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  1. X

    Xexomaru Bugs, Ponyta!

    Hello guys, im back! and i got new bugs to report! 1st.- Ponyta FlameThrower is too low, ember does damage of 250 on bellsprouts while FT does only 70-80, here's a SS as proof: And yes, i used the search option whit the keywords "ponyta, damage" didn't saw any post refering to this skill damage
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    ratata, HYPER FANG!

    Found it in the web, made me laught for quite the time :lol: :lol: :lol: http://tu.tv/videos/hoy-no-estoy-de-humor
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    Closed beta - Xexomaru

  4. X

    Pkm Apocalypse movie =0

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDX1m0Y2Vkg Made me laught quite a while If anyone have see it dont spoil them xD
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    Suggestion about party

    I would like to see a party enforcement (matther of speaking[forgive my english 8-) ]) system... There is a game i used to play and they give the party system an enhancement that every extra player on the party made the monster give 10% extra of the exp normal rate, example: A pokemon gives...
  6. X


    Hi, im Xexomaru(duh :P ) I saw this page while looking for PO videos on youtube, althought that server is cool, the lenguage is a huge problem for me. Hoping the team get done the game soon, thought i will probably not play it the first days (or at all) due the INMENSE number of people waiting...