
Recent content by Simpsomp

  1. Simpsomp

    [Recovery] Lost pokemon

    Pokemon sent
  2. Simpsomp

    Ayuda porfavor !!

  3. Simpsomp

    [Ban Appeal] Not banned, actually.

    If you had entered your account at least 1 minute, your account would exist until today, it was notified in advance and this notice was even sent in the registered emails. So we can't recover something that was already deleted from the database. I'm sorry...
  4. Simpsomp

    [Support] No puedo abrir el juego

    Solo por casualidad: 1) Intentaste borrando el antiguo cliente en conjunto del cache que se encuentra ubicado en Disco local C:\Users\Nombre de tu computadora. Y volviste a instalar el juego desde cero. 2) Borraste el cliente antiguo y descargaste el nuevo que se puso en este foro...
  5. Simpsomp

    Energy Decorations

    Sent parcel Simpsomp / Diamond Ty amix
  6. Simpsomp

    [Recovery] Lost Pokémon

    Pokemon sent.
  7. Simpsomp


    Nada más que agregar, todas las cuentas se quedaran delete. Nothing more to add, all accounts will keep delete.
  8. Simpsomp

    [Recovery] trade before rollback

    Pokemon sent
  9. Simpsomp

    [Support] ayuda con mi cuenta

    Tu cuenta "Sharingan" esta borrada, te invito a mandarle un mensaje por medio de discord al [GM] Natta para saber al respecto. This character has been deleted by [GM] Natta Reason: Illegal Advertising Comment: Illegal Advertising/Trade
  10. Simpsomp


    - In the next update, Daily Login change will be automatic when one month ends and one begins. So they will not wait or lose days, because of this we take the following measure. - We want to inform everyone of the Daily in this month and the following: Daily Login for February (He will have one...
  11. Simpsomp

    Simpsomp [LT]

    221-230 shaymingift Cya babes no more lt for me uwu
  12. Simpsomp


    We will not return the shazz account because as we have already told you in discord. This char was involved in illegal trades. So stop asking for it, any other post related to it will be removed by spam.
  13. Simpsomp

    [Recovery] lost held

    He lost it on a mission, it is not the first time so as we already warned him in discord. Nothing will be returned. espeongg