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  1. S

    Hrupeg <3

    zamykają mu dworzec. Nie dość, że nie będzie miał, gdzie dawać dupy to jeszcze nie będzie miał możliwości spakowania jej do pociągu :D
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    Hrupeg <3

    Czopek Ty KURWIU. Nie możesz odejść. Niech lepiej Panda odejdzie (z tego świata). Jesteś jeszcze taki młody i taki piękny. Świat nie jest przygotowany na Twoje odejście ;(
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    A czo to za homoseksualny chŁopiec? <3
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    PAdventures New Year's Lottery!

    Santoo Diamond
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    See You later or not!

    Well, well, well... this is the best time to say good bye, see you later, etc. I had big fun in this game. But i think that this is the end. It isnt my problem that scripter or script editer or other Ariadosman is a layman, and have server in ass. This server is dying and admins shouldn't care...
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    Event bug

    @barteko5 plz shut up. U get reward and can do it in noob chars, we lost a lot of time. Turn on event isnt answer.
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    Lost points

    Hello, I have 9k points in Santoo... in the morning i used comment and lost points. I have 1166p now! Do something with it. That was yours bugs, not mine. I dont have time to play again +-12h bcs who is newbie and dont have experience in php, lua etc and changing jano script -.- i need my...
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    PA Easter Lottery 2014 [DIAMOND]

    Nick: Santoo Number: 6
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    Yes!!! Good news. The biggest thief in PA is retired now! MAybe u return Ashketchuums money now. Bye.
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    Sheep's goodbye

    Do u have PMS? Your cry mode is very, very funny. Raissa is one GM who want to do this server better... she organized mini-events, events, made video, she is advertising server, gave bans, deletes, etc. But u and "'noobreviate' pro elo team" want to be the most important in this server...
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    Padventures trailer

    Yes, a little! In my opinion too, dont worry. But i show it when have +-4 minutes and ppl said that should be this, and this and this, and this, and blablabla! And when i added trailer, have 6 minutes ;x I know, that will be hard to watch... but if new player want to see game maybe isnt bad :P
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    [Recovery] Lost Porygon2

    Nickname: Santoo World: Diamond Pokemon Lost: Porygon2, 130 lvl with rain dance. I had it in PC... and now - i dont have it;/
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    Ashketchuum [LT]

    ASh nab!!! Gz :D:D:D
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    Tutors Recruitment on Diamond & Pearl [POLISH]

    Character name: Santoo Languages: English, Basic Spanish and German, classical Latin XD! and Polish, Polish, Polish <3 Serv: Diamond
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    Halloween Event 2013, Sunday 10 to Tuesday 12

    Loool.. my friends in guild and a lot of other players dont have problem. U arent everyone. If u have problem with it open padventures dx9 or update your software >.< this isnt client bug... this is your computer problem.
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    Halloween Event 2013, Sunday 10 to Tuesday 12

    install new software noob and dont cry. In next week isnt fair too... bcs players had free time in this week and in the next can have school, work and etc -.-
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    Halloween Event 2013, Sunday 10 to Tuesday 12

    Man... u have school tommorow i have school and work in next week... my friends have too...
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    Halloween Event 2013, Sunday 10 to Tuesday 12

    For everyone? U arent Everyone.
  19. S

    Halloween Event 2013, Sunday 10 to Tuesday 12

    My computer have 5 years and i dont have lags. When i installed new client i had a lot of lags... but update all and open in options GL2 and its ok now... This isnt client problem. This is your soft and driver problem ;/
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    Halloween Event 2013, Sunday 10 to Tuesday 12

    A lot of players cant play in next week -.- u must respect this peoples too -.-