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  1. W

    Fan Art Contest - Results.

    What happen with my draw =(?
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    Halloween Fan Art Contest - for Pearl Players

    Name: Heisenburguer World: Pearl Photo links: http://oi61.tinypic.com/358b4f8.jpg http://oi62.tinypic.com/21jnosw.jpg http://oi62.tinypic.com/21jnosw.jpg
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    Skazani na broken LT

    Nice \o! GoGo Catch pokes XD
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    Sheeper [LT]

    Gratz man!
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    Bazinho's LT

    Gratz :)
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    Cloned island [Task / Mission].

    I think a great idea, but u need to change somethings '-'. The access at cloned island, only once for week... <<
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    Hake [LT]

    A lot of pictures :P. Gratz and gogo catch Raichu xD
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    [Ajuda] Preciso mudar meu email

    Graças ao Sky Darkness que me ajudou em game fiquei sabendo o que preciso fazer para solucionar meu problema. Obrigado, Sky Darkness!
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    Catch pokemon's level.

    It's true :O? Is a great notice :D
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    New Ideas

    This! Rare candy, plates (easy), quest itens (if u kill a super Magcargo, u drop 2~3 Magcargo hulls) and ultraballs. Something like it xD
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    Wesker's catches

    :O Gratz Wesker... Are you top catcher?
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    Some bugs.

    You can't use dex in Nidoran [F] and [M]
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    Szanowni Maniacy. [LT]

    Gratz :O
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    Finally 200 caught !

    Omg! Gratz!
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    Daily missions

    Bump... Great idea
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    HI, Everyone

    Welcome Wayan :D
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    Hello! Welcome back :D.
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    Brincadeira :D (Continue a história...)

    pois estes eram muito...
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    Os Batutinhas (LT)

    Gratz \o
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    [Ajuda] Preciso mudar meu email

    Então... Como diz no título preciso mudar meu email, como faço isso?