
Recent content by Santoo

  1. S

    Hrupeg <3

    zamykają mu dworzec. Nie dość, że nie będzie miał, gdzie dawać dupy to jeszcze nie będzie miał możliwości spakowania jej do pociągu :D
  2. S

    Hrupeg <3

    Czopek Ty KURWIU. Nie możesz odejść. Niech lepiej Panda odejdzie (z tego świata). Jesteś jeszcze taki młody i taki piękny. Świat nie jest przygotowany na Twoje odejście ;(
  3. S


    A czo to za homoseksualny chŁopiec? <3
  4. S

    PAdventures New Year's Lottery!

    Santoo Diamond
  5. S

    See You later or not!

    Well, well, well... this is the best time to say good bye, see you later, etc. I had big fun in this game. But i think that this is the end. It isnt my problem that scripter or script editer or other Ariadosman is a layman, and have server in ass. This server is dying and admins shouldn't care...
  6. S

    Event bug

    @barteko5 plz shut up. U get reward and can do it in noob chars, we lost a lot of time. Turn on event isnt answer.
  7. S

    Lost points

    Hello, I have 9k points in Santoo... in the morning i used comment and lost points. I have 1166p now! Do something with it. That was yours bugs, not mine. I dont have time to play again +-12h bcs who is newbie and dont have experience in php, lua etc and changing jano script -.- i need my...
  8. S

    PA Easter Lottery 2014 [DIAMOND]

    Nick: Santoo Number: 6
  9. S


    Yes!!! Good news. The biggest thief in PA is retired now! MAybe u return Ashketchuums money now. Bye.
  10. S

    Sheep's goodbye

    Do u have PMS? Your cry mode is very, very funny. Raissa is one GM who want to do this server better... she organized mini-events, events, made video, she is advertising server, gave bans, deletes, etc. But u and "'noobreviate' pro elo team" want to be the most important in this server...
  11. S

    Padventures trailer

    Yes, a little! In my opinion too, dont worry. But i show it when have +-4 minutes and ppl said that should be this, and this and this, and this, and blablabla! And when i added trailer, have 6 minutes ;x I know, that will be hard to watch... but if new player want to see game maybe isnt bad :P
  12. S

    [Recovery] Lost Porygon2

    Nickname: Santoo World: Diamond Pokemon Lost: Porygon2, 130 lvl with rain dance. I had it in PC... and now - i dont have it;/
  13. S

    Ashketchuum [LT]

    ASh nab!!! Gz :D:D:D
  14. S

    Tutors Recruitment on Diamond & Pearl [POLISH]

    Character name: Santoo Languages: English, Basic Spanish and German, classical Latin XD! and Polish, Polish, Polish <3 Serv: Diamond
  15. S

    Halloween Event 2013, Sunday 10 to Tuesday 12

    Loool.. my friends in guild and a lot of other players dont have problem. U arent everyone. If u have problem with it open padventures dx9 or update your software >.< this isnt client bug... this is your computer problem.