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  1. dracksmith

    Players PA Ideas

    hello, well my proposal is to make the cloned pokemons are just the originals and others are Shainin since most of the pokemons not look anything like a cloned pokemon . and so many more would have pokes that people would like to get . I propose that colen also an option for guild battles as...
  2. dracksmith

    PA Players Real Photos

    I out of the game ;P :rolleyes:
  3. dracksmith

    Players PA Ideas

    well I propose to make a global trade area, as many people want to have pokes that maybe on your server do not have them for sale and if the other server, so the sale and purchase of pokes and other serious players would increase something very good for the 2 server: D enough to pearl or diamond
  4. dracksmith

    quiero afiliar mi pagina a pokemon :D

    hola amigos me gustaria afiliar mi pagina de pokemon de facebook a padventures y hacer que un tutor o un GM la administre tambien ya que muchas personas me escriben y me hacen preguntas sobre cosas que no puedo responder ya que no tengo ese nivel de informacion, otras me dicen que si les puedo...
  5. dracksmith

    PA Tournament 2014

    Nick: Drackx World: Diamond Category: c Nationality:venezuela <3!