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  1. S

    Cierta info de Valentin

    MISSION 1 1. Talk npc Celadon on Church. 2. Catch Any Small Fairy pokemon (Clefairy example) and bring it to him. POKEMON MUST BE INSIDE THE BALL. 3. Enter door, talk npc there. MISSION 2 1. Saffron – Winfred http://prntscr.com/igaxsw 2. Viridian - Alexia https://prnt.sc/igao5s 3. Cerulean –...
  2. S

    Price of cloneds in npc.

    Platinum is not the same as the other worlds, we can be test, but we also like our server. After consulting with several platinum players we agree that npcs prices are high. It is not fair that a new player, go to cloned and catch 3-5 cloneds and have the same money as a player from 1 year...