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  1. L

    [Rejected] REPOST: Authoritarism and fascism staff's behaviour

    I purposed a pvp event and i was recruiting signers, already some people have liked the idea and signed "Thank you" to my purposal. EVEN it was rated as hot and 5 starred... My goal was to recruit signers of this purposal so it could become an stronger purposal, since I believe the staff is the...
  2. L

    [Solved] Authoritarism and fascism staff's behaviour

    I purposed a pvp event and i was recruiting signers, already some people have liked the idea and signed "Thank you" to my purposal even it was rated as hot and 5 starred... My goal was to recruit signers of this purposal so it could become an stronger purposal, since I believe the staff is the...
  3. L

    Hardcore PvP event ? ...

    Sorry to re-post but i realized i posted this on the wrong board T_T Why not clone whole server on a 7 day hardcore server in which ... you can war all arount the padventures map with other people, kill them, get about a lvl for each player killed, stealing pokemons, money and items ? Like a...
  4. L

    Hardcore PvP Event?

    [Warning, very agressive purposal here] [Recruiting signers and guild leaders to sign this] [Latin Blood guild supports this as far i know] The purposal here is to clone whole server on a 7 day or weekend hardcore server in which ... you can war all arount the padventures map with other people...