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[CONTEST] Letter to Santa Claus!

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Well-known member
Aug 15, 2014
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Hello Dear Santa I'm writing to you
Cuz I'm very grateful that you'll bring me some new.
And if you would ask me if I was polite
I couldn't lie to you. I don't want to sleight.
I once broke the window of my little class.
And there was a lot f pieces of glass.
But I confessed. I was not a crook.
I fixed everything, I wanted be in your black book.
Apart of that window, all of my year I was so courteous, my thinks was clear.
And I know you know that I'm not like my vice.
Don't listen my parents cuz I have been nice.
I'd like to tell you I love Christmas eve.
And I'd like to see you because I believe.
Now something about me.
I live next to the sea.
My Hometown is Celadon city.
In my opinion it's seriously sweety.
I'm 14 years old and I'm not very shy.
But someone scream on me it will make me cry.
I like when my table is full of Christmas meals.
But I don't like to ear any slimy eels.
My Christmas tree is already decorated.
And for your amazing presents I will be awaited.
Cookies prepared and the milk has been heated.
So please visit me, I don't like be cheated.
And if you would ask me what I'd like for Christmas.
I'd tell you that I want to jump above a isthmus.
And it is possible in one particular way.
I need one of your reindeer, he can't be gray.
I like shiny colours and christmas magic force.
So please, dear Santa, do not give me a horse.
I just wanna once flight above isthmus and grass.
So please just forget about broken glass.
I hope that you'll hear my Christmas request.
And now I'll go finally rest.



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Nov 1, 2017
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Hello! Dear santa I am michelin I know I never wrote you a letter because I was raised for not believe in certain things, so you have never passed by my house, in these dates never was lights or a big dinner, nor the whole family together but despite that I don't have resentment , maybe I do not believe in many things, but I do believe in the unity of people and honest feelings, these dates bring that to the world and that is something extraordinary that these parties entail, apart from all the lights and nice things, it's love and unity and thanks to you for represent all that ❤ and it's good that you finally know me, let me talk to you a little about me I'm a serious girl I'm doing very well in school because I work hard and in my free timencyclopedia I play PAD which is the reason why I write to you is funny the way I started playing, you will see my beloved boyfriend played it as a child and recently played again, I really did not know this type of games so I thought it was funny, but then he invited me to play and the truth is that I do not regret, I have found a new world very entertaining that has given me very funny moments, I have known very good friends and I can share this pleasure with my boyfriend and we can play together, I have a great guild, and what else could I ask?, just give me a lot of luck to me and my friends, free us from the ksers and toxic players (to them bring them coal>: v), and that we can spend more funny moments like so far and why not? I would love to have that beautiful poke that I would like to win,
please santa i have never asked you for anything and even if you do not bring it, I am very grateful to have known this game, everything always comes at the right time, and I wish all the players and the staff of PAD happy holidays! 🙌

Player: Merelay
World: Platinum


Well-known member
May 23, 2011
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Dear Santa Claus,

It's me again my lovely old man, as you know i never forget to write for you! And this year can't be different, here i'm.

Well, first of all i want to ask to you if this year you finally will let me see you when arived with my gift! Yes, this is my biggest dream and i'm asking for this since I reallized how magical you are! And this year I really have been a very good person and i think I achieved the amound of kindness you want from me to give me this bigger dream of my whole life!

Maybe it's time to ask you my second gift right?! Well, since years ago i'm searching for a really rare egg, the "LEGEN...DARY" TYROGUE'S EGG!! You know me, i'm always trying to be kind and bring happines to everyone who is next to me, I always help who need and try to motivate who is unmotivated (even if who is actually needing motivate is myselfie). I know you are looking for me and will bring this happines to my live.

Aah! And i'm really thankfull about my last gift, do you remember? Last year i told you how many nights i dreamed with me catching the "desaster pokemon", that actually is not that bad how people think, it's a really good boy like me and all what he want is to prevent people about the coming danger! And you did that! I know how messy can be in christmas's days and sometimes you can't deliver or gifts cause you are tooooo bussy, but you never forget me, as i never forget you, and this year you bring my late gift and that made me so happy!

