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[Ban Appeal] continuation... an sorry for it....

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Banned user
Oct 12, 2011
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first told you the last thing my English is not very good but anyway that aside ... because postearte also pictures of when we were in the casino ?? plus I lost about 14 machines in which nobody told me to look here have the machine you were playing .... rather tell me you lost the machine ... I can not do anything for you ..... and like there are machines that have been for hours and even many of the admin thinks I'm bot by I have if 5 hours on the machine or if 7 hours on the machine followed can mount an image of how I have the part of the wrist a deformity that will leave gamers presisamente for the long hours they are on a computer (wrist), and said this must admin that I have made strong following by such long hours that there are even times that I have been asking aveces each 30 minutes if I'm on the computer because they could not believe estubiera for so long in such slot machines as ..... but anyway, also because there is also the last article posteastes character you baneastes which was asking me apologize for those who knew groserias I had spent with profanity and was talking to pidiendote diculpas and I will show what you came out telling as we are with that:

21:00 Raissa: Well, if you do not esta speak Inglés and you need my help, it's you Who should use translator, not me :) you need something from me, not opposite.
and you'll excuse me but this is also a form of disrespect ...
and I apologize for posting a new post but as cerrastes a previous post and you gave no time to answer ... do not stay another to create a new post
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