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  1. Darken

    File dll client Dx9

    they could remount the dll files to open the Dx9 client, in the link where Raissa published, the files were deleted http://www.padventures.org/forum/showthread.php?34955-Updated-PA-Clients
  2. Darken

    Darken [LT]

    Quest 200 Imprisoned - Legends of the Hidden City
  3. Darken

    Headcrusher [Diamon-Platino]

  4. Darken

    Add my YouTube channel to Fansites PA

    Hi, I would like to know if it is possible to add my YouTube channel to PA fansites, it is a very varied channel in videos and seen PA player https://www.youtube.com/c/DarkenPadventures
  5. Darken

    bug catch pawniard

    just captured pawniard and I know that it does not appear in my catch, they could fix this bug, since I mostly want it to appear in my catch