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  1. Neurotica

    About [Padventures Offline]

    Hi guys ! What is happening in Padventures ? I think Gms and Tutors don't have info about, why Padventures is Offline. Someone Administrator / [PA] can tell us why is Offline ? There are many rumors, I think you should give an explanation ... Thanks.
  2. Neurotica

    Report; Tutor Oscar Rojo

    Quería exponer el siguiente tema, y lo haré en español ya que el problema se ha creado en el spanish-chat. Bien, en un primer momento la cosa es que estaba hablando en espanish chat. Y un player pone que ha subido de nivel su umbreon, de repente se me ocurre decirle " Te lo compro " simplemente...
  3. Neurotica

    O m g !

    Today I find this video on youtube, I think everyone should see it. If you have a bad day, seeing this you will change your opinion. ¡ Awesome ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIdb4xWfYFY&feature=player_embedded
  4. Neurotica

    [Sell] Neuro Shop ~ Buy / Sell / Change

    *Selling; ------.: Cloned :. - Cloned Scizor [114] with TM (Steel Wing & Bug Buzz) - Cloned Electrabuzz [117] with TM (Reflect & Meteor Mash) ------.: Hoenn :. - Sceptyle [103] - Blaziken [100] with TM (Attract) ------...
  5. Neurotica

    [Life Thread] Chiwakas [LT]

    ¡¡¡ Bienvenidos a Chiwakas !!! .: LA GRAN PROMESA :. Hola a tod@s soy Neurotica Leader de Chiwakas. A continuación dejare una serie de información para los miembros de la guild o aquellos que visiten este thread; * Que es un LT ? - El "Lt" Life Thread, trata sobre la vida de algo en este...
  6. Neurotica

    [Retired] Hasta " Pronto"

    Quiero despedirme de los players de Padventures. Me retirare por un tipo ya que no encuentro motivos u objetivos que me motiven para seguir jugando, supongo que cuando hagan update si volveré a entrar. El motivo por el cual me retiro es sencillo, y es que si a una le dan de comer todos los días...
  7. Neurotica

    Searching Team for Quest of Elements

    Hi guys. We will do this quest: 29/5/2012 at 01:00h. (Spanish time) <---------- 29/5/2012 at 17:00h. (Mexican time) <---------- Im searching Team for [Quest of the Elements]: [DONE] (You need fly, rock smash and surf.) Put your name and what poke you can bring. If you dont have any poke...
  8. Neurotica

    PA - Power Abuser ???

    Hi guys, today I had a problem, and I decided to start a topic. I was hunting in saffari, Scyther respawn ... Someone with name "Eogen" come to this respawn, and i know that he can hunt with me coz "KS" is not illegal. [OK] - So after 5 minuts he said to me " Pay 200 hd and i leave " - And i...