I'm already sorting out my friend's gift, and one of them is yours of course, you have to find a small time in your night to come and take it from my hands, I bet you will love it!

With full heart love, Marvim.

Ps.: When you come to get your wonderfull and misterious gift can you, please, bring Rudolf with you?! I really want to fly with the most cute reindeer you have!


Jul 11, 2011
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Dear Santa, this is one of the many letters that I write to you but you know me well you know that I never get tired of it. This time I ask you something special, but not of material, this time no! Dear Santa Claus I would like to live in a country where there are no political problems, work, injustice, absurd follies, illegality, I would like the world's greatest powers to finally solve the serious problems of our Earth such as wars, hunger , poverty, racism, pollution, smog, melting glaciers, the "Third world"; I would like a world where everyone can spend the most beautiful moments with the people he loves; I would like a world where everyone can open their eyes in the morning and be happy to have a person close to love; I would like a world without ignorance and arrogance, where every problem that is small or big can recur with dialogue; I would like a world without more violence where the only weapon granted is the word, I would not see a sad father because he does not know how to feed his family or a helpless mother to see a son cry for hunger; above all, I would like some people who are walking too fast to realize that their fortune is a little exaggerated and they share it with those who do not have it so much that they do not know who has more money but who gives more; Dear Santa, moreover, as every time I write to you, you can give something to me too, from always senerity and courage to those who, among my loved ones, need it now, you know who this thought is addressed to. And for me I simply ask you the joy of seeing those I always love happy. Finally dear Santa Claus I would like ...... I would like you to answer my letter!

Name: Fujiko
World: Diamond


Well-known member
May 23, 2011
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Dear Santa Claus,

It's me again my lovely old man, as you know i never forget to write for you! And this year can't be different, here i'm.

Well, first of all i want to ask to you if this year you finally will let me see you when arived with my gift! Yes, this is my biggest dream and i'm asking for this since I reallized how magical you are! And this year I really have been a very good person and i think I achieved the amound of kindness you want from me to give me this bigger dream of my whole life!

Maybe it's time to ask you my second gift right?! Well, since years ago i'm searching for a really rare egg, the "LEGEN...DARY" TYROGUE'S EGG!! You know me, i'm always trying to be kind and bring happines to everyone who is next to me, I always help who need and try to motivate who is unmotivated (even if who is actually needing motivate is myselfie). I know you are looking for me and will bring this happines to my live.

Aah! And i'm really thankfull about my last gift, do you remember? Last year i told you how many nights i dreamed with me catching the "desaster pokemon", that actually is not that bad how people think, it's a really good boy like me and all what he want is to prevent people about the coming danger! And you did that! I know how messy can be in christmas's days and sometimes you can't deliver or gifts cause you are tooooo bussy, but you never forget me, as i never forget you, and this year you bring my late gift and that made me so happy!

I'm already sorting out my friend's gift, and one of them is yours of course, you have to find a small time in your night to come and take it from my hands, I bet you will love it!

With full heart love, Marvim.

Ps.: When you come to get your wonderfull and misterious gift can you, please, bring Rudolf with you?! I really want to fly with the most cute reindeer you have!

Name: Mmarvim
Server: Diamond


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2016
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Hey, Santa!

