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10/02/2018 - Merge of Pearl to Diamond

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Jun 18, 2016
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really yes, I was a catcher with gb, my best catc very rare were with gb including a laptops that fell with 1200 gb, and after that I started lazar ub for the pokes I did not have in catch, so I also It's been a long time since we captured it, it's not like it used to, that you could capture a venasaur with less than 10,000 gb and now you're over that number

I wish I could catch laptops with gb ://


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2012
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Reading many of this post (not all), I can see that the problem start with the "improvement" og the catch and the "improvement" of the level sistem, I am 100% sure that If we don't have these "boost" in that 2 areas ALL the players of Pearl will be happy to join Diamond, but now since you have to be 3 years playing to get 3-4 good pokes and in Platinum you get that in 3 months all the people want to go there, I know that the topic is merge to Diamond or Pearl but THIS IS THE TRUE...I read a comment of Dagugo...wau I didn't imagine something like that for him, Diamond guy we are playing in there because we have many things to loose there, Pearl guy have the oportunity to change world to Platinum or Diamond and believe it or not, they prefer Platinum...WHY??? Because of the catch and level sistem this is the main problem in this topic, some guys "few" of them can go easily with ALL the things to Platinum meanwile Diamond (who have the biggest amount of players) need to start from CERO if they want to go to Platinum...I don´t want to fight with anyone, but can someone told me if this is fair??

PD:If Pearl guy come to Diamond for sure we will not have this kind of problem, but if they have the "oportunity" to go to Platinum paying just 50 diamonds...is not fair for Diamond speacially with this sh** level and catch sistem

""He dicho, caso cerrado!!""


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Oct 12, 2015
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my best catc very rare were with gb including a laptops that fell with 1200 gb




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May 30, 2017
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Honestly, I don't understand why you blocked trade between Diamond and Pearl.

I think it was yesterday (or maybe Sunday?) that a guy in Platinum, former Diamond player, told me he had "transferred" via Market (paying 3 diamonds for "Both Worlds") some pokemons, so that a friend of his from Pearl would get him these pokemons.
I thought "Oh my! what a good idea, I know I have to start from scratch, but at least I'd love to get some pokes from my beloved team".

I was trying a moment ago to transfer one pokemon in this way and trade between both worlds is disabled.

What is wrong with asking a friend from Pearl to get you some Pokemons to Platinum? It is not stated anywhere that doing it is cheating. Also, it is not like you are going to transfer all of your Pokemons... noteworthy it cost 3 diamonds per offer in Market for both-worlds and they are not cheap right now. Furthermore, I believe Pokemons will devaluate a little bit in Platinum, depending on the amount of Pearl players that move there; therefore I don't see how doing this will affect the market in Platinum.

And also, you already said that some rare pokes (Eevee and Klefki) were not allowed. But if you (Staff) think allowing us (people who can afford paying 3 diamonds per both-world transaction so we can get some pokemons [In my case, like 7 - 8, my team]) might alter the market in Platinum, which I strongly believe it won't, then put more restrictions like "only 1 pokemon per player". That way, for instance, if my friend has a Milotic and I have a Milotic too, of course my friend will tell me "Sorry dude, but I want MY Milotic", this way the amount of pokes would be "controlled". But honestly speaking, I don't think it will alter the market at all.

I know... I know... I know you said "start from 0". But Pearl players going to Platinum are not starting from 0. As many have said before, It is not fair.

To be honest, I decided to quit Diamond and start a new character from lvl 10 in Platinum, but with hope that I could get my Team thanks to Pearl friends (the Merge). These two last days that I have been playing in Platinum, I was so amazed how fast pokemons lvl up, I even reached lvl 82. I really like Platinum. However, some pokemons and specially TMs are very expensive or not at all for sale (and I can't even make TM Task because I can't "unsubscribe" my Diamond character from TM Task). I am not going to go through hell, skipping school, skipping family events, "donating" for more diamonds to make cash, skipping life... to achieve AGAIN what I have achieved in Diamond, which honestly is not that much, but since it was Diamond it was HARD to get.

I used to have fun. Now ain't no fun anymore.

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Apr 6, 2011
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Available now on Pearl with command
!changeworld platinum

Quick question i had my character on pearl since the beginning of time, but last month i moved to diamond. Is there any chance to move to platinum from diamond?


Well-known member
May 23, 2011
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Hello, i would like to ask if have any chance of diamond players transfer to platinum?
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