am not the only one who has noticed these things cus nobody is blind and it is when you start at lose the spirit to play,seeing other people being privileged and other simply ignored. Really sad guys but probably that's all Nino's fault, so okay, or maybe paranoia from players, you're unlucky and that's all.

But I’m pretty sure of something... "thanks" under this post wont be that rainbow cuz they dont know accept the true.

There is no secret and if I end up giving you tips and you start to win most part of raids, some bastard will start kicking you from them ;D

And now the Greedymare was fuck*d again because he got privileged information, I mean, he saw on forum where everyone has access, that the formula of the attack would change and decided to buy tms when someone added them at sale on market, but it was not to get some profit and yes to make his pokes better with the new formula of the attack because money for him was never a trouble, he can give/lend/make free items/tm/cash/pokes with no problem, in the same way some CMs here give stuffs to some players jejeje x'D





And that’s all folks, the game that I played for fun ended up becoming my kNIGHTMARE. I’m already not playing anymore like someday I did, when I loggin now its nothing more to chat with friends and for daily, I already sold and gave many stuffs and and maybe s00n I’ll try to sell/give everything and then you guys will can say Ripmare and even maybe delete me because I know I know, this is the dream of some of you.

I hope no one gets hurt after reading these truths <3

Greetings e é noix na fita :rolleyes:

Well Invictus somehow you and your Friends have been part of the privileged people so i dont see the reason that you after several years come here to complaint, i was the F I R S T player that complained about Privileged People - Luck rate complaint - Rebalance complaints - Suggestions complaint in NONE of these posts i made years ago you were there helping or supporting Oh i forgot in that moment you were winning tms and catched cloneds easy, dont you remember?. Im not a hater of you but your argument is now invalid, you were part of them and now that you cannot get something you want, you desperatly come here to make all this drama. You had your chance to be part of the people that will never be with staff and its way to rule the game. If you want to retire now, game has big doors for that. Thanks.


Well-known member
Nov 3, 2012
Reaction score
Well Invictus somehow you and your Friends have been part of the privileged people so i dont see the reason that you after several years come here to complaint, i was the F I R S T player that complained about Privileged People - Luck rate complaint - Rebalance complaints - Suggestions complaint in NONE of these posts i made years ago you were there helping or supporting Oh i forgot in that moment you were winning tms and catched cloneds easy, dont you remember?. Im not a hater of you but your argument is now invalid, you were part of them and now that you cannot get something you want, you desperatly come here to make all this drama. You had your chance to be part of the people that will never be with staff and its way to rule the game. If you want to retire now, game has big doors for that. Thanks.

Do not make yourself looks more stupid than you are already dude, saying things that you do not know about me. I was N E V E R privileged on this game in anything even because I was never friend from high staff and the only one I met after some years here was Pecunia (sdds) and he even thought I was a staff hater.
My way for winning TMs was into getting most damage in raids, if you are saying I had others way to get them so please refresh my memory cus I can't remember.
My best cloned caught was a cloned charizard and it was after extra chance and aswell I have never caught a shiny poke, so what the hell are you saying? Everything I've got in this game was for playing a lot like a no life for 7 years and if you compare me with some "new players" I'm a fuc*ing poor and btw I think you're the least indicated person to talk about my "drama", what I said here is not a drama or cry but yes the true of things that already happened and still happenning on game, I know about my life and if was privileged I wouldn't be so stupid of come here and say these things like you are doing now, saludos bro.
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