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  1. bruno luis

    Abble - Life Thread

    Catch scyther!!!! 12:53 Used 197 safari balls on Scyther. 12:53 You caught a pokemon (Scyther [52]). But you are already holding six Pokemon, your Pokemon will be teleported to the Pokemon center!
  2. bruno luis

    [Recovery] Bug market

    hello, is happening this "bug" in my game, the time the items are over, but when I click on collecting, simply does not collect, my items are trapped
  3. bruno luis

    Plis help me :'( Roll back

    Hallowenn Dragonite lv 80 in pokeball nick : Indyaoo Plis help me
  4. bruno luis

    lost my nuzleaf

    Lost my Hallowenn Dragonite is Hallowenn Dragonite lv 80 in pokeball Character Indyaoo
  5. bruno luis

    andyrax you there?

    andyrax you there?
  6. bruno luis

    Minha conta foi deletada :S

    Eu simplesmente nao sei qual e o problema em brincar com os jogadores no P.A pois se eles te reportao voce e deletado, Bom eu estava zuando com a cara de um jogador e ele me reporto e fui deletado sem mais nem menos ate pq era uma brincadeira gostaria de ter minha conta devolta pois axo que nao...
  7. bruno luis

    New Quests Stones

    I agree, some of my friends are having the same problem, and now can not do what they wanted
  8. bruno luis


    more now she's not so strong so she only has 6 and most attacks and stun
  9. bruno luis


    I was testind Misdreavus and noticed that it has few attacks compared to other pokes, I think it should have more moves because some moves have nothing to with her Why she has Psybeam? She is Ghost, not Psychic I want it to have some more moves, a complete rework
  10. bruno luis

    GM changed my char to pearl but have regretted it as I go back to diamond?

    GM changed my char to pearl but have regretted it as I go back to diamond?
  11. bruno luis

    ADM changed my char to pearl but have regretted it as I go back to diamond?

    ADM changed my char to pearl but have regretted it as I go back to diamond?
  12. bruno luis

    eae renam seu gayzao xd

    eae renam seu gayzao xd
  13. bruno luis

    gay nmhgh

    gay nmhgh
  14. bruno luis

    Stayla im sell snorlax lv 101 with reflect u buy?

    Stayla im sell snorlax lv 101 with reflect u buy?
  15. bruno luis

    I'm sell snorlax lv 101 with reflect

    I'm sell snorlax lv 101 with reflect
  16. bruno luis

    sell good pokes

    I'm sell snorlax lv 101 with reflect
  17. bruno luis

    maritos ta on test Lord drago akee

    maritos ta on test Lord drago akee
  18. bruno luis


  19. bruno luis

    meus pokes e tudo lv 110 + e agora?

    meus pokes e tudo lv 110 + e agora?
  20. bruno luis

    me diz uma coisa na equipe beta vai poder usar pokemons lv 110 + ou nao?

    me diz uma coisa na equipe beta vai poder usar pokemons lv 110 + ou nao?