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  1. B


    Hej! A co myslicie o takiej zmianie? Żeby staff zmienil system lapania/respu pokow. Tzn. Ze albo dal ludziom możliwość lapania pokow do 130lvla lub żeby nie respily się poki 120+.. taki przyklad z respem Abomasnowa ... robisz kolko po mapce zabijając dajmy na to 20 Abomow ale tylko 10 z nich...
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    Ranking of Balls Fail :v

    ` 18:11 Used 21 great balls, 11000 ultra balls, 10 rocket balls on Cloned Electabuzz. 18:12 Used 4 great balls, 3500 ultra balls on Cloned Alakazam. Tsots Master Catcher :D
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    Popiera taxera z tym miejscem. Bo teraz juz nawet na najeździe nie można topa Lee czy chana zlapac :(
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    Children's Day Lottery

    Tsots Diamond
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    OKey, I undertand :D Sometimes something broke without our information. But i know that You are working. PAD will be better!
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    Sorry for my english :) Diamond is offline more time than pearl :) all the time staff dont informing players about server off ;/ its bad ;/ but we must be patient when we want better game! Gl staff :)
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    Ja bym chcial zeby w koncu kupowac bale i potki w wiekszej ilosci niz 100... Zrovic 2 suwaki; jeden od liczby bali np. 100 a drugi ile tych setek chcemy. Drazniace jest to jak kupujesz bale i musisz klikac 100x zeby kupic bp ub.
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    [Life Thread] Życie Hitmon Anu .

    No tak. Ale dawno Cie nie widzialem a lt sie rozwija, stad pytanie. Pozdro. Tsots
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    [Life Thread] Życie Hitmon Anu .

    Gdzie Ty grasz? Dianond?
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    Mini Lottery #April 2016

    Tsots Diamond
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    [Recovery] Lose poke

    Tsots Seppe avv groch aligto can use it. Scizor 130 doom feint. Idk ball.name hanzo hashai or smght like this Hallo ursaring? Pokeball 130 eq and brick Idk sex of pokes
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    Szanowni Maniacy. [LT]

    Radziu nie za duzo farta?! Gz :)
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    Najlepszego Rado : )

    Z chlania wrocil :D no prawie tydzien ci zeszlo od piatku zeszlego :) pozdro mordo!
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    Najlepszego Rado : )

    Stowa Fenoool!
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    Rebalance Discussions

    Moveset in smergle is too op?! Hahahahhahaahahhaah good joke... It is your choice what u take to moveset... Omg... Everywhere cry about smergle...
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    Hello. I would like to infrom you that propably some pokemons have been recovered. Why propably? Becouse they appeared in house. Isn't any chance that they were always in house becouse they were in diffrent plates. We have every pokemon in plate which describe their types. Those pokemons which...
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    Hello. Today I saw that 20 Pokemons are lost. Propably I don't know all the things which Pokemons have, but I'll try write all things which I remember. Some we bought long time ago, some few weeks ago, for some we put TM's (1 or 2), some we caught. Pokemons could be used on...
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    Szanowni Maniacy. [LT]

    Widze ktos ma ostatnio farta :) Gz
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    Easter Event 2016

    How long Diamond will be offline? And why it is off?
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    [Lottery] Lazy Killer's Lottery

    Tsots Diamond Ps. Good job skoudzeg!