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  1. J

    [Support] Starter pokemon

    I would like to know if there is any starter pokemon from character creation list that can not be caught. thx
  2. J


    I've came back to the game recently and noticed there are more spawns on the map. i think this is what the game needs especially to gather new players ^^
  3. J

    [Support] fix

    The first link[zippyshare] has virus. http://www.padventures.org/forum/showthread.php?37129-Map-for-Client
  4. J

    [Support] Question

    Any date for Suggestions to come back?
  5. J

    Pokemon XP Reset

    I've noticed that if i get disconected with my pokemon out the pokemon xp sometimes is reset to 0.
  6. J

    Ignored List

    Please fix this bug. The list goes blank if you close client... there are quite a lot of anoying ppl i would like to keep ignored.
  7. J


    When will suggestions be back?
  8. J

    [Complaint] Feedback

    I feel like many areas of the map are wasted, because the respawn was set many years ago and barely changed. Would be nice to improve the existing areas, in main continents...
  9. J


    Why add only evolved forms of shiny and not initial forms? shiny are already hard enought to catch... please someone listen <3
  10. J

    Pokemon Spawn System

    Imagine if Pokemons were to spawn based on your steps on its area of spawn. They could Spawn agressive, passive or fleeing. I suppose this is not a hard coding to do. Hope for some feedback ^_^
  11. J

    Randomic Process of Event + Artificial Inteligence.

    I will develop here a Suggestion. About Random events, such as random spawn, possibility of shiny and some other stuff... hope you all enjoy what will be coming down... <3
  12. J

    Evolution Stone.

    many pokemon need evolution stone to evolve. some start looking for them through life. my suggestion is to add a chance to drop a Evolution Stone Fragment from all pokemons. when you collect a random number of this fragments they might become a evolution stone...
  13. J

    Hwo Many Times

    How many times have you play pokemon gba to win? i have many many times. this time i am here for a great time. great experience. good time with RP full mode on. Role Play for fun, hope to see someone friendly... ^_^