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[Complaint] Memory Card usage


New member
Jan 28, 2016
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Hi, Not sure if it would be a complaint prefix or support prefix, it was more like a feedback/suggestion

Im new to the forum, so ill say sorry in advance if in wrong area and bad english.

Today i bought the Memory slot quest for ditto from premium shop.
And got on a bad trip from the start, got the 3 memory cards normally from using the premium shop item, and went to pvp to copy a pokemon, i got the ideia when i read it that it would store the pokemon in a memory card, and then i could remove and re add after, even without the pokemon on the screen, just from the card.
So i did copy a pokemon, in this case Pyroar, and removed him from the slot, so i can keep it on the memory card for when i needed him another time.

Little i knew, removing it from the slots uses anorther card, well, long story short, i used 3 memory cards just to keep a copy of Pyroar on my memory slots.

After talking to CM @Eudinho/Dosnyan in discord, and him confirming it for me, the message that asks you to confirming doesnt say you have to use a memory card to remove the pokemon from the slots.

My suggestion is to add something saying that u need that memory card, so other new player to the system doesnt pass through de same problem as me.
I would ask for a refund of the items (two memory cards), but not sure if it was my fault for not knowing how a system work, or it not saying it will use another memory card for removing.

Sorry for the wall of text, i would like to add a few prints, but i dont have anymore memory cards to show what im saying.
Thx in for reading.
Last edited:


New member
Jan 28, 2016
Reaction score
Made a new memory card, adding a new print showing the message for removing.
