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  1. V

    I can not enter my char

    I can not enter my char. his name is Vanjor. World Diamond. this message appears "tibia encountered a critical error and had to be stopped, an error report detailed written to the error file you are required to submit, on your next login." what I do, I wrote that the game stopped talking when I...
  2. V

    I had trouble paying my billet banking

    I had trouble paying my billet banking. I bought diamonds on 07/06/13. I had more problems to deposit here in my town. What do I do? because the banking billet purchases of diamonds had the maturity day 12/06/13. can be deposited on 13/06/13? and will I pay a fine for being late? observation if...
  3. V

    Halloweens pokes are not worth anything in the game :/

    Halloweens pokes are not worth anything in the game :/ ... so why you guys created the pokes halloweens? they are stronger? are no longer rapids? has more hps? Tms can not have more? niguém :/ they want to buy. you guys could make some changes in pokes halloweens to let them different. Could...
  4. V

    why GMs lowered the value of eevee in npc?

    why GMs lowered the value of eevee in npc? like you guys do it with the players, you guys hurt us rather than help us? fault of you I played 10k off buying a couple of eevee, and now are paying eevees 61 hds in npc .... you guys hurt all players with this change. Now that nobody plays this game...
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    Gente na minha opinião falta um ataque para o charizard.

    Gente na minha opinião falta um ataque para o charizard. sugestão: no desenho o charizard tem um poder chamado arremesso sísmico , eu acho que poderia ser adicionado no jogo, porque ele é semelhante ao* Fly attack, é o poder mais forte do charizard no desenho. Acho q tinha q ele tinha q ter...
  6. V

    lack the power pitch seismic the charizard.

    Hint: the drawing has the charizard power seismic toss, I think that could be added in the game, because it is similar to the Fly Attack , is stronger the charizard attack in the drawing. Dica:no desenho o charizard tem um poder chamado arremesso sísmico , eu acho que poderia ser...
  7. V

    Banimento no cassino o que eu faço????

    Banimento no cassino o que eu faço???? Gente meu irmão foi banido por 30 dias naquele bug que aconteceu dentro do cassino , o que eu faço? Me falaram que a pena de 30 poderia ser reduzida pra 2 dias é verdade isso? Se for como faço pra ajuda-lo?
  8. V

    Char Banishment by unjust cause

    The character of my friend was banned for unfair question! He was playing in the casino when it happened look at what sent him: Your accont has been banished at: 17 Jul 2012 by [GM] Aldaris on Diamond for the following reason: game weakness abuse the action taken was: banishment. the comment...
  9. V

    char with bug

    hello I'm here to report. That my char named sosttenes this arrested near saffron when I login, it appears another name called "account manager" I can not seem to move with my char and play with my pokemons please help me want to play again. Thank you oh sorry my english because I'm Brazilian...