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    Nm, chillin ;)

    Nm, chillin ;)
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    Team Rocket's New Plan is bullshit.

    Edited the OT since I was pretty pissed when I made it, and to be quite frank, the NPC "directions" are "take it to the electric island" not very useful at all. Anyway, I don't think you read it or understood what I said, I didn't randomly use it on a random place of the map, I went to the...
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    Team Rocket's New Plan is bullshit.

    Team Rocket's New Plan So, I spend 3 hours hunting ampharos looting the tails, and more than 2 hours harvesting the apricorns and mining the powders, I ask the NPC for the mission, go to the electric island, and when I use the orb on the treasure I die. Now, not only do I die (and therefore...
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    Check your PM's Birdman.

    Check your PM's Birdman.
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    Tengo Debug :/

    1) Vuelve a bajar el cliente e intenta entrar, si eso no funciona: 2) Si eso tampoco funciona: 3) Haz un post en feedback & support con imágenes y resa por que koob lo vea.
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    Jarabe regálame una hoenn box : )

    Jarabe regálame una hoenn box : )
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    Aerodactyl catch rate

    Lady Mawek's aerodactyl was gifted by the staff so it doesn't count. That only leaves Stik's aero, but a lot of people claim he got it as a gift/reward as well. I'm having some doubts about aero being catchable, it might be (extremely) hard to catch, but the game's been running for almost a...
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    If anything porygon needs hp, not a new attack.
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    Stopping For A While

    Give me my lapraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas :kappa: We'll talk whenever, your inbox is full, can't pm you.
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    Burning House Quest

    Adding a squirtle with glasses as the reward would be a way better incentive to complete the quest than a regular squirtle. The only reason to do this quest right now is pure boredom because of having literally nothing else to complete (hence why i did it).
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    About Fossil Pokemons

    Kabutops is fine, as mega drain heals it for over 1k each at high levels. Omastar has extremely good defense and high life, a good bubble blast is highly damaging too, but since it depends on luck, I could agree on adding 1 more attack to it.
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    Poke eggs as loot.

    With the current egg system in which only 2 eggs (eevee and kabuto) are valuable, this idea will be pretty useless, specially since eevee can't be found in the wild, and there's only 1 wild kabutops in the map.
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    Important well explained suggestions. Take a look!

    I thoroughly agree with the second idea, and i think the NPC should give the information in several languages (obviously english, portuguese, spanish, polish, and maybe some more), because usually starters that have never played a Tibia based game and that don't speak English have a hard time...
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    valentines event

    Maybe this will get added. ...In October.
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    More Security & Decoration to Houses

    I've always found it stupid that not a single house in this game has a bed. :|
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    [ENGLISH] Quest Promotion in PA

    Never agreed with a single vocation quest. The point of the pokemon games has always been catching all the pokemon, therefore you shouldn't be limited to train only a single type of pokemon,which will also end up being pretty useless, since probably only 1 or maybe 2 of the pokemon in your team...
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    Pokemon Training System!

    Eh, not really a good idea, and as people said, it's a pretty laborious process to implement, plus it would be too tiresome to train each individual stat for each pokemon you own.
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    Kanto gym leaders - second round

    Not sure, it can't be that good because it's not really a quest, and you don't give items in return for a reward. Maybe just add a better money reward for each gym leader you beat, since they're going to be 110 or maybe higher leveled pokemon on the second duel, maybe add a 30hd reward for...
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    Balancing fair (Bulbapedia)

    The staff won't balance based completely on bulbapedia. This change had to be done either since the start of the game, or in the very early months, but now it's too late, if they balance based on bulbapedia now, people with rare pokemon would riot after they see their 10k magmar is worse than a...
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    New NPC to duel

    Not a bad idea, it might be a little too easy with 3 fighting pokemon in your team though, even at high levels.