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Addons Bugs

Arroni Amman

New member
Jan 6, 2013
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Hello, I'd like to report some bugs with addons, the first one is Alakazam. Maybe it is not a big bug but it just doesn't look nice
As you can see here I have Alaka with addon

And the addon disappears while using Kinesis

After Kinesis is done he gets his Addon back.

The second one is Gengar with Scarface addon. I don't have screenshots, but I hope you can check it : P
The first one is After using invisiblity his addon disappears and you have to hide him and call back to see the addon again. Also the addon looks way different when looking on each side of gengar (I mean if you tell him to move south,north etc. t1,t2,t3,t4 ) One sprite is geng with scarface addon, his back is old gengar and his sides are kinda shiny xd

I'd like to say something about a fact, that is so much disliked by people who like to lvl up. Why do wild pokemons not see our pokemon after using skills like underground, invisiblity ? The pokemons that we lured act normally, they just stand or move randomly, but if there appears another wild pokemon while our pokemon used underground or something - we are dead. He just doesn't care about our poke and kills us.
Also another bug with Alakazam and his kinesis, it happens so often to me when using Alaka to lure pokes. After using Kinesis he should teleport all over my screen but sometimes he gets far far outside my screen luring a group of pokemons far away from me and some of them just run towards me what results in instant death : /

I think it is enough for now, if I see some new I'll report them : - )

As The Viper reminded, also Blissey addon causes debugs on old clients. It may be worth fixing : )
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The Viper

Well-known member
Sep 4, 2012
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I still get kicked because of Blissey's addon and u are complaining because of a visual bug with Kazam's hat?