My name is Kyo and I live in Viridian City. I waited all year to send my letter and I was a very good boy to receive my gift. It was only once that I was arrested in Trovitopolis City because I ... well, it doesn't matter! But I'm SO sorry for that ... Anyway, I was a good boy this year! I swear! What I want for the Christmas gift is a large pool in my house. Architect Raissa has not placed any! How will I invite my friends to a party? Come on, chubby ... I know you're rich and you save money all year round to spend it all in December! SO MAKE IT RAIN SANTA! You can also bring an expensive champagne to celebrate my new pool when you come deliver.
How did you discover flying Stantlers? Did you train them? Well, if you could give me one of those, I'd be very happy. Imagine me flying in one of those! And I know you have many of those, only one will not hurt you.
Let's talk about delivery. I'd also like you to set the delivery time with me, maybe I was not at home during the day because I usually catch some pokémons. And how do you get into a house by the chimney in the winter? It has fire there! God... And no offense, but you have a few extra pounds ... do not you think it's too tight? Better get in the front door, because if I hear someone walking on my roof... I'll call the police.. I'm warning you and I'm not joking.
But well, you have your merit. The work you do is wonderful and only you could do so! Delivering gifts at night, invading houses in a totally red outfit screaming Ho Ho Ho after flying in a sleigh full of flying Stantlers. What do you have in your mind? You're so crazy! I like it!

I hope you come! Thank you very much, Santa.


P.S. I didn't finish my English classes. Be patient.

Name: Kyo
Server: Diamond



Well-known member
Sep 14, 2012
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Hello Santa,
I know you are super busy right now but I hope you will find a minute or two to read my letter during your journey around the world. I would like to thank you for wonderfull christmas once again. I know that you aren't like many people think, fat oldman who jump into chimney, leave presents under the Christmas Tree and eat cookies, it's people who leave it for each other. It may sound rude but read it all please! I know it's you who infect us all with magic of Christmas! It's you who make us all kind and united, no matter who we are. Everyone gets a little part of your spirit and even if not everybody accept and believe in it you don't give up spreading magic of Christmas around the world every year. This is what I thank you really, really much. You never give up and I hope you will never stop because this one magic day is what we all need in this cruel world we live in. Its what we want and what we all are waiting for the entire year. This one day is like a katharsis for our souls so please never stop your eternal quest until people will start respecting each other every day as they do during the Christmas. That's all Sandra, I won't take more of your time. Take care of yourself and visit those who you didn't visit yet this year.
Marry Christan from Poland to you and all your helps!

Your thankful friend, Inko.



Oct 20, 2011
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Dear Santa:

My name is Mikesh, and i would like to have one of the Shiny Stantlers.
I have been a good son, husband, and friend in this year. A year with good and bad moments, but always with a smile.
Trying to help my job-mates, my fathers, my brother, my family and of course my wife. I am 26 years old and i still believe in santa magic. I can see it in my nephews eyes, when they cry or they smile with a present. So, im 100% sure you'll check my letter.
I know there will be a lot of letters, a lot of pleople like me are excited with the shiny stantler, so i hope you can check my letter and pick me as one of the winners.

Thank you for all your presents in the past years, still counting and you still surprising me. I know this year wont be exception with this Shiny Stantler. I'll name it Coment because is one of my favorite of all your reindeers

Your's Mikesh (Platinum)​


Kappa Prince

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Oct 23, 2017
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Dear Santa!
Im Kappa and i'm big boy, but i believe in you more than people in my age.
I know, that i started my adventure in beauty Padventures world just now, this year.
But you must know that im ambitious trainer and i like challenges.
One of my rule is not buying pokemons from other players other than basic with higher stages of evolution.
I set as my goal Catch'em all, even if it is hard I keep up my plan.
From all my pokemons i love mostly Gardevoir and all eeveelutions.
And here is my problem:
As i can not buy pokemons from other players(they are my friends not slaves) i can not reach to Glaceon.
I know that in place where you live they are not so rare like here where am i now.
And it is my wish for this year, the last missing eeveelution - a Glaceon girl.
Also i want let you know that im working hard at my behavior. Always trying to help other people who are in trouble
and do not be annoyed when other people not respect me when other people show disrespect towards me and my pokemons during the training.
It is pretty hard, but as you can know i love challenges.
Thank you that you are and still fulfill many dreams of kids and not only.
I wish you health, because it is most important.
Kappa Prince, Diamond


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Mar 5, 2011
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Dear Santa

I would like to write this letter specially for the adventurers who play this video game and those who work hard to make this game better day by day and of course it is important to mention that they made it slowly, they became a part of our lives.

