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Suggestions for items =D


New member
Jun 3, 2010
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Hello... :)
I think it would be good if there were items like the Pokemon games that are equipped to the Pokemon as the exp share, water pendant, charcoal,focus sash,amulet coin, etc ...
These items can by obtained by the rare loot of the Pokemon,or quests, for example Blastoise can drop a water pendant but rare time..
example for water pendant effect:water pendant boosts the atk of the water type moves like in the pokemon gba games,
and the items can be equipped by using it in the pokemon,disappearing from the bag, like the stones in PO,and can be unequipped with a option in the pokemon when u (ctrl+right click) the pokemon like follow but in this case can be called "Take Item",and the item will appear in your backpack..
I think this would give the game more fun and more strategy,and dont forget more variability among pokemons

Well this was my idea I hope you consider it, is after all only an opinion :D

Edit: EN ESPAñOL/in spanish....

Yo pienso que seria buena idea si pusieran items equipables como en los juegos de gba de pokemon como por ejemplo el exp share,water pendant,charcoal, focus sash,amulet coin,etc...
Y que esos items sean looteados rara vez por los pokemons por ejemplo un blastoise que puedan lootear un water pendant,ya que el efecto del water pendant es que aumenta ligeramente los atks tipo water,haci como un charizard podria lootear un charcoal que es igual pero de fire.
Mi idea de como usar esos items es que se equipen al pokemon usando el item en el pokemon y que al hacerlo el item desaparesca de la bag como las stones en PO,y que para desequipar el item del pokemon tengas que hacerle (ctrl+click derecho,como si quisieras ponerle follow) para usar la opcion de "Take Item", y el item se va ala bag desequipandolo del pokemon.
y pues yo pienso que esto le daria mas diversion, y variedad a los pokemons de cada jugador,y mas estrategia como en los juegos de gba de pokemon :D
Bueno,espero que consideren mi opinion,porque pienso que es muy buena idea. :p

Browni Galactico

New member
Jun 1, 2010
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i think its a good idea too but, like Ohmaradi says, thats lots of work.

somehting the PA must have are biger backpacks, like tibia, backpacks with 20 slots, not like PO -.- with bags with 8 slots -.- that really really piss me of, and is not dificult at all to have them n_n


New member
Mar 30, 2010
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The idea is good, but the implemention of it would be really complex, the example you gave with stones are used on a pokemon, but they disappear in use, so they just do a permanent effect, but equipping a certain item on a pokemon, with an option of taking it back (not a permanent effect) would need the creation of a lot of scripts for it to work, and right now all we want is for the game to come out.

Could be a good addition with some other things in the future though, when the game is out :D