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Bewitch and False Swipe


Banned user
Mar 2, 2018
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Following the comment of Lewuseq I want to report False Swipe, aswell Bewitch.

False Swipe description: Provides to the user a complete moveset (10 moves) of any pokemon for around 5-7 seconds.

Bug: When you use this move, you can cast 3 spells, let's say I use m5, m6 and m2. As soon as False Swipe ends it's show that the moves that you used previously with False Swipe are with cooldown.

Bewitch description: Curse the opponent causing that your moveset got scrambled.

Bug: Let's see, Bannete use Bewitch, therefore if you use m1, it's going to cast another movement. However the bug lies on that you try to attack with any movement it wont cast a spell, you can't attack for 2-3 seconds. And if you can cast a movement, for example I use m5 and cast m8, once bewitch ends, m5 it has cooldown.