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  1. C

    [Support] Appeal to banish

    Good evening, I would like the opportunity to appeal to banish, I was surprised when using a multi client, so I admit my fault, so sorry I ask the staff for my lack and the other players have had some sort of advantage over them , I have never had problems with players or staff members, I am a...
  2. C


    I have a problem or rather a question regarding the achievements , now I catch 150 and consists on the page, but I just RECEIVED achievements to catch 6 which correspond to catch 100 (I guess ) to changed condicioones of the achievements?
  3. C

    Map is cleared only .

    One question , how I can do to me is not clear the map from time to time ? It is annoying that I erased the unexplored locations and are deleted out of nowhere and having to do it again.
  4. C

    bloking respawn

    The character Dark Jack, was found for a long time blocking the respawn Venasaur in Olivine. as shown in the image.
  5. C

    Bloked respawn

    este personaje (Aleg) se encuentra blokiando el respawn ayi donde se muestra.
  6. C

    cambio de mundo....

    quisiera saber si es posible cambiar de mundo a un personaje.. favor ayudar en cuanto a este tema