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    Football Tournament

    Volare, Kantare, Pitex
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    [Ban Appeal] Hi everyone

    sad story :D lets all start insulting others family etc etc, we will have second chance anyway :D
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    [Ban Appeal] Hi everyone

    if admin unban him, they should unban all banned players or its not fair. simple. Otherwise admins would need to say in public that in this game they are players that can do whatever they want and others that need to play by rules.
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    [Ban Appeal] Hi everyone

    its not hate its true, u was banned bcs u was super super toxic, u insulted guys family etc etc, and so u deserved ban. Besides, what u think would happen if they would unban u ? More and more people that were banned would start making posts to revoke their ban since they do it for u. So stop...
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    [Ban Appeal] Hi everyone

    Im here 10 years+ so everyone who knows me im not any scamer or toxic nub---- i think u was banned for being toxic so .....
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    [Ban Appeal] Hi everyone

    Atlest bring me back for a month,delete me after - in others words u want to take ur pokemons and items to new account :P
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    [Support] pearl

    Siemka, pamięta ktoś kiedy był łączony Pearl serwer z innym ? Oraz z jakim serwerem był połączony ? :D
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    [PA Tournament 2016 PLATINUM] - Sign up here!

    Name: Kaneki Ken Stage: A
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    Rebalance discussions

    if delibird will have ever evolution ?
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    Remove Elemental Quest - NOBODY LIKES IT

    on platinum 2 teams done elemental quest. Your problem if you can't do it
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    Remove Elemental Quest - NOBODY LIKES IT

    if you want to make elemental quest go exp pokemon which is needed.
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    Platinum is dead

    Don't make any fusion. It's bad idea
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    Report tutor (Himberee 1 more time).

    sad story
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    Platinum is dead

    I like server platinum. Don't delete it or transfer to other server, if you transfer players from platinum to other server most players from platinum will stop playing.
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    cloned pokemons

    Siemka mam pytanie odnośnie c. pokemonów. Czy ich hp zostało zwiększone tak jak normalnych czy nie ?
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    Easter event is now enabled

    ile czasu trwa event ?
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    Servers offline

    when server will be online ?
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    Season change event

    bug isn't fixed yet.... i still can't heal seel there