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  1. W

    [Download] I want to play :(

    Always thought I was the only one playing on Linux, it's really nice to hear that I'm not. As previous mentioned, wine allows you to emulate a Windows environment without any difficulty, unless there's and update. In such case, you need to reinstall everything from scratch. Pic for proof:
  2. W

    Pad ventures update 10.9.4 (spanish)

    Completely agree with OP. Playing from Ubuntu via winefile, every update is kind of a pain in order to keep playing but not uploading the new updated versions to the webpage makes it inaccessible for us.
  3. W

    2017 Christmas event

    Johto: 47: prnt.sc/htk6dd 48: prnt.sc/htk6hp 49: prnt.sc/htk6lk