
Search results

  1. C

    Premium feature

    Well i thought of something about the premium accounts, Once the player gain a diamond or premium should get higher catch rate or experience like. Pokeball rate: F. Account 1x P.Account 2x Experience rate(Players) F.Account 1x P.Account :1.5x Experience rate(Pokemon)...
  2. C


    Will there be spells(as stones) that players can learn to a specific pokemon. Lets say smash spell and that would be for fighting type pokemon. The spell will be in a form of a stone that players gain it by completing a quest. By using the stone on the pokemon, the pokemon can use that skill...
  3. C


    How many worlds is the server gonna start with? Regards
  4. C


    Hello, Is there any kind of pokemons music in the game? Regards
  5. C

    READ ME ^^

    Hello good folk. The name is Ivan, 19 years old ... Studying and working as a systems consultant. My areas of focus within the profession is programming, modeling and project management. I can speak Arabic, English and Swedish so feel free contacting me using those languages if needed Thanks...
  6. C

    New in this forum

    Good day, ladies and gentle men. We are a bunch of players has been gathered here for a while to join you in this adventure. Obviously we have been wondering about few thing and we require a good answer such of experienced old users or game masters and scripters. 1-Is it possible for a player...