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  1. T

    Fighting Quest Almost Finished

    sound like cool
  2. T

    I always Fall In Troubles So what? I'm the chaos It Self,I Just break 1k+ of the hole life's...

    I always Fall In Troubles So what? I'm the chaos It Self,I Just break 1k+ of the hole life's rules :3
  3. T

    [Donation] Admins Help

    Hey PA, I'm from Egypt and i'm not able to buy Points i could in old times By contedipago but now it's removed and i can only pay with my phone So PA,Can you make contedipago back,Or tell me how can i buy points with phone Because zaypay and paygol cant too Thanks~!
  4. T

    [Buy] Always Trouble

    Buy:buy goood pokes lvl 50 min~*60 max only Good ones Buy:Sneasel max 60 Wobbuffet max 60 msg me here or on PA Char:Always Trouble