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[Support] Undelete dla Gawruni.


New member
Sep 10, 2011
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Witam , chciałbym w tym temacie prosić o undelete dla postaci Gawruni , wróciłem do gry , chciałbym znowu pograć.

Z tego co pamiętam bana dostałem za wyzywanie GM. Wyzywanie to było dlatego iż kumpla mojego postać została schakowana i gdy o tym pisał u mnie do GM'a czy CM'a to niewierzył ponieważ zapomniał e-mailu. Wkurzyłem się ponieważ administracja nic nie mogła z tym zrobić i poniosło mnie. Z całymi wyrazami szacunku chciałbym przeprosić z całego serca i prosić o undelete.Chciałbym dodać że sytuacja nigdy się nie powtórzy.Pamiętam że włozyłem troche czasu w tego chara bo na koncie nie jest tylko 1 , i chciałbym dalej móc grać na nim.

Pozdrawiam i proszę o szybką odpowiedź ze strony Administracji.

Name : Gawruni
Ban : Reason: Destructive Behaviour

Wersja Angielska:
Hello, I would like to ask about this topic for a Gawruni undelete, I returned to the game, I would play again.

From what I remember I got banned for swearing GM. Name-calling that it was because my friend was hacked form and when he wrote it for me to GM or CM'a did not believe because his forgot the e-mail. Pissed off because the administration was nothing she could do about it and I got carried away. With all Yours sincerely, I apologize with all my heart and ask for undelete.I would to add that the situation will never happen again. I remember I put some time in this character because the account is not just one, and I would continue to be able to play on it.

Best regards and ask for a quick response from the Administration.

Name : Gawruni
Ban : Reason: Destructive Behaviour
Last edited:


New member
Nov 1, 2011
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When your friend got hacked, it was only his fault. He shouldn't be sharing account (main reason of hacking) or visiting not supported sites and downloading illegal software. And you shouldn't use destructive behaviour towards Gm's because it wasn't their fault that your friend got hacked. All you can do now is create a new character and start playing again.


New member
Sep 10, 2011
Reaction score
im not asking you so why you comment? are u can reading ? Best regards and ask for a quick response from the Administration.