
Recent content by Dan - Eiji Nizuma

  1. Dan - Eiji Nizuma

    About Electabuzz

    Fail thread
  2. Dan - Eiji Nizuma

    Abble - Life Thread

    Parem de spam, vlw pela localização Vodiniz. Gratz Abble, meganium pwnz
  3. Dan - Eiji Nizuma

    Guild LT [Shutup Woman Im Playing]

    Awesome times until I leaved to play inFAMOUS. I was lazy to print, thx.
  4. Dan - Eiji Nizuma

    About Electabuzz

    I hope that, too
  5. Dan - Eiji Nizuma

    Pewter Quest with Low levels

    Just get like 10 people, 50~80, and it's easy.
  6. Dan - Eiji Nizuma

    Crystal Onix

    Crystal onix troll =]
  7. Dan - Eiji Nizuma

    Guild LT [Shutup Woman Im Playing]

    Really nice.
  8. Dan - Eiji Nizuma

    [Event] Movie trailer contest

    Congratz dude. Spiff, haters gonna hate.
  9. Dan - Eiji Nizuma


    Dude, this post says that you're the one that doesn't understand english. GTFO with your spanish spam ps: Don't try to teach english if you even don't know it.
  10. Dan - Eiji Nizuma

    About Some pokes of johto.

    GTFO. "This items should be VERY VERY RARE. Maybe 2-3 items per server. No like 20 Dragonite in PvP" With time this pokemons will be catched by lucky ones and more people will get the items, so we can't say only 2 or 3.
  11. Dan - Eiji Nizuma

    Lets Fun

    You mean my sprite?
  12. Dan - Eiji Nizuma

    Lets Fun

    I can do better than this at paint. Yes, wrong topic. Cry now.
  13. Dan - Eiji Nizuma

    Guild LT [Shutup Woman Im Playing]

    Thanks for fast answer! Roflmao
  14. Dan - Eiji Nizuma

    Dragonite U.P.

    You played with nite, what I know about is that about 2 days after getting nite u sold it. If u got another one, I didn't know.
  15. Dan - Eiji Nizuma

    Guild LT [Shutup Woman Im Playing]

    I'm jealous?