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[Download] Players who want to play in Mac Computers.


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2015
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This is not a direct link to help player play on mac but a request to staff to make it possible please. I CAN play in mac but every time an update occurs I must go to a non mac computer update it on a usb drive then pass it to my mac in order to play again. It is very annoying and time consuming.

I really don't know how hard it is to make players have a downloadable/playable format for mac pc/laptops. I am just suggesting it because I owe a mac and is the only computer I owe. I DID found a method to play on mac computers, but as I said you must update on a Microsoft supported pc and I don't have one. So I have to go to my public Library and update Padventures at their computers.

I hear by request a supportable download for mac. :7:

Hope I made myself clear.

P.s. I would love to know staff opinion on topic

If any players would like to know how I play on mac and have another non-mac computer where you can make updates, I would love to help you. Send me a message via in Game and I WILL help you.
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Active member
Jul 3, 2015
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Its not as simple, but you have at least two other options:

1. You can update it via Virtual Machine, to summarise you create a folder on your Mac's drive which will be the mounted storage, download a VM (IE test VMs are available straight off the microsoft website), then load it into e.g. VMBox (hopefully I dont get crucified by PA staff for giving a specific program's name) and put PA into that shared folder, import the VM image and add the shared folder to startup mounting drives, then run the VM and you should be able to see PA in the folder, update and go back to mac to play.

2. Install WINE on your Mac, which lets you emulate and run windows applications on a Unix system (there is a million and one tutorials on how to get it set up on the net, just google it), this will let you run the updater and even the client on your Mac.

That's about it, both are workarounds that are a lot easier than having to go to a public library, but to add to "why there isn't a mac client", building a windows executable program to work on Mac CAN be a big pain in the ass, depends on how its written and what it depends on, this includes the updater.


Aug 31, 2011
Reaction score
For now it is not possible to add client for mac (requires a lot of work). You can download PAD client right after update from our website.


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2015
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First option is more viable than second one. I already use WINE on my mac to play padventures but the updater doesn't run together with the same files on the wineskin for some reason. Don't know for now I found a #1 to work more thanks.

I completely understand if its not possible. thanks for the advise.