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[Guide] How to start a Task - Tutorial

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Feb 8, 2011
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Greeting and welcome to another tutorial, featuring "Task System"

As you may noticed, within the Client Update, a lot of new things were introduced into the game, and one of the is the Famous Task System. Today, we'll learn how to use all the functions of the Task system.

What's a Task?

A "task" it's just a mission which consist on killing a certain ammount of pokes. Those task are given by some npcs as main missions, or a requirements for an incomming mission.

Starting a Task

To start a task, first you need to find a NPC that may need some help. For example A lost Wanderer at Pewter, or Wade at Celadon.

A lost Wanderer




Once you find them, you'll be able to start a Task.

How does it work?

Well, all the NPC's that has Killing Missions, have 5 keywords. Those words are:

- Task
- Status
- Report
- Cancel
- Help

Let's see how they work.


When you ask for a task, the npc will tell you the Tasks available for you. Depending on which ones you've finished, Npcs may show you new task. Finish some task to unlock more Missions.

13:31 Player: Hello
13:31 Wade: There is a terrible pest in this building and I need an exterminator to get rid of them in a task.
13:31 Player: Task
13:31 Wade: The current tasks that you can choose are Rattata and Grimer. You can ask me for the status of your started tasks and report me if you have finished any. You can also cancel a task if you have started it. For more information ask me for help.


Once you say status to an Npc, he'll show you the tasks that you've take with him, and the ammount of pokes that you have at the moment. It's quite usefull when you want to know how many Pokes left you have until you Finish the Task.

13:34 Player: status
13:34 Wade: The current task that you started is Grimer (0/20).


The "report" keyword, it's used when you finish one task, as soon as you write it, and if you're done with the Task, The NPC will provide you with a special Reward, that change depending on the Npc, or Difficult of the Task (It's a money and Exp Reward mainly). Otherwise, if you haven't finished the Task yet, he'll only tell you that you haven't finished it.

If you finished:

14:56 Player: report
14:56 Wade: Awesome! you finished a task.

If the task isn't finished yet:

13:47 Player: report
13:47 Wade: You haven't finished any pending task of mine yet.


With this keyword, you'll be able to cancel one of your current Task. Keep in mind that if you Cancel a Task, and you already killed a few ammount of it, the counter will be reseted, and If you want to start it again, you'll have 0 pokemon Defeated.

4:06 Player: Cancel
14:06 Wade: Cancelling a task will make the count restart. Which task do you want to cancel?
14:06 Player: Grimer
14:06 Wade: Are you sure you want to cancel this task?
14:06 Player: yes
14:06 Wade: You have cancelled the task Grimer.


With Help keyword, A window will appear where all the info concerning task will appear, such as Lvl requirement, ammount and if it needs a previous Requirement.


Ok that's all for now, This small guide will get an update as soon it's needed

Warm Regards

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