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:50::50::50: Magcargo

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New member
Nov 2, 2014
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Good morning everyone, especially STING.

I would like to ask you what have you done to my magcargo which i am playing with since it was released.
So lets see... you change the incinerate for a freaking meteor beam??!!! Making him even worse than he was before, and i don't think that he was that strong to get a nerf. Now why do i think it's a nerf? First of all, his primary type IS FIRE, why did you give him 2 or even 3 rock aoe spells and only ONE RANDOM DMG Fire? You made him worse for PVE and even for PVP. He can't go hunting on bug cuz there are shits like heracross which is damaged 1x by rock which make it impossible to hunt on a bug resp with one aoe fire ( YES YOU CHANGED LAVA TO 45 SEC INSTEAD OF 35 WITH THE SAME DMG!). Now he can't go neither to hunt on grass with one fire aoe.
Sure he can go exp on ice, really? :6: It's shit. I am beging you, please change it back. Make it useable fire poke.

DO NOT change him to rock type, there are many other rock type pokes, we don't need that one to be a rock type.

Here is my sugestion if you can't bring it back to be like it was yesterday (which in my opinion was pretty cool and playing with him was a pleasure)

M1. After you - ?
M2. Fire pledge - 20s
M3. Burn Up - 15s
M4. Quick move like Ember Or Rock Throw - 10s
M5. Rock Slide - 15s or Smack Down - 20s/15 with less dmg
M6. Ancient power - 20s
M7. LAVA PLUME - 35s with same dmg.
M8. Incinerate - 45-40 s / Or other Fire AOE
M9. Rock Tomb - 30s
M10. Smokescreen - 35s. (there is a problem that it's useless but still can be good if used properly).

Yours faithfully
PS. Sorry for my english, hope i made everything clear enough to understand.


Community Managers
Staff member
Oct 18, 2015
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So your proposition is invalid.
1. You want to give him "quick move" like rock throw or ember which hits 1k always while having after you and smokescreen without dmg (because you will not always do dmg with after) so he does need a better target
2. Lava Plume change should be obvious 35s cd was way too low for that type of move which was corrected to its normal cd (actually i need to add 5s more) like every other pokemon have also dealing 1.1k is usually more than what we give because mostly in moveset its 1k

The only thing that i would consider is giving him a weaker fire aoe instead of ancient power but i will ask Aga if shes ok with that
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