This year I would like to ask you to support all those players who have just started their adventure in this game, because it is not so easy to advance without a little help, I would like you to help them to have some luck so they can find and catch pokemons that keep them growing and living this adventure called padventures. Since this adventure is not about who has the best pokemon, about who has the most expensive or the weirdest, since this is simply about having the desire to keep moving forward and continue discovering how fun and magical it can be, about continuing advancing in this adventure.
I would like to ask you for those players who, for one reason or another, ended their adventure, because we know that life goes on and everything comes to an end.

But you know something? For sure they will always have something clear ...

That they will not forget the adventure they lived was like anyone else in the world, even if there were happy, sad and hard times, but well... we know that life is like that, sometimes we have to take hard choices that can be for better or worse, for example, evolving or not a pokemon, or thinking about what can be the best tm for the pokemon or putting a nick a name, or simply the hard choice of keeping our beloved partner or finding a different owner. But well, things have to happen with them and us, during all this adventure in this video game called padventures.

By the way sometimes I'm a little forgetful .... Merry Christmas!

Yours truly: Diegoshots

Forgot to put the world :c

Name: Diegoshots
World: Diamond


New member
Nov 1, 2012
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Dear Padventures Santa Claus,

I hope everything is going great down there on the North Pole!

My name is Aleeks, I am 6 years old (since Padventures started) and I live in Diamond.

This year I have been a good guy (most of the times). Some things I did this year were:
- I had a good attitude to everyone even when they did not deserve it.
- I helped other people with questions they had about the game.
- I helped people doing quests all around the pokemon world.

For this christmas, if you are not too busy, some wishes I have are:
- Clothes for my pokemon, that way they can look cool and be warm during this cold winter!
- Rare pokemons, either cloned or shiny! I have been trying to become the best pokemon trainer, and by having this I am pretty sure that I will be closer to achieve this goal.
- TMs to make my pokemons stronger. Some options are Rain Dance, Brick Break, Feint, Snarl, Lunge, Electric Storm, Doom Desire.

And last but not least:
I would really love to be the owner of one of your 3 amazing Rudolphs! I promise I would take care for him, feed him, level him up and make him one of the stronger pokemons!
Flying on his back around the pokemon world would make me feel like you Santa, hahaha.

Any of these things that you can bring me would be amazing and I would really appreciate it!

I am very excited that it is almost christmas and you will be here!
I will leave out some cookies and milk for you besides the christmas tree for you to have them.

Please tell Mrs. Claus and the elves I said hi, and thank them also for the hard work they do.

Your friend,


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May 5, 2010
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Dear Santa

I know it's been years since the last time that I wrote to you. It's not that I've forgotten you, but I felt that I had grown up. The years passed and Christmas continued, year after year, tree after tree, dinner after dinner. I always thought about writing you again, but the excuses weighed more than the reasons. So I didn’t.

I want to apologize and thank you for the happy moments, the wishes fulfilled and the years together. For all the times I thought I saw you over the rooftops, for all the times I tried to capture you, for all the times you escaped and for all the years you made me happy. Because even though I could never see you, you felt close, I knew you were there and in all those years you never fail me. Please forgive me for stop believing, for taking so long to return and for not thanking everything you did for me.

Now I am older. I tell my children the story of Santa Claus and how he always made me happy. I tell them about the times when he tricked me, about the many letters I sent him and how he always found the way to make my dreams come true. I tell them about you. From the secret friend who live on the North Pole.

This Christmas I do not write just for myself, I write for my children too. Hoping you can make them as happy as you did to me. I hope you may receive their wishes, their letters and their dreams. They made me believe again, so i want to enjoy with them te magic of christmas. My only wish for this Christmas is that you do not forget us and we can continue celebrating together for years to come.

Yours sincerely
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