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  1. K

    Good Bye.

    bye bye :/
  2. K

    [Halloween event] 24 october ~ 1 november

    This is Spartan :D
  3. K

    [Halloween event] 24 october ~ 1 november

    u play 20hras everyday? ;o 3k in 2-3 days. omg
  4. K

    [Halloween event] 24 october ~ 1 november

    crazy? -.-
  5. K


    parei no "harowen" :/
  6. K

    [goodbye] oficialtrain

    Bye bye. :)
  7. K

    como assim deleted?

    isso tudo pra n admitir, aiai
  8. K

    como assim deleted?

    estranho o kra te hackear , por o char no bot e nem se quer mudar a senha ein ! vai ver ele pensou, vou hackear um kra e dividir o char com ele , to precisando de amigos haahahah
  9. K

    como assim deleted?

    Primeiro que você tem que falar isso em ingles para os GM interenderem oque você ta falando , e pedirem a prova de você estar usando bot e ter tomado ban , não adianta nada você vir mandar isso ai em portugues porque só players vão ler isso. a prova do bot esta logo acima :)
  10. K

    como assim deleted?

    bot é bot , nao tem desculpa. crie otro char.
  11. K

    About Paaranoid (Pearl)

    bot or no life. lvl 107 in 2 months? never with a "normal" people.
  12. K

    Kviiz is zstik and he his botter why dont banned?

    Sayoen , u again? video say everything? where the video with my char (Kviiz) botting? and Screenshot say everything?
  13. K

    Kviiz is zstik and he his botter why dont banned?

    Lost time with lvl , dex , catch for 1,7k? look my pokes and my cash ! i dont need it :)
  14. K

    Kviiz is zstik and he his botter why dont banned?

    shut up you Sayoen , lvl 81 trash. go up and come later.
  15. K

    Kviiz is zstik and he his botter why dont banned?

    SUAHUHSAHAUSUHSAUH funny, have a character lvl 113 , and create a new character? im not idiot ;) bye envious
  16. K

    Kviiz is zstik and he his botter why dont banned?

    He create a image with my ip , and u believe. Im not Ztik.
  17. K

    Another DDOS atk?

    now u can leave from computer :)
  18. K

    tengo un error

    /\ fail hahahaahahahahaha
  19. K

    @Jano ban foR?

    dont boting? nice video :p
  20. K

    By rodnelvitox

    bye rodnel...