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  1. Nymeria

    Double Team

    Hello, its me again. Id like to oppen for discussion TM071 Double Team, cuzz is a unique and such a beautifull spell and it seems like people doesnt really appreciate it. Now that rebalance team ( Sting) really listen to community and give points when they disagree, id like to see opinions...
  2. Nymeria


    Hello, its me again. Oppening for discussion this moveset. Hope u see it with oppen mind. Gz on recent balance, keep on the nice work. So, ill make some suggestions on Kartana's moveset, may be help you guys on another pokemon. Reason: Good poke tho short attacks and no defense ( ref...
  3. Nymeria

    Alolan Raichu

    Hello there! I'd like kindly ask you guys to add Alolan Raichu to Dream's Ball list. It's a psy poke that have Heal Status Condition. ps:didnt know where to post, if its on wrong session, move plz love :*
  4. Nymeria

    Flame Blitz

    I would like to suggest that Flame Blitz formula would be changed to the same one as outrage / stone edge or light screen / embargo. reason? would improve it's reach and would become a good option to fire poke as tm. thanks in advance
  5. Nymeria

    Sell Mega Stone Voucher

    Sell Mega Stone voucher 2.2kk or any of theese pkm below + cash -cloneds:nite 33 14,venu 33 09 or 33 grassy,blastoise 33 18,zard 33 08,vileplume 09 leaf storm or other , rhype, c beedrill 33 lunge -shiny: sunflora , sh corsola 33 18 , sh ariados tms full bug Nick ingame: Villanelle
  6. Nymeria

    Suggestion: Disable Spell's Sprites

    Why? - Would you ask. - Cuzz its pretty nerve wracking and annoying sometimes - Raids and quests, its acctualy impossible to see, u just go all in, full blind. - Visual polluiton, obviously - LAGS, as mentioned in others threads, most ppl from south america and north america, exeprience...
  7. Nymeria

    Bug while transffering money - banker

    No problems with transfer, its fine, i fixed by transfering more money... but, this can fuck things up for someone else
  8. Nymeria

    IIIIIIIIIIT's TIME! :chrisbuffervoice:

    Hi guys, With this thread i come to announce my retirement. This journey have been filled with fun and joy, but real life have called me and i need to answer. You guys have no idea of how hard it is for me to say good bye to all of my friends. I'll try not to get sentimental and shit, but i...
  9. Nymeria


    Hello there, I would like to suggest some changes to Venomoth's move set. reasons: Even tho he learns Sludge Rain and Lunge, his aeo doesnt have a big reach, also his type makes him vulnerable to Psy, wich he have advantage, quiver dance in that case is not very effective, cuzz most Psy's hunts...
  10. Nymeria

    Magical Leaf and Similars

    Hello my comrades, i would like to suggest a small change on Magical Leaf formula, and all similar moves. Right now, this formula takes too long to deliver the full hit, its way too slow. I would like to suggest to make it faster. It takes 5,5 seconds for it to finish the hit, and thats more...
  11. Nymeria

    The Amazing Memeriastore

    Hi, i'm selling these pokes. Keep in mind that if you want to transfer to diamond, you will pay the diamonds. PLATINUM NATIVE FOLK - Aloha! If you want these pokemons on Pearl, you can pay with your Platinum Cash. Post your offer here, or contact me ingame. RED = SOLD! Cloned Flareon 130m...
  12. Nymeria

    Magma Storm

    Hello there, I would like to suggest that Magma Storm formula could be changed to thousand waves/aqua power/ foul play formula. Would make it a lot better ( both on visual and reach). As it a storm made out of magma, would make sense to see that magma spreading all over the floor and burning...
  13. Nymeria

    [Lottery] Football Games Bet

    Hello there! Me and Chazz would like to invite you to betting football matches! If you want to participate in betting, you have to send private message with one score for player and pay 2k in game to: Nymeria. The results will only count on the 90' ( no extra time or penalties) If your bet...