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Archeologist [ground/rock]


Aug 31, 2011
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Thanks to archeologists we know much more about ancient life, people and pokemon that lived so long time ago. They had big knowledge about astronomy, I think it was much bigger than what we know now, even more interesting, that they didn’t seem to have any advanced technology as currently we do. They left many signs, like a message for future generations – for us. But we aren’t able to decrypt it, yet. There’s much more to discover...


Studying sarcophaguses might help us to answer many questions. What’s inside? Is it dangerous? Would it teach us something new? Maybe it hides some treasure? Or maybe curse?


What about hieroglyphs? It is believed, that they are having a message for future generations. Message that till this day cannot be decrypted.

There are rumors, that unowns lived in ancient times, however they are hiding from people. Leon – old sage is almost sure, that unowns may help to find out, what’s written on hieryglyphs, but how to find them?


Some hieroglyph leads you to a weird place. Looks like an abandoned tomb. It’s all empty and dark. None’s there, just old spider webs... and an interesting golden chest that contains a secret.



Seems like a strange place. Is it ruled by unowns? The longer you explore, the bigger chills you have. you are walking all around, but there’s nothing interesting... Until you find this – the fountain you have earlier seen on the picture from old parchment. Then you realize, that an unown amulet, that you got somewhere else is the same too! There’s something you miss yet.


It’s been few hours, that you are trying to find anything else. You feel helpless. Something weird happened and you appeared in a weird, small room. It’s very cold. Wait. Have you just found another thing from the picture?


Meeting Ancient Alakazams gave you a hint, now you can move on! Something led you to another weird place, where you found another weird thing. The more you find, the less you know.

You just managed to go deeper. But it seems to be giving more questions rather than answers. Finally you are finding somebody to talk with;
Npc: Our king… Creator of our kingdom. The one who saved our lives from you – humans… lost his life energy and fell into a coma.

Npc: He was the only one, who hasn’t been afraid to go out, hunt for us, to keep us alive. Now we are close to run out of supplies. No food, no life.​

Who's the king? This question bothers you, but you are not giving up, yet more things to be discovered, but once again - it gives more questions rather than answers.

It's time to ask other archeologist or professors, too many questions have to be answered. Books found in Professor's Burnet insitute lead you to some weird place - looking like a temple, is it somehow related?

Item name​
100 empty Ancient Ball
Gold nugget
Treasure Navigator
Ancient Golden Table
Golden Ancient Artefact?
Golden Ancient Artefact?
Golden Ancient Artefact?
Golden Ancient Meowth Chair
Ancient Hieroglyphs
Treasure Key
Golden Mail
(so player can have mailbox in house)
Pharaoh Toy
(informs about mega Lucario spawn)
Ancient Vase
Ancient Kabutops (addon), looktype 2055
Ancient Aerodactyl (addon), looktype 2045, 2052 (fly)
Ancient Bastiodon
(addon), looktype 2054
Ancient Omastar (addon), looktype 2021
Ancient Armaldo (addon), looktype 2056
Arceus Statue
Victreebel Golden Statue
Rhyhorn Golden Statue
Alakazam Golden Statue
Nidoqueen Golden Statue
Muk Golden Statue
Mewtwo Golden Statue
Hitmonlee Golden Statue
Steelix Golden Statue
Onix Golden Statue
Vulpix Golden Statue
Ninetales Golden Statue
Archeologist Workshop

Pickaxe is an item needed to get minerals, which are, along with apricorns necessary to create balls. They are easily obtainable

Treasure navigator helps to navigate hidden chest (needs to be digged) - chests can be obtained once per day, while archeologist can obtain 2.

Chests can contain various items, from decorations to TM cases, boxes and helds and parts of Thunduru's lamp.

Once you collect 5 parts, you will be able to make a wish. One of them will be getting rare/legendary pokemon for 24-48 hours, with delay of X weeks.

Archeologist is also the only profession capable to craft keys, that are necessary to open daily boxes.


if you have any questions or suggestions related to workshop, feel free to comment